Simon and Izzy

Simon and Izzy had just left the institute kitchen after deciding to go on a date. They passed Jace in the hall. Simon stopped him to say hi and to ask where he was taking Clary tonight. He said the name of some place Simon had never heard of. Simon waved Jace off and caught up with Izzy by the front doors. "I was thinking Takis, is that alright with you?" Asked Simon. Izzy said yes, so they headed out. It was only a short walk to Takis. The restaurant was in the same direction as he had walked to the store earlier. When they got to the part of the sidewalk that Clary had drawn on, Izzy was smiling. Simon told her to take a few steps out on the grass so she could see all of the drawings at once. "She is really crazy talented, isn't she." Izzy said. "Yeah, I know, right? Simon and Izzy continue to walk without stepping on the chalk artwork.

At Takis
When the couple arrives at the restaurant, they are immediately seated away from other customers by the fairy waitress named Kailie. She reads out the specials from her notebook and rushs to get water's for them. Fairies have been so nervous around Shadowhunters and most downworlders since the enactment of the cold peace 2 years ago. All of the New York shadowhunters hated the cold peace. It was making it so much harder to protect the city when they can't legally ask the fae for help. Izzy was surprised to see that Kailie was still working here. Kailie came back with their drinks and took their orders. She smiled and hurried back to the kitchen. "So, besides coloring with Clary, what have you been up to the last few days? I feel like I've barely seen you." Asked Isabel. "Well, I haven't really been at the institute. I've been catching up with some friends since getting my memories back. I also saw my sister two days ago." Confessed Simon. Simon and his family had a rocky relationship after he was turned into a vampire. After Simon was made human and had his memories stolen, it was like none of the bad things ever happened. That was one of the harder things for Simon when he agreed to get his sight of the shadow world back. His sister was always supportive before the memory wipe though so Simon chose to keep a relationship with her, despite it technically not being allowed. "It was pleasant and, no, I didn't mention anything Shadowhuntery to her. We just talked about our mutual friends' band. They are doing a show Saturday night and she invited me. You are more than welcome to come with me if you wanted to," Simon said. "Is that Eric and Pete's band? Because if so I think I'll pass this time. I was only ever willing to tolerate that music because you were performing." Izzy says. "Well, thanks for the support, I guess. If I ever get another music gig, you bet I'm going to drag the whole team to see me." Promissed Simon.

After dinner, Simon and Izzy walk down the road, holding hands and swinging them back and forth. It started to sprinkle. Izzy didn't want to get too wet, so she activated her speed rune and had Simon do the same. They were able to get back to the institute in less than two minutes.
Izzy and Simon come through the doors laughing. They get to Isabel's room as quickly and quietly as they could be. Once they are in Isabel's room, they start laughing again, and Izzy thanks the angel for soundproofing. Izzy and Simon both strip out of their wet clothes, and Izzy grabs a towel for her hair. She drys her hair as much as possible and then gets into her bed. The rest of her under clothes end up on the floor. She beckons Simon over, and he takes off his underwear as well. He slides into the bed next to Izzy, and she turns out her bedside lamp.
