|| Million Lights || Jeon Wonwoo

"(Y/N)-ssi, are you free tomorrow?" He asked as his head laid on your lap. Wonwoo was your upperclassman friend who kept being by your side no matter how hard it was. He was actually the one and only boy bestfriend that you have and not to mention the only person you trust the most. 

You've been with him eversince your 1st year in college and he was in second year by that time. You both met when you joined in the Reading Society with the same books that both of you are reading at the same time. 

Then that's how you both started being with each other from time to time. He even adjusted his schedule so that he'll go home with you which was pretty unexpected because... whenever you're with him, you never felt time passing by and you enjoyed being with him. 

You stopped reading for a moment and looked in his eyes. "I'm free tomorrow, Wonwoo-ah. Why'd you asked?" You replied another question as you return on reading a book. 

"Nothing special.. It's just.." He trailed off as he adjusted his eyeglasses and lifted his gaze to you once more. You met his eyes straightly at yours and it made your heart raced like something was running after you. You didn't know why it was happening! Seriously, it's been like this ever since he once confessed that he loves someone already and then blushed right infront of you. 

'This guy, really?' your thoughts trailing again. You didn't know what's happening with you and it's weird whenever he does small gestures like that. And another thing is that IT MEANS A LOT TO YOU.

"Nothing, nevermind," He said and sighed in somewhat invisible defeat and returned on reading his book. You didn't want to overthink it but looking and stealing glances on him makes your mind race too! 

You placed your book aside, letting him just lie down on your lap and leaned on the head rest of the couch. You thought that you're just over-reacting it and you're too much about the book. On second thought, are you thiking too much about him instead? 

You mentally want to slap yourself and felt your cheeks rushed at the second question in your mind and you were afraid that you'll disturb Wonwoo from reading so you maintained outward composition of yourself.

Why are you even worrying about him!? Shouldn't you worry about yourself atleast? 

'Do you like him?' 

You took a long glance on his face and asked yourself again and again if you do. 


Your mind said. 


'Yeah, I like him. Definitely.' 

Your heart interrupted. 

"What's wrong, (Y/N)?" Wonwoo looked up at you and sat up beside you. His face saying that something was wrong with you and telling you that he was worried. 

"N-Nothing, I just spaced out," You replied and smiled a bit. You were confused at what's wrong and what's right with your heart and mind saying the opposite things at the same time. All of these was because of...


Because of Wonwoo. 

"As I was saying moments ago, are you free tomorrow night?" He asked again and this time he was looking at the cover of the bookhe was reading. His head laid a bit low but you can see that he wasn't joking about it. 

"Yeah, sure. I mean there's nothing that I'd do on a Saturday night right?" You answered. 

"Then tomorrow come to the school garden's gate. I'll be waiting," he said as he grabbed his school coat and stood up from the couch. He turned his back from you and your whole face scrunched up. 

"What are going to do in----" He walked out of the door and didn't even let you finished from talking. Like seriously? What's wrong with him now?


You did as he asked. ((You can imagine what you want to wear)) You're wearing your favorite type of clothes whenever you're with him. He like simple things and you are always simply 'you' whenever you're with him. 

"Jeon Wonwoo? Where art thou!?" You almost whispered scream. Only the lamp posts on the gate of the garden are your lights and what's worst is that the thought of him palying tricks on you wasn't impossible. 

"Aish! I knew it! He's just tricking me to come to this place!" You exclaimed a bit grumpy. You mean why would he do that at such a time, right? 

If it wasn't that you love him you wouldn't go on your own will.

'Wait-what? I like him?' You thought again and again to yourself. 

You were a bit surprised with two hands covered your eyesight and it made you panicked for a bit but when he spoke. 

"Relax yourself, it's just me," Wonwoo whispered in your ear and uncovered your eyes. You glanced on him and he was wearing his favorite checkered white and blue polo and black ripped jeans with his rubber shoes with a Jet black jacket with neon blue highlights and with no specs for the first time. 

"I-I thought it was someone else," You stammered still in a bit of a shock when he did that. 

Wonwoo saw your reaction and quickly reached and took your hand in his. "I'm sorry... I wouldn't do it again, please forgive me..." With his all sincerity he said and placed a bliss at the back of your hand. Your whole being just froze and your face blushed in a bright pink at his gesture. 

