Chapter 22|| Nekoma

Kenma POV
Kelsi and I were walking to the car "Can I drive" he asked "Do you have a license" "Do you have a license" he asked "Yes actually" we got in the car and I drove home. I opened the door "This is where you'll be staying. This is my house please don't touch anything" he nodded and walked in sitting on the couch. I took off my shoes and my phone started ringing "Hello" "Hey Kenma I'm sorry to bother but I have a favor to ask. Can I pleas stay with you until Bokuto gets back. It sounds stupid but I kinda don't wanna be alone" "Oh of course I understand how you feel. You can come whenever " "Thanks I'll be there" I hung up and sighed "What's wrong" I looked over "I'm fine" "No you aren't. Is it Kurro you've been pretty upset since he called" I walked over and sat down "Nothing you need to worry about. I guess it's been awhile since we've been apart. I kinda feel like somethings missing" Kelsi smiled "Well I'm not Kurro but I can try my best to fill that missing spot" "Thanks" I stood up and stretched "Come on" I said walking upstairs "Why do I have to follow you" he said getting up and following me "You can't just sit still I've heard you have a habit of running off so that's why" he grabbed my hand "I wouldn't leave if you wouldn't want me to" he said looking down. I blushed and pulled my hand away "I-I don't really care. I'm just following Sugas direction" he nodded as I entered my room. He followed me in "You have a really big house" "Not really it's only three bedroom but no one uses them" I say walking into the bathroom. I closed the door and got in the shower. I hurried and got out. I put my clothes on and opened the door. Kelsi was lying down on the bed asleep "Kelsi wake up you can't sleep here" I guess Suga was right he was out cold. I sighed and walked downstairs. I sat on the couch and dozed off. Suddenly someone knocked on the door . I stood up and walked over looking out the peephole "Oh" I opened the door "Hey Akaashi. You can stay in either of the rooms upstairs. I'm gonna take a nap" I yawned walking upstairs and going into the room. I just lied down on the opposite side of the bed pretty far from Kelsi and wrapped the blanket around me before falling asleep.

Kelsi POV
I opened my eyes and looked at the time. It was around 12. I turned to see Kenma fast asleep. He looked sad almost. I got up and went to the kitchen to grab something to drink. I grabbed a pop and looked for a straw. I can't drink out of a can without a straw. I started drinking once I found the straw. I was looking around when I saw this big knife. It reminded me of something I just couldn't figure it out. I picked it up and looked at it "What are you doing" I turned around "What are you doing here" "Kenma said I could stay" he said. It was Akaashi "I was getting something to drink" "With a knife" I put the knife back and walked out "I think we should keep our distance" I said walking back upstairs. I went back to Kenma's room and lied down. I sighed "He must have been scared of me. I know I'm strange but..." I looked at Kenma "You don't think of me differently like everyone else do you" of course there was no response. I wrapped my arms around him "Please don't go" I closed my eyes as I dozed off and fell asleep.

Kenma POV
I feel warm. Not to warm but just right. It was hard to explain. Maybe I had died and was in between heaven and hell or I was just sleeping really well. Is it Kurro? No he's gone then... I slowly opened my eyes to see Kelsi. He held me tightly. I looked at the time when there was a knock "Kenma are you up" "Y-yea" I yelled back "Ok I'm heading out first" "Ok" I listened as his footsteps faded "Kelsi wake up" he groaned but was still asleep "Kelsi wake up we have to go" he started to open his eyes "Oh Kenma it's you. Wait" It took him long enough but once he realized what position we were in he sat up "I'm sorry if you were uncomfortable you just looked so cold last night I didn't mean to doze off" I got up and grabbed my phone "It's fine but you don't need to do that" just then I got a call. I looked at Kelsi "Hey Kurro" I  walked in the bathroom "Hey I was just calling to tell you we made it. What's going on" "I just woke up I'm getting ready now. You should head to bed. It's like 3 am there" "Yea but I couldn't stop thinking about you" I chuckled and rolled my eyes "Yea right you never think about me. What's the real reason you called" "I'm telling the truth and also what's Kelsi been up to" "He's fine. You really don't need to worry. Kelsi listens to me and likes me so we'll be fine" "That's what's been bothering me. I'll call you tomorrow love you bye" he hung up. He was probably super tired but what did he mean by that's what's bothering him. I brushed my teeth and washed my face. I then walked out. Kelsi was still sitting on the bed but his eyes were closed. I walked up to him "Kelsi are you alright" he opened his eyes "I'm sorry I must have dozed off" he stood up and walked out. Kelsi is very different I really don't know what to do when he's being so obvious to the point where it's kinda sad.

Me being sad cuz I kinda want it to happen. Is it just me or when I write my story does anyone else feel like a reader. Let me know bye
