Delaying Death


Without anyone else knowing, I learn from my boyfriend, Lofty Quartz, that Will Anthem had talked to him alone, explaining Will's behaviour on the mock tournament's final match. Apparently, Will just wanted to show off. He wanted to show Lady Colleen Zephyr that he would quickly win, became the champion, then dedicated his victory to Lady Zephyr, his earnest supporter.

It is true that Will's training was overseen by Lady Zephyr alone. We weren't with him because we wanted to avoid Lady Zephyr and her Blessing.

Will did what he did, even going as far as tapping the power from God of Darkness he couldn't really manage; so that Lady Zephyr would be impressed with him.

Lofty doesn't fail to remind me... Whilst Lady Zephyr has a number of men's names on her, including Will's, Will does not have her name. This is why Lofty felt conflicted and hesitated to mention the truth to Will. Imagine what Will would do once he knows of this fact. He would feel discouraged or would he...take extreme approaches to conquer Lady Zephyr?

The Heroine who is supposed to capture the guys becomes the one who is captured? Funny.

I don't remember Will to be a dangerous person. The Will from High Flier, that is. As for this Will... First, because Will lost the tournament, he was ashamed to face Lady Zephyr, which was why he docilely stayed with us. Second, Will thinks he should keep a distance for the sake of Lady Zephyr and her love interest.

However, faced with the young woman in person, Will can't help but give chase, huh? If things happen gradually and naturally like this, Will probably won't do anything extreme, right? For the matter of making Lady Zephyr chooses him over her love interest, I mean.

When Verity Cogent, Lofty, and I finally catch up to the runaway pair, they are busy apologising to each other to spare us any attention. After giving the pair a considering look, Verity takes a step back to hide behind me. Why is he doing this?

"I am the only single man among us," Verity mutters, not quite pouting, "If they start to get lovey-dovey, I don't want to see it,"

Lofty gives Verity's somewhat childish remark a wry smile, "I doubt they will do anything lovey-dovey. It is because they aren't in that kind of relationship,"

Verity knows, but he still can't help but shakes his head, "Will sure wants their relationship to deepen though,"

Yes. We all know that. Will certainly harbours good feelings towards Lady Zephyr. Whether I support his feeling or not, that's a different matter. Lady Mega Bond is very vocal to voice her disapproval though. But, it's not like Mega will do anything to discourage Will, because it's not really her business...or so she claimed.

Listening to the apologies the pair exchanged, Will is apologising for avoiding her and breaking his promise to her. Lady Zephyr, on the other hand, is apologising for not being by  Will's side when he was bedridden and for not supporting Will better.

It does look like Lady Zephyr genuinely thinks for Will's sake. That time when she visited the sleeping Will without letting the young man knows about it...

If not for what she said to me afterwards, I would have approved her. For Will's sake. Maybe.

We are standing at a secluded and quiet corridor. Even so, it doesn't stop the main casts from gathering. I mean to say, Crown Prince Credence Tycoon, Mega, and Sterling Regal come to join us!

Seeing everyone together like this seems to intimidate Lady Zephyr. She tries to flee, but Mega is having none of it. From her expression, it seems like she thinks this is a good chance for us to settle a matter with Lady Zephyr.

Um. Will is turning protective of Lady Zephyr, Mega. Don't you see that?

With Verity, Lofty, and I blocking one side plus Credence, Mega, and Sterling blocking the other side; Lady Zephyr is effectively trapped. She has Will with her though, so maybe she won't immediately harm us by using her Blessing...?

"Good afternoon," Credence greets us, and Lady Zephyr, with a bright smile, "What a coincidence for us to meet at such place!"

"Is this really a coincidence?" Verity whispers his question from behind

I agree with Verity's doubt. Such coincidence is...unlikely to happen to someone such as Lady Zephyr who has fortune on her side, isn't it?

After hearing Lady Zephyr's somewhat reserved reply to his greeting, Credence then addresses the young woman, "Do you mind answering some questions I have, Lady Zephyr?" and before Will speaks up to defend her, Credence soothes, "It is fine for you to tell me you can't answer the question too,"

This seems to pacify Will slightly. Lady Zephyr sees that Will has calmed down, then gives Credence a nod.

Lofty stays close to me. Verity steps out from hiding to listen and see what Credence plans to do. On their side, Sterling takes a few steps to put himself in Lady Zephyr's line of sight. It's probably to check for the truth of Lady Zephyr's responses.

Preparation complete, Credence inquires, "Do you regularly use your Blessing, Lady Zephyr?"

The wait is long. In the end, Lady Zephyr gives a nod. Oh, she admits it!

Credence nods once in acceptance. Then, he continues by asking, "For what reason?"

The way she stands won't let me see the expressions she makes. All I see are Lady Zephyr and Will's backs. So, I can only wait for the answer while observing Mega's expression. Mega is always looking at Lady Zephyr in distaste.

"I...received a mission,"

This confession is unexpected, for sure. We all are surprised. Mission? What kind of mission? From who?

