Part 31 You Want To Talk About It?

Shinso wasn't able to talk to Kaminari the rest of the camp. There were no possible openings, and it didn't help that all his friends were on Kaminari's side and helping him avoid Shinso.

On the last day of camp, Shinso sat alone again at dinner. He was exhausted from training and also trying to talk with his... well now ex-boyfriend.

Shinso lay his head on the table and sucked in a long breath closing his eyes for a moment. He missed being able to talk with Kaminari.

"Alone again," someone said sliding into the table across from Shinso. Shinso looked up to see the one person he did not want to see, Monoma.

"Just fuck off," Shinso said agitatedly.

"Aww don't talk like that," Monoma said with a small smirk. "You looked lonely, be happy I decided to sit with you."

"Well, I never asked you to sit with me!" Shinso said raising his voice some. He hadn't noticed but it had gained some of his classmate's attention. "You've ruined enough of my life already!" Shinso got up and left the lunch hall.

Shinso felt like punching something and screaming. He walked up to the first tree he was and punched it as hard as he could, not caring that it was going to hurt. "Stupid," he said punching it again. "Stupid stupid stupid." Shinso rested his head on the tree. "So fucking stupid."

"What'd the tree ever do to you?" Someone said from behind him with a sort of stiff laugh. Shinso turned to see a green-haired omega. Midoriya gave him a small smile. "Are you ok?" He asked tilting his head a little. "You seemed upset in there."

Shinso sighed and sat at the base of the tree. "It's complicated," he said with another small sigh and resting his head on his knees.

Midoriya sat beside him, "do you want to talk about it?" He asked. "I don't mind listening."

Shinso lent his head back to rest on the tree. "Kaminari broke up with me," Shinso started. Midoriya looked a little shocked but waited for more information. "Near the beginning of camp Monoma had asked to talk with me in private and he brainwashed me to kiss him, Kaminari saw and thinks I was cheating on him and I've been trying to find time to explain what happened but he's avoiding me. And on top of that Monoma's been trying to get all buddy-buddy with me and I just-" he took in a deep breath. "I don't know."

"Why would Monoma make you kiss him?" Midoriya asked. Shinso was happy at least someone believed him.

"I don't know, he said something about taking our class down a peg."

Midoriya was quiet for a moment. "And Kaminari won't talk to you?" He asked.

"No," Shinso said with yet another sigh. "I just really want things to go back to normal, I don't like not being around him," he muttered the last part.

"I don't know if it will go back to normal but if you keep trying he's going to have to listen eventually, right?"

"I admire your optimism Midoriya, but Kaminari's dead set on staying away from me and there's not much that I can do about that, he's very stubborn." Shinso looked down at his watch. "We should go back, I'm supposed to be helping with the dishes tonight," Shinso said getting up. "Thank you for listening, you're a good friend," Shinso said getting up.

He held out a hand for the omega and Midoriya took it pulling himself up. "Any time Shinso," he said. He stopped for a moment. "Maybe I can help you," Midoriya said.

"I don't see a way of you helping me," Shinso said as they began to walk back to the lunch hall.

"Well maybe I can talk to Kaminari," Midoriya said. "We're friends he'll listen to me," he said. "And if that doesn't work we always have plan b."

"Plan b?" Shinso asked confused. "And I'd rather talk to him myself, it would mean more coming from me I think."

"I'll tell you about plan b if it comes to that, see you later Shinso!" Midoriya said running off to Todoroki.

Shinso was left in confusion, what was plan b?

(One more chapter... *takes deep breath* AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH. Ok, I'm good now. The next chapters gonna be the last one and I'm so sad about it but also really happy because it's rare that I actually finish stories.)
