Third Wheel

8:47 AM

Today was the official start of the spring season. Taehyung couldn't suppress his happiness now that winter was over. You can almost hear the birds chirping on the tree across the window. He took a glance at the window and saw the frost melting on the ground which delighted him because he likes the thought of going out without his winter parka on. No more winter coats, boots and heat packs.  Oh, and curse that white beanie hat Jungkook always wore! 'So long my friend! See you on the next four months! I won't miss you! HAHAHA!' he grins at the thought

On the second thought, it seems that wearing only his husband's shirt after what happened last night has its own effect on Taehyung, no doubt about that. Looking at his own reflection in the mirror, he couldn't help but think how this white shirt fit perfectly to Jungkook's muscular frame which in comparison to Taehyung looks like he's wearing a dress because of his slender figure. 'Take a look at these damn baby fats. Ugh.' He muttered in disgust while slightly pinching his stomach.

He soon walks around the hallway. Thinking on what to cook for his own breakfast he swiftly heads to the kitchen to prepare a simple meal.

'Come on over, come on over baby..' He began humming, channeling his own Christina Aguilera swaying his hips while dancing to the tune in his head.

The brunette happily walks in the kitchen and swiftly eyes on the coffee machine and found a note..

Breakfast is in the oven.. also brewed some coffee before leaving.

I didn't want to wake you up. See you after work. Love you, Tae.


'So thoughtful of you, my dear.' He began to speak to himself, amused that his husband prepared something for him which is typically the usual sequence for this couples after sex during weekdays.

Jungkook starts to leave the house at around 6 in the morning to work while Taehyung leaves in the latter.

Pouring himself a cup while adding a bunch of sugars and cream on it, he manages to sit on the bar stool at the kitchen counter.  For once in his life he had managed to get some time for himself to ponder a lot of things.

'Things that should be done and left behind.' he muses

Sighing at a cup of warm coffee in his hand, he began to think about what the life he has when he first met his husband.

'Oh. Those were the great old times.' He muses himself, gently taking a sip to his coffee

He recalled the moment when they first met, his initial impression to the man was like a typical chick flick where girls swoon over the guy for the undying fact that he's undeniably cute. Bunny teeth and puppy eyes. The way he stares at you makes you want to melt. It was mesmerizing. Well above all, he heard he's one of the top students whose name always comes in the dean's roster. He has everything; money, looks and brains. They've met in the university when his teammates collaborated with the business students for their new store layout. He was a senior studying interior design at that time.

Well no...that's not just it.

Actually it was the arranged marriage that had brought them together. Mr. Kim and Mr. Jeon were best friends since childhood who eventually turned out to build an empire in the business world conquering Korea's telecommunications and hotel industry.  When they both knew that their wives will be giving birth on the same year, both had an idea that in order to stay longer and on top of their respective businesses, their companies need to merge. With friendship and the future success of their businesses in mind, both had the intention to marry off their wives' first born child.

What they didn't expect was that both were expecting sons.


Jungkook was the first one who got furious about it. He had expressed a serious dislike in Taehyung. Calling him unreasonable about Jimin's feelings once he found out about it. He began calling Taehyung profanities and blaming his parents for this unrealistic and idiotic plan to merge both companies. Taehyung, on the other hand was just too shocked to process the thought that he would be marrying his best friend's lover.

''Why aren't you saying anything, dumbass?'' Jungkook glared at him, eyes telling that he was partly to blame for the situation

''I..I... uhh'' he fidgets, unable to comprehend on the younger's accusing tone

The thought of it made him blanked out. His lips were quivering with lots of thoughts in mind. He just can't ruin their relationship, can he? Speak Taehyung, speak! You can't just let him talk down on you!

''I.. I understand.. Sorr.. rry..'' he forcefully muttered

'Is that how the way you talk to you future wife? Jungkook-ah, I'm terribly disappointed.' countered Mrs. Jeon

"But this son of a-!"


Before Jungkook could argue and unleash all of his rage on Taehyung, all eyes in the hall were glued to the brunette. He was trembling for what he had done. What will he say to his parents? Everyone in the room saw how hard he slapped the guy. He didn't expect that his reflex would react like this, but somehow he was grateful about it. "Do you think I also want this to happen!?" he boldly said to the young one. Somehow he was gaining confidence on his sudden action.

