2 - Enochian

"Angel, come on, what're you doing?"

"I'm reading dear."

"You've been studying that book all day. Is it really that interesting?"

"Not really. I actually quite struggle to read it." This arose the demon's interest.

"Really? Why?" The thought that the angel was struggling to read was almost incomprehensible in itself.

"It's written in Enochian." The angel replied. "

You can read Enochian?" Crowley asked with a raised eyebrow. The angel scoffed a little.

"Barely. And I can't read the first or last page at all."

"Then why are you reading it?"

"It called to me."

"What do you mean?"

"The book is spelled to call out to me when it needs to be read."

"Those dreams you've been having?" Aziraphale nodded. "But you can understand it?" Crowley sounded surprised. Of course demon's can't read Enochian, that was common knowledge. It was an Enochian spell that prevented demon's from being able to retain it. But even though he knew this, he also knew that Aziraphale also shouldn't know it.

"Only just. It was a very last minute teaching."

"I thought only the higher ups were taught it?"

"They were... But one of them thought something was about to go very wrong, so he taught me Enochian and gave me this book so that I could protect myself if anything happened."

"Why didn't you use it during the apocalypse?" Crowley seemed bothered as he asked the question. Aziraphale's eyes raised from the book and met the demon's with a small smile.

"It knew I wasn't in danger, so it didn't try to help me."

"Wasn't in danger? Are you crazy? The world was going to end!"

"You have to understand my dear, that the sole purpose of this book is to protect me. This book will only ever call to me if it thinks I need protection."

"Books can't think."

"This one can."

"And it thinks you're in danger now?" Aziraphale nodded.

"It must do. It was pretty intent on me reading it."

"Do you... Know what the danger is?" Crowley felt concerned towards his angel. He hated the thought of anything threatening Aziraphale. With a shake of his head, the angel looked down.

"No. Which is why I need to study the whole book... So that I can be prepared for anything." The angel replied.

"Who gave it to you?" The angel gently shut the book, running his fingers over the cover.

"Someone who meant a lot to me in heaven." As Crowley looked closely at Aziraphale, he wondered if he was mourning this mystery angel.

"Did he..?"

"I'm afraid I'm not going to be much entertainment tonight dear," Aziraphale spoke before Crowley could finish.

"Why don't you go to bed? I'll join you soon." Crowley looked at Aziraphale concerned, but he relented, knowing that the angel just needed some time. So the demon nodded his head before he walked towards the bedroom out back, he turned back around, looking at his precious angel who was deep in thought.

"Angel?" He spoke softly. Aziraphale met his eyes. "You know I'll always protect you, right?" The angel smiled lightly.

"I do Crowley, I've never doubted it." Crowley nodded and retreated to the bedroom. Aziraphale looked down at the pattern imbedded into the book and sighed. "Even if it's at your own peril."



"Aziraphale! Come on! Where are you?" The cries were intense enough that Aziraphale could feel it radiating throughout his body.

"Raphael? What is it?" Aziraphale hurried towards the panicked archangel. He rarely saw Raphael so worried. Raphael gripped onto the other angel and pulled him close, encircling him with his arms and powerful white wings.

"Listen to me Aziraphale, I've had a vision. Things are going to change. Something is coming. Something dark. I promise you though, I'll protect you."

"Raphael..?" Aziraphale spoke, struggling with the copper stands of hair shoved in his face. The archangel backed away, just a little. His eyes glared into him. An impossible and beautiful gold that could see all the universe. "Raphael, what's coming?"

"That doesn't matter my angel, but I need you to take this." Raphael waved his hand and a dark red book appeared. Embedded on the front was a sacred image of a snake. Opening the first few pages, Aziraphale frowned.

"This is in Enochian. I... Raphael you know I can't read this."

"I know angel, and I'll teach you. But please, promise me you'll take it with you?" Aziraphale nodded.

"Raphael... You... You're not going to leave me are you?" Aziraphale's fear was snaking it's way through his body. Raphael grabbed his arms, pressing his lips to the blonde's.

"My angel, no matter what, I'll find my way back to you." The words crushed Aziraphale's soul. He knew what Raphael was hiding. He knew. Raphael was going to be taken from him. Tears fell from the Angel's face. The copper haired archangel soothed his tears and held him tightly.

"Don't leave me alone!"

"I'm sorry angel, I'm sorry."

"Swear to me. Please swear to me you'll come back." Stroking a hand through Aziraphale's hair as the Angel's face was pressed into his shoulder.

"Aziraphale, I swear, no matter what, I will find a way back to you. No matter what I have to do, I'll always come back for you."


Tears fell painfully from the Angel's eyes at the memory. The pain was overwhelming. His heart beat with acid and the tearing at his brain was enough to corrupt him then and there. And the strength it took just to remain still, let alone even considering the idea of moving, left him breathless.

"I suppose I can't fault you..." The Angel's weakened voice shook. "You did return to me." Aziraphale stood up from his chair, walking out to the back room, where he found his demon curled under the blankets. Even now, with all Raphael's memories gone, and the pain the angel faced, Aziraphale could be nothing but grateful that now, he had Crowley. Even if he couldn't remember their beloved past. Carefully folding back the duvet, tears still stained on his cheeks. Aziraphale crawled in next to Crowley. Before he's even able to position himself properly, the demon snakes his hands around the Angel's body. Crowley's thumb gently traced little rings onto Aziraphale's shoulder.

"Are you alright my angel?" Crowley whispered, keeping his eyes shut.

"Better, now I'm with you." Crowley tightened his grip. Lightly, he placed a kiss on the angels temple.

"Whatever it is," he murmured tiredly. "Well face it together." Aziraphale's fingers lightly stroke Crowley's side.

"I love you my dear." Nestling into Aziraphale, Crowley softly kissed the Angel's head again. Slowly they both fall into a blissful sleep.