Lady Zephyr continues talking while dropping her head, seemingly in great sadness, "The reason I am here... A commoner among the Nobles... The reason College was built... All of it is for the sake to fulfil my mission's objective,"

"What is your mission's objective, if I may know, Lady Zephyr?" despite clearly looking bothered, Credence still keeps being courteous

Inhaling deeply, without raising her head, Lady Zephyr whispers loud enough for all of us to hear, "My mission is to gather the good lucks from the students and pass the fortunes to the soldiers, in preparation for a war,"

There is a lot that feels wrong from that statement.

"War?" Credence questions quietly, staring at Lady Zephyr rigidly

Mega immediately stands close to her boyfriend, looking worried, to give him her support whenever he needs it.

Still with her head down, Lady Zephyr softly affirms, "Yes. I was told there will be a war soon. As someone Blessed by Goddess of Fortune, they told me to gather as many good fortunes for the soldiers so they can survive and we can win the war,"

Seeing that Credence is greatly agitated by this news, Mega voices another question which is no less important, "Who ordered you?" the name of the person, perhaps, because College was built by the Kingdom and that person definitely is someone from our Kingdom, "Why were you told to take the fortune of...the students?" scowling at Lady Zephyr, who doesn't see it, Mega continues, with dread, "We are Aristocrats. Who dares to order you to harm us?"

"I was not told the reason why I have to take students' fortunes," Lady Zephyr answers with a sigh, "However, after I do a research on my own, I do have a theory," pausing briefly to wait for our interruption, nobody is interrupting, Lady Zephyr admits, "Perhaps, they consider the small injuries the student obtained as I fulfil my mission means nothing in the grander scale. Because... Unlike commoner youngsters who would be drafted to join the army, Children from Noble Households would be safely protected by their Family,"

It's a theory that I can imagine being the reasoning of the person who gave such an order to Lady Zephyr.

"A war, huh," Credence's complexion looks terrible, "I haven't heard anything about that,"

"I have no idea who wants to wage war with us," Lady Zephyr finally raises her head to look at Credence. After a pause, she continues, "Or whether it would be us who plans to wage war with them,"

Will, having silently stand by her side, asks Lady Zephyr, "They gave a young woman such as yourself this heavy task... Couldn't you refuse them?"

Lady Zephyr drops her head again, as she replies softly, "I have my family I want to protect. My Father has been drafted to join the army. If I can't help him privately... I can only do this, in the hope that he receives the good fortunes I gather too..."

Credence stomps his foot, startling us. I watch with shock as he turns around and strides away from here. Mega hurriedly follows after Credence after shooting us a worried look.

I am somewhat confused by Credence's emotional outburst. Lofty quietly explains to me, "If Lady Zephyr's Father has been drafted to join the army, it means a camp has been built in secret. As a Royalty, for Credence to be unaware of this..."

He is leaving to check the truth of this matter then?

"That..." Will furrows his eyebrows in worry, "Lady Zephyr, who exactly is the one behind this?"

"I can't tell you," Lady Zephyr replies while looking at Will, "I swore with a God as my witness to not reveal the name of that person,"

"Not even a hint?" Sterling walks closer to Lady Zephyr and Will, so Verity, Lofty, and I follow his movement

"I can't say anything about that person," Lady Zephyr looks truly apologetic, "However, I could..." pondering briefly, Lady Zephyr hesitantly tells us, "I can show you?"

"Show us?" Verity voices his curiosity; slightly tints with disbelief

Lady Zephyr looks serious as she nods, "Close to where College is built, there is a cliff. That person built a cabin there to serve as a meeting place," looking at us one by one, Lady Zephyr offers, "Maybe you can check that place to find something which might tell you about their identity?"

"Why are you telling us this now, when you have been hiding it from us before?" Lofty questions Lady Zephyr seriously

Smiling wryly, Lady Zephyr admits, "I know I can't hide what I am doing forever. However..." looking forlorn, Lady Zephyr continues softly, "I don't have the courage to confess my sin until I am confronted about it," looking up at Will, Lady Zephyr offers another apology, this time for deceiving him

"It's not your fault," Will assures Lady Zephyr, "From my understanding, you are just a pawn... Pardon my saying, but that person seems to only use you as a tool,"

Lady Zephyr gives a small sad smile, "I am only a tool to him,"

I glance at my friends: Verity, Lofty, and Sterling. I guess we are checking that cabin later? Lady Zephyr and Will are also coming with us. Is it all right?

"I was told about that cabin, but I have not received a summon from anyone to meet there," Lady Zephyr tells us, "I did go there once, to take a look. There are books stored inside. Maybe they're left behind by that person?"

In any case, this clue is a big matter. A step forward is what we need, as a breakthrough to the impasse we have.


Credence and Mega have already left College for the Castle when we go look for them later. If they go back to inquire about the war, then I suppose we will also move to find out about 'that person's identity?

"Prince Credence might find out who that person is, from his trip," Lofty tells us, as we are discussing to set up a time to visit the cabin

"Credence didn't know anything. Don't you think he is purposefully kept in the dark?" Will points out

Verity looks like he feels unease, "...Will there really be a war happening soon?"

