Chapter 15|| Fukurodani

Akaashi POV
Kenma and I had picked up this new guy. He was very strange but he seemed to like Kenma. He doesn't like me though. When we were outside waiting while Kenma and Suga talked he was very distant. We were all sitting with Kenma while he did what he always does. Kelsi was sleeping. Guess he was really tired "Akaashi Suga needs you to do a quick run" "Oh do you think you'll be alright alone" "Yea it's just a quick snipe mission. It won't take long" I nodded and walked out.

Bokuto POV
"Ughhh" I groaned "Your such a child" "Thank you" he rolled his eyes "You know what we were probably the last to get picked for each other" he nodded "Yea we are far from a perfect match" I laughed "I could be with Kurro or worst Kenma" "Why would Kenma be worst" I awkwardly smiled "He doesn't exactly like me. He thinks I'm to loud I am loud but I didn't think I was that bad" he looked at his phone "I'm sorry to hear that" I looked at my phone also "Oh shoot" I said "What?" "There's a new guy" Iwa jumped up and walked over to where I was seated "No way we've never gotten a new guy" I know I looked up at him "What the hell is Suga thinking" I looked back at the phone and saw another message from Akaashi "A psychopath like an actual medically diagnosed psychopath" I thought for a moment "Why didn't Suga say anything" "Let's not worry about it he'll tell us eventually" he sat down. We did work for the day and then left once I got home I saw that Akaashi was already home "Your here early" I said walking over and hugging him "I had a job so I came home early" "You left Kenma alone with that psychopath" he rolled his eyes "Kelsi isn't that bad" "He kills people" "So do you but I don't judge you. Besides Kelsi seems different towards Kenma" I sat on the couch "Different?" He walked over and sat next to me "I dont know he definitely looks at us like two different people. I don't think he likes me but I don't mind" "He doesn't like you huh. Well when you die I'll know who to look at" he rolled his eyes

Akaashi POV
There he goes again being dramatic. I stood up "I'm going to bed" he got up after me "What don't tell me your upset" "No I'm not I'm just tired. I already showered so the bathroom is all yours. Goodnight" I walked up the stairs and he followed. I went into the room and lied down while Bokuto went into the bathroom. After while he came out and lied down next to me "I wish this stupid partner thing was over" he said facing me "I kinda like it. Kenma is so much better than you" he made upset face "How so" "He's quiet like to quiet. We talk and seem to get along and he's just all out a nice person" "Kenma is far from a nice person and I'm not that loud and we get along just fine" "...I'm going to bed" "What I'm not that loud sometimes I need to be loud" "Goodnight" I rolled over and closed my eyes falling asleep

I can't bro I just love Bokuto so much. He's my big baby like ughhhhh me and Akaashi gone have to go to war for that one. Thank you for reading bye
