chapter 8

OK this is a time skip were they're at the doctor all ready

Will POV
"It was finally time to give birth to our baby" I told myself as I kept pushing, while I held dipper's hand.
"Its coming" the doctor yelled and kept saying.
"You've done it" she says as she prepared the baby and gave it to me and Dipper looked at it with a smile.
"Just one more of them and you'll be done" the doctor reminds us as she lies a baby on a small bed thing.
As I did as last time it didn't take as long since I knew what to do.
"Just one more hard push" she tells me with encouragement.
It finally came she prepared it also and gave both of them to me.

I held the to twins on each arm, the first one born was a boy and the other was a girl.
"Well everything should be fin with them so tomorrow you two can take them home" the doctor interrupts.
"Th-thank you" I tell her politely, but Dipper didn't take his eyes of them.

    *8 years later*

"Haha can't can't catch up with me" Madison told Wallie as they played Mario cart on the TV.
"Oh yeah watch me" he said determined.
"Why to watch you fail" she said sticking her tongue at him.
"Heh" Dipper gave a small laugh as we sat on the couch snuggling together under a blanket as they sat on the floor.
"Daddy she being a butthole" Wallie wined to me.
"Father he's being a sore loser" Madison then wined to Dipper.
We just laughed at there complaints, they huffed and went back to playing.

Madison had mostly brown hair with one long blue stripe in it she was born like that and Wallie had mostly blue hair except a long brown stripe in it like Madison's but on the opposite side.

"Alright you too need to get some rest for school tomorrow" Dipper informed them.
"Aww can we please finish the game" Madison whined.
"Yeah father isn't that a fair deal" wallie asked trying to make a yellow flame appear from his hand since they both had some true magic from me, he failed it let out before he could shake Dipper's hand.
"Ha let me show you, its so easy" Madison volunteers and makes a small yellow flame appear from her hand and goes to shake Dipper's hand.
"I would but you two are already done with the game" he says pointing to the finished game.
"Aw" the twins both huffed.
"Now get to bed" Dipper told them pointing to the hall were they shared a bedroom.
Madison made a upset face at him and Wallie knew to listen and went on finally after Dipper and Madison had a staring contest she crossed her arms and walked into the bedroom.
"You can tell Madison is yours" I tell Dipper as we go into our bedroom"
"Well Wallie reminds me of you from the beginning" he then replies.
"Beginning of what" I ask confused.
"Beginning of when you know Stan brought you" he said upset.
It goes silent as we get onto the bed.
"But we all make mistakes and its alright" I say in a comforting voice.
"Yeah, that's true"he says and we just both try to forget about the awkwardness.
" Mondays are the worst" Dipper sighs and raps up in the blanket, I snuggled up to his chest and he rubbed my back until he ran out of strength and quickly fell asleep, and I did the same.

------------------------- wow I hope y'all really enjoyed this fan fiction and maybe check out my other stories :)
