Part 6 Shinso's Adventures

Part 6

The principal had called Shinso into his office early Monday morning, before classes.

"A few weeks ago there was an unfortunate situation that left a spot in class 1A open," Nezu said. "And with much discussion, and after the sports festival, the staff and I feel like you are the most deserving of this spot."

"Didn't the last kid... die?" Shinso asked. "That's a little insensitive don't you think?" Shinso had not heard all the details but he did know that the kid who had died was a perv who ended up dying because he was distracted by... a body part... of a girl. So though it was slightly inappropriate to replace him Shinso didn't exactly care.

"I see your concern and if that is what is stopping you from taking the spot I understand." Nezu said, "but this is a very important class to be a part of, you will learn more about hero work there than in general studies."

He had a point. "Ok, I'll take the spot," (he's not throwing away his shot... ok sorry)he said, trying not to sound a little excited.

"Great, you're starting today! Go to the class and Mr. Aizawa will introduce you," Nezu told Shinso. He was shooed out of the office and another kid walked in.

He stopped by his old class to tell his teacher what was going on but he already knew so that was a short conversation. By the time he made it to class 1A, it was time to start class. Mr. Aizawa called him into the class.

'Ok just breathed' he thought to himself "I'm Hitoshi Shinso, I'm transferring from class 1C," he told his new class before going to sit in the empty seat he could only assume was Minetas old spot.

The whole class he either stared out the window or at a yellow hairs boy who sat near the front of the class. He confused Shinso, to him the boy gave off the smell of a Beta but seemed to have the attitude of an Omega. Though it wasn't uncommon, it was still confusing.

When they got back to the dorms after school Shinso had to set up his room, luckily he didn't have a lot of stuff.

"Hey, Shinso, do you need any help?" A green-haired boy who Shinso remembered as Midoriya from the sports festival.

"Uh ya sure," he said. Midoriya picked up a box and followed Shinso up to the third floor. "Your class is so... rambunctious," Shinso said when he got to his room at the end of the hall.

"That's a nice way of putting it, but isn't it great?" Midoriya said, "it's never boring!"

"Ya I guess," he said, setting down a box on his bed before going back down to get another box.

"Oh so tonight we're having a game night, are you going to join?" Midoriya asked happily.

"I'll probably just watch, I'd rather not ruin the mood of my first night here." There may be another reason he wanted to just sit out but he didn't want to admit it.

"If you insist, you can always join in," Midoriya said. They both picked up another box.

"What game do you think you guys will play?" He asked trying not to let there be an awkward silence.

"Probably like truth or dare, maybe two truths one lie." They placed the boxes in the room and went back downstairs to grab the last two boxes.

There was an awkward silence as they continued up the stairs to the third floor and headed back down to see what everyone else was doing.

"Hey, we're about to start a game of truth or dare, want to join?" Jiro asked sitting on the couch beside Sero.

"I'll join you!" Midoriya said going over to sit on the floor beside Todoroki who he was actually quite surprised was going to play.

"I'll just watch," Shinso said, sitting on the outside of the circle.

Everyone had gathered in a circle and were just waiting for Kaminari and Mina. "Anyone want to hear a joke?" Koda asked some nodded so he continued "What happens to a frog's truck when it breaks down?"

"Be careful what you say next Koda" Asu said jokingly

"It gets toad away," Koda finished. (Every time I read that I laugh so hard I cry😂😂)Some laughed a few sighed and Bakugo, who had been dragged there by Kirishima, couldn't care less.

"Ok! Let the games begin!" Mina said, flopping down on one of the empty chairs beside Sero. "Kirishima truth or dare?" She started right away.

"Umm truth," he said.

"Cheapskate," she said jokingly under her breath "ok, biggest turn on?" She asked. No shame at all. Shinso slightly choked on air when he heard this. The rest of the class wasn't very surprised.

"Mina no, that is inappropriate to ask," Iida said, doing his signature hand-chopping motion.

"Fine," she said with a sigh "ok then the famous question, do you have a crush on anyone?"

Shinso wouldn't admit it but he was curious, he wanted to know as much as he could about his new classmates.

There was a long enough silence that Mina and a few of the other girls were able to conclude that he did in fact have a crush on someone.

"Oh my god, who is it?" She asked excitedly.

"What? I- I don't have a crush!" Kirishima's face almost matched his hair. "Sato? Truth or dare?" He said, trying to change the subject. This only made Mina more suspicious.

"Dare," he answered.

"Bake something for us, I'm hungry and dinner is still a few hours away," Shinso and a few others chuckled at the dare.

"Ya sure," he said getting up to go bake something, "but first Yamomo, truth or dare?" He asked.

"I'll go with truth," she said.

"Tell us something none of us know about you," he said before hopping over to the kitchen.

"Oh, umm," she said trying to think of something "I guess... I may also... possibly like someone... in more than just a friendly way," the class 'ooh'd and a few sniggered. Yaoyorozu tried to hide behind her hair as a blush started to form on her cheeks.

So this is class 1A... Shinso didn't know what to expect but this, playing truth or dare, was not it. It was, in a weird way, kinda relaxing though.

As the game went on Momo and Jiro went to go work on homework, and Bakugo had talked his way out of playing any longer.

Shinso noticed Kaminari leave with no explanation and not come back for almost 15 minutes. He wanted to go see if he was ok but they didn't know each other enough for that.

Shinso though Kaminari acted strangely for a Beta. From what he had seen Kaminari showed more Omegin traits. But Shinso knew some Betas who acted similar to Omegas so it wasn't completely off the table.

Though Shinso wouldn't admit to it, he did kinda maybe sorta hope that Kaminari was actually an Omega, but why would he lie about his second gender?

(Ay!! Shinso got a chapter finally!! Finally, the fun can begin! I hope you guys like the story and as always feel free to comment any constructive criticism just please nothing mean!! Ttyl!)