'Seriously this guy...' You wondered. 

"N-No it's okay, don't worry," You smiled so he wouldn't be so down. His face was a bit worried still but with your smile, his lips smiled back and nodded. 

"So what are we going to do here?" You asked him. He then took out a handkerchief and covered your eyes. At first you were anxious at this but with his words saying not to be afraid, he's there for you and he'll be there no matter what happens; makes you at ease. 

He held your hand again and this time he entwined it firmly in yours and you did the same. 

"Never let it go, okay?" He said and started to walk. You didn't said any word when you started to take your steps. It fell quiet but somehow you feel comfortable with it. 

"(Y/N), do you remember the first time we met?" He's voice asked. 

You nodded and said yes with a smile on your face. 

"I'm sorry if I somehow almost glomped on you that time," He chuckled and you swear your heart suddenly raced when he did that. 

"You were very excited by that time Wonwoo-oppa," It was the first time you called him 'Oppa' and it made you stop in your tracks for he had stopped too. 

You were worried you said somethign wrong in calling him oppa. He suddenly let go of your hand and you froze at the sudden feeling of being alone in the middle of nowhere. 

"W-Wonwoo...?" You asked as your lips tremble in fear and shiver. 

Then suddenly, your gaze became clear and bright lights up above appeared right before you. Wonwoo took off the cover on your face and stood beside you with a very gleeful smile plastered across his face. 

Thousands of golden white lights hang on the trees right above the both of you and fireflies dancing in the middle. The path has never been so beautiful that it almost made you cry at the scene before you. 

Wonwoo took your hand again and walked along side with you. 


"Wonwoo, Did you do all these?" You asked and took a long gaze on him while walking slowly, taking everything that's right before you. 

He nodded and smiled shyly at you. Your heart leaped again and again and it was like the feeling of being the luckiest girl in the world for having someone do this surprise for you. 

You looked around and you can't describe your feeling and you couldn't even explain anything. 

That's when you suddenly realized that you were still with him and it made you embarrassed to make him see that childish side of you. He chuckled and smiled again. It was like you're both in a fairytale. His the prince and you're his--

"This is the third anniversary that we met... My princess," He suddenly said. Your eyelids shot open at surprise and your whole being felt like melting but you were frozen. The whole you suddenly became warm and it was all because of him..

"I-I..." You couldn't move your lips but he then again spoke. 

"Y/N-chan.. I've been longing to ask you this," He took both of your hands inside of his and looked at them with a nervous smile. 

"I know we've known each other for 3 years and so. Its just... I don't know how it started but..." He trailed off.  He stopped for a moment and looked directly in your eyes with a very loving gaze. 

You couldn't explain what's happening. Your heart was rushing, your mind was all jumbled up and everything just seemed to rotate aroung him and you only. 

"Y/N-chan... I can never be the perfect knight in shining armor like in the fairytales that we've read and talked about. I can never be the perfect boy wherein the world will always agree with us... But... I will do everything as your knight to protect you for as long as eternity knows," He said as he leaned closer towards you a bit and you couldn't help but tears form in your eyes. 

'God, please... Let me have this guy for whole eternity...' You silently prayed as your heart and mind came to its final decision. 

He knelt right before you with your hand supportedly raised and held by his hand and his eyes still intact with yours like there will be no tomorrow to come. 

"Will you be my one and only Wendy in this world full of Tinker bell?" He asked so cheesy but very sincere and you knew that his whole heart meant it. With his love-filled smile and even his whole being seemingly like shinign brightly as it could, you nodded and tears fell. 

"I do.. I really love you..." You finally admitted and his eyes shot open at your response and he suddenly carried you by your waist and raised you high a bit. 

He couldn't explain his happiness and you too. 

"So.. is this the start of our own fairytale?" You asked with a cheeky smile on your face, leaning your head against his, forehead to forehead and not even an inch apart. 

"This is the start of our own book, jagi-ah," He said and the sound of 'Jagi-ah' by his made everything feel so true, so surreal but all in all it was all in reality. It was him and it was you. 

And this is the start of your own story, as both of you seal it with a kiss.
