chapter 1

               Will's POV
Cleaning Mabel and Dipper's room isn't so bad as son of the other stuff I have to do, like watering the garden in boiling heat outside I say to myself as I pick up her phone, not then I hear feet walking upstairs where I was and it startled me and made drop her phone.
Oh shit I thought to myself as I picked it up and the phone  had a huge crack on it and the plastic side on the phone chipped off. I could feel my heart raising so fast, my fear sky high.
"Will is that my phone" I hear Mabel ask me standing right behind me.
"Master, I didn't mean too it was an accident" I tried to explain with fear in my voice.
"Hand it over" she demanded.
I gave her the phone with my hand shaking.
"I think you should feel the pain this phone did" she says to me.
"Please don't I won't do it again" I begged her.
"I know you  won't" now get ready pathetic" she tells me, as she grabs her amulet and I get thrown on the floor on top of my stomach.
"Now let's see how far your ankle can go before it breaks" she says.
Suddenly my ankle starts bending back until it started to hurt and it kept going back, tears were  going down my face and hitting the floor. The pain started to get excruciating I knew by now it was broke. Finally she stopped and stepped over to me were I lied, and moved my foot.
"Ah stop please master" I begged to her.
She stopped for a few seconds and then bent of so fast and far and stopped.
"Now let's do the part were its cracked" she says as she pikes the whip off her bed and then I feel a huge whip hit my back the sting was excruciating. Then we both heard Dipper's voice say something.
"Will" he called out.
"I'm busy with him" Mabel says back and hits me with the whip again.
"Well hurry it up" he says back.
'Ugh fine" she says back and hits me with the whip again.
               Dipper's POV
I don't know why but some reason I have this bad feeling when tottering Will, it didn't bother me with the stupid Gideon and Pacifica and those other people I killed, but I knew I couldn't tell him or Mabel she would think I'm gay, bit wait what if I am, no stop your a Gleeful that would be gross and stupid besides sooner or later Wendy will fall for me even of it means killing her boyfriend Robbie I though to myself.
"Sir did you need me" I hear Will's voice ask standing in front of me.
"Yes I did and still do clean the dishes their pilling up" I tell him.
"Yes master" he says as he turns around and then I notice that he was walking odd, like his left ankle was broke or sprang.
"What are you  doing" I ask.
"Oh um well my ankle his broke" he answers
"Oh well go do the dishes and don't fall and break them" I try to say like I don't care so he wouldn't tell I do care. As he walks into the kitchen I hear my sisters heals walking over to me.
"That should teach him for breaking my phone" she says, and sits down.
"So what were you doing" she asks me.
"Just getting some hair gel" I answer.
"Boring" she says.
"So its just like you" I reply.
"Fuck you" she says angered at me.
              Will's POV
As I finished cleaning the dishes I went to grab a towel to dry them off and saw I couldn't just reach them I would have to walk over to it, I got ready to feel the pain as I walked over to get the towel. As the pain went through my ankle I grabbed the towel and stepped back to the sink were the clean dishes were and went to drying them trying to forget the agony in my right ankle.
              Dipper's POV
"I'm going to buy some make-up I'm guessing since you just went you'll be staying" I hear my sister say which made me look up from my phone.
"Indeed" I answer.
"Well then see you whenever have fun with the cry baby" she says as she gets up and walks out the door.
As I here the door close I wonder if I should or shouldn't help Will with his ankle.
     Will's POV
As I went to put the dish that I finished drying up I stepped to the shelf and nearly fell but used my float to keep me up even knowing that I wasn't allowed to use my powers, but if I didn't I would have fell and broke the dish. As I got back on my feet and put the plate up I heard Dipper's voice say my name.
"Will" he said in a calm voice.
"Yes master" I asked turning around facing him, as I worried he saw me float.
"Come set down on the couch" he commanded me.
"Yes sir" I say as I go to walking crippling on my right ankle.
He walked over to me grabbed my right arm and put it around his neck.
"Now lets go" he tells me as he helps me to the couch.
I wonder what's going on and wonder if its some kind of mean trick but then I was at the couch as I sat down I let go of his neck and he sat on the other end of the couch and piked up my right leg as my ankle sat on his lap, and grabbed his amulet. My fear and curiosity was very high.
As my ankle starts to feel better and less painful it starts feeling healed and he lets go of his amulet.
"Don't tell Mabel" he says as he looks at me with a smile, the smile was a calm smile and not a scary smile.
"Yes sir thank you so much" I say as I put my foot down on the floor.
As we both sat there for a few moments it was pure silent.
"Well I'll go finish putting up the dishes" I say as I stand up.
"Stay, you deserve a break" he says and grabs my wrist.
"Um OK thank you master" I say.
"Now sit back down" he tells me, and I do.
Once I sit down he puts his hand on top of mine and tickles my wrist with his finger and makes me chuckle.
"Ticklish" he asks with a smile across his face.
"Yeah" I answer.
He starts slowly rubbing his finger up my arm making me laugh and when he got to my shoulder he went down and I kept laughing until I snorted and he stopped and looked at me and then chuckled and we both kindly laughed.
"Sorry about all those times I or my sister caused you pain to honest I always had this bad feeling when u did and it was only to you I didn't get the feeling when I did it to other people" he tells me.
"It's fine besides it wasn't sorta like this when I was a young demon" I say to him forgiving him.
"Why do you say that" he asks me.
"Well I have a twin brother that liked to torment me with violence it was his way of fun" I tell Dipper.
"Oh um I didn't know demons had families" he says surprised.
"Ha of course we do but there's a lot you don't know about me" I say.
"Well there's something you don't know about me" he tells me.
"That's probably true" I say.
He looks at me with a kinda worried look and then pulled me into a kiss. I was so surprised but then kissed him back. He let me go and the kiss ended we both stared into each others eyes as I was so surprised but happy and proud.
                Dipper's POV 
I couldn't believe I did that but it was pleasing I could see he was surprised but also looked happy.
It was pure silent as we both looked at each other until we heard the door open and Mabel looked at both of us.
"What the hell is going on" she asked angry.
As I tried to think of something to tell her I could feel Will shaking from fear.
"Will was cleaning the couch" I answer calmly.
"Don't look like it" she quickly snapped back.
"He was thou" I reply back.
"Then what is he doing now" she asks.
"He was about to get up and finish the dishes until you barged in" I tell her.
"She rolled her eyes and went to walking over to the couch and flicked Will on top of the head.
"Go finish the damn dishes idiot" she tells him as she walks up the stairs.
As will gets up and goes to the kitchen I seen that his ankle was healed since he walked on it normally.
