7 - Making Things Right

"No! No! Raphael! Come back! Please, you promised you wouldn't leave me! Raphael!"

"Shh shhhh. I'm right here angel." Aziraphale's eyes shot open and was met with two brilliant golden eyes. His own eyes filling with tears.

"...Raphael" Aziraphale murmured.

"It's okay, I'm here." The two lay on the bed, the redhead stroking his arm gently. Aziraphale's eyes furrowed in confusion.

"C... Crowley?" Crowley nodded at him. His eyes filled with worry. Aziraphale was still trying to wrap his head around the situation. Didn't he just call him Raphael?

"R.. aphael?" Crowley nodded again. The silent drops of water, falling from the Angel's face now.

"You remember?" Crowley nodded. Then Aziraphale had a thought

"You're heart! Where's..." jerking up, the angel felt dizzy and Crowley gently pushed him back down onto the bed. When Aziraphale met Crowley's eyes again, little droplets of water fell from the demon's.

"Please try not to move too much my angel," he begged. "You need to rest. You were... You were so badly injured."

"But cro..."

"It's okay, it's just there," he spoke, nodding his head towards the bedside table. Aziraphale looked over and when he saw the golden stone, he let out a breath and calmed down. Crowley specifically placed it closer to the angel so that he'd feel more comfortable when he woke. Aziraphale took his hand, brushing it along the wet patches on the demon's cheek.

"Crowley, why are you crying?" This only created more tears. He tightly wrapped his arms around the angel, being so gentle yet so firm.

"Oh my angel," he murmured. "I don't think I could bare to see you like that again. I thought you'd died. Angel, I thought you'd left me for good. You were so cold and so motionless. I thought you were gone. And... Oh my God I'm so so sorry."

"Crowley... It's not your fault."

"Of course it is! You only went through that to get my heart back. Which you wouldn't have had to do if at the very very least I listened to you that night and left before Daniel recognized me. But I should've never even put you through all of this in the first place. I shouldn't have let you get placed in the war, I shouldn't have given you that damn book,"


"I shouldn't have fallen, I shouldn't have let my memories get wiped, I shouldn't have left you alone, I shouldn't..."

"CROWLEY!" Aziraphale raised his voice, trying to get a word in over Crowley's downward spiral. Crowley just looked up at him in pain.

"Hng?" Came the unintelligent sound from the demon.

"Don't you dare apologize for any of that. Yes it did hurt. Yes I was alone. Yes I was afraid." Now the tears were falling from Aziraphale's eyes. "But through it all, you gave me so much. Freedom, life, happiness and most importantly, love. Crowley, you couldn't have stopped Gabriel from sending me into war, but you paid the price that you knew I couldn't survive. If you hadn't given me that book, I would've never been able to survive this long. If you hadn't fallen, hell would've killed me. If you hadn't had your memories wiped, I'd have never been allowed down to earth; Gabriel would've been too worried I'd find you. And my dear, if you had truly left me alone I... I really would've..." Sobs stopped the angel from speaking.

"Would've what Aziraphale?"

"I would've used it."


"Don't you see Crowley, I could just take it, right now. I could force you to do anything. No matter how horrible. I could." The angel shrivelled away, not wanting to be touched by his demon anymore. But Crowley wasn't having it. His arms wrapped tight around the angel. He placed a kiss on his temple before speaking.

"And I'd willingly do it. And I'd still love you."

"Why!?" Not letting go, the demon drew back just a little to look into his Love's eyes.

"Angel, right now, without holding it, you could ask me to do anything at all, and I'd do it for you and I'd still love you completely. No matter what it is you ask."

"You can't mean that."

"Angel, I love you and you are everything I am. There's nothing I wouldn't do for you. If you don't believe me, do it. Ask me for anything."

"Anything?" Aziraphale murmured.

"Anything." Aziraphale met his eyes longingly.

"Kiss me." Crowley smiled lightly, and without hesitation, leaned across and gently took his mouth in his own. Their love for each other flowing between their loving kiss. Aziraphale broke away, looking deeply into the serpent eyes. The angel then snuggled closer to the demon, who wrapped his arms protectively around his angel. Aziraphale took a deep breath of Crowley's scent before speaking.

"Will you be here when I wake up."

"I won't leave your side." Though the words comforted the angel into sleep, the demon meant them in a far stronger way. He wasn't ever going to leave his Angel's side again. Never.