Everyone can sense the tension building inside the room. The wives could feel it as they exchange sympathetic glances. Truth to be told, they felt sorry for their kids. They always questioned why they have to be the one who needs to suffer because of the deal their husbands made when they were younger.

But Mrs. Jeon didn't care as she instantly fell a liking to Taehyung as a son. 'Interesting' she thought as is son immediately snapped out of his rage a while ago after Taehyung gave him a lesson.  

"Mr. & Mrs. Kim, Mom & Dad, could you excuse us for a second? I just need to speak with him privately." Jungkook said, not minding the bruise the brunette left on his cheek as he dragged him outside of the room.

"What a polite kid. Plus one point." said happily by Mr. Kim, Jungkook's parents just laughed

Closing the door, the raven haired boy just sighed in frustration. Glancing and taking a good look at the brunette from head to toe, he knew this is something he can't handle alone. For all intents and purposes, Christ Almighty.. he love Jimin. His whole world revolve around that guy. And Taehyung? He just met and worked with him on the school project and didn't even knew personally that he was Jimin's best friend not too long ago. Yeah, his boyfriend talked about his bestfriend quite a lot but he didn't imagined he would meet him again at this tight situation. Jimin told him he's incredibly shy in person and instructed him to be calm when talking to him. He asked Jimin if does he have a heart problem or other health issues but he just said: 'You'll know why later on'.

On the other hand, Taehyung was worried and angry at the 'jerk' at the same time. He expressed worry about what he had done to Jungkook only to be met by the younger's intense stare.

"Listen closely as I won't repeat it again." he's trying to gain composure by toning down his voice "You know that what we're doing right now doesn't make any sense but let's just carry what our parent's had planned." he calmly told the brunette

"Sorry about what happened a while ago. Does it hurt?" Taehyung inquired, feeling sorry for what he had done to his beautiful face

"Don't even mention it. It's nothing. Once our parents were convinced about this whole joke of a marriage and my claim for the inheritance matures, we're getting a divorce and I'll ask Jimin's hand for marriage." he said flatly. "Don't worry, I'll give you your fair share of the money because you helped me in the process" he said bluntly, not minding the bruise on his left cheek like it was just a scratch

'Could it be any sooner?' Taheyung thought as he was dragged around by Jungkook's hand inside the hall where their parents were.

"Mom, we made up. We're doing this." Jungkook told them confidently and everyone in the room were joyed about the sudden revelation the younger Jeon had made.

"I admire your tenacity, boy." Mrs. Kim congratulated the raven haired man

"Good job, son. Welcome to our family." Mr. Kim nodded gleefuly, hugging Jungkook like there's no tomorrow

On the day of their wedding, no one aside from their close friends and relatives were there. It was a private event. Jimin immediately broke off their relationship, not impressed on how things turned out for him and Jungkook. He was blaming Jungkook's lack of interest in their relationship which in the end left the raven haired guy broken. Eventually, I guess their love for each other didn't withstood the time because three weeks before the wedding, Jimin already had his new boy toy. Taehyung on the other hand  felt bad for what happened between the two. Like he was the block that hindered their relationship to progress. If only he could turn back time he wouldn't agree on what their parents dictate on them.

"No need to worry, Tae Tae. I'm just pulling his strings." Jimin told him as he walk off the church, smiling widely as usual "I wanna go but it might be too awkward for him if I attend your wedding. Talk to ya later!" he assured the brunette

Finally taking the last sip of his coffee, he shot a glance at the camera beside the table which he took with him yesterday. Carefully browsing the recent images he took the night before Jungkook claimed him on their bed, he smiled bitterly on the picture he caught. Apparently, the spy got caught red handed. He obviously had no match for him. He wouldn't doubt they look good together.

You know why?

Because right in front of the display screen was the picture of his best friend and his husband kissing passionately in broad daylight.

And for the first time in his life, Taehyung didn't exactly know what to feel.

RING! RING! RING! a loud noise came from Taehyung's phone, it read an unknown caller ID.

"Hello? Yah! Taehyung-ah! This is hyung! I changed my number when I moved overseas. Just checking up on you. How are you feeling?" said the mysterious man on the line.

"Empty." he replied, a lone tear escaped his eye