"There were no signs," Sterling replies quietly, "However, it could have just been that we weren't aware of the signs,"

I furrow my eyebrows as I turn to Will, who accompanied me to Atom Country beforehand, "Did you hear anything from Dioxide?"

Will thinks about it seriously. In the end, he can only shake his head, "I never heard them say anything about this, or about our Kingdom,"

The war is really out of the blue, it seems. In the past, there was a war Grandma Solid participated. I don't think anyone has mentioned anything about an impending war. Do they even know about it, my makeshift family who once lived in God of Death's Church?


High Flier was supposed to be a romance-oriented otome game, with adventure as side stories. If there was a war event in High Flier, it was more of a subplot too. Which additional route has this subplot though?

This subplot is not about God of Death, which means it's not mine. Although... If it's about war and Kingdom, it seems like this concern Credence and, to an extent, Mega.

As for Lady Zephyr, as the Heroine, she certainly is the driving force of this event.

"What are you thinking about, Lie?" Lofty asks me quietly

"Nothing which makes sense," I reply; because everything I thought of is just speculations on my part

"In any case, whether Credence would know of that person's identity or not, I still want to take a look at that cabin," Will informs us of his opinion

"Truthfully, I am not sure if we should go inspect that cabin by ourselves," Sterling speaks up, looking thoughtful, "I couldn't check everything of what Lady Zephyr said, because there were times she bowed her head,"

"Now that you mention it..." Verity widens his eyes in realisation

"What I did manage to see seemed to be the truth of the matter," Sterling continues, stopping Will from defending the person who is absent from this meeting

"If I may give my input," Lofty speaks up next, "I think we should refrain from inspecting that cabin," the reason, "It could be a trap,"

"Are you suspecting Lady Zephyr for tricking us?!" Will exclaims, indignant, "You think she would do that?! How could you! Didn't Lady Zephyr say she visited that place before? Alone, I may add,"

"A cabin built on top of a cliff, storing books," Lofty softly and calmly replies to Will, "If that place is intended as a hidden meeting point, there should only be a pair of chairs, maybe a table too, and nothing else which could be considered as evidence,"

Will sees the reason, but still stubbornly utters, "If it's a trap, then we just have to be doubly careful!"

"We are inspecting that hut then?" Verity asks out loud the conclusion, after giving Will an uneasy look

"Even if you don't want to go, I will still go," Will informs us stiffly

Lofty releases a sigh. He turns to me, asking, "What do you think we should do, Lie?"

I understand Lofty's concerns. However, to let Will inspects that hut with Lady Zephyr alone... I am not sure how genuine she is; when she tells us this. Maybe Lady Zephyr thought of stopping the usage of her Blessing in such way? Maybe because she really doesn't wish to do this anymore, so she uses this chance to seek help from us?

At first, I thought it was great that we have a lead! But, the more I think about it, the more uncertain I become too. The doubts form because I do not have faith in Lady Zephyr, isn't it?

Lady Zephyr did nothing to gain my trust, not even her confession of admiring me. What exactly does she admire about me anyway?

I stay silent, so Sterling speaks up in my stead, "Let's have a vote. Whatever the result is, we will still go," Sterling tells this to Will, but with a reminder, "I just want to know how many of us seriously think this is a good idea,"

The vote result is 4 to 1, with a majority thinks this is a bad idea. Smiling wryly as Will sulks, Sterling tells us to, "Be careful and protect each other,"

That's for granted.


On a random school day, we are absent for lessons to visit the cabin built on top of a cliff. Credence and Mega have not come back, despite the few days we spared to wait for them, so we set off without them.

We are wearing our school uniform to not arouse suspicion too soon, let people think we are attending classes like normal while not present in classrooms.

The journey is a long one. First, we leave the College's perimeter by walking in a small and somewhat hidden path which leads us into a forest. There are no hints inside the forest which could let us go to that cabin; if we don't stumble upon that place by chance.

Despite what I assume, Lady Zephyr sure knows her way around here.

"It's a bit late to ask, but is it okay for you to leave College? Do you not have people who watch you?" Sterling voices such questions as we follow Lady Zephyr who walks in front of us with Will

Lady Zephyr is silent for a while, "I don't think I have anyone who watches me. That person believes I will do what he says without disobeying him,"

"Because he uses your Father to blackmail you, right?" Will sounds sympathetic

Lady Zephyr is still carefully walking through the forest. Her silence to Will's sympathy seems to imply he is correct.

Lofty stays close to me, staying silent. Verity walks with Sterling, also silent. There is nothing else for them to talk about. It also applies to me. I stay silent because I don't know what I should say.

None of us brings weapons, despite our vigilance, because it's hard to acquire weapons in a peaceful place such as College. The training swords used for the tournaments were provided by the Knight Order for the participants to train. When the tournament ended, the training swords were collected back.

In regard to that, Lofty finds a sturdy branch and breaks the edge to make it sharp. Seeing what he does, the other young men follow suit. Despite not being skilful, Sterling and Verity still want to have something they can use to fight.

As for Lady Zephyr and me... We don't use weapons. We have our Blessings. It's not like my Blessing can be used in moment's notice, like Lady Zephyr's though. For my Blessing to work, I have to know about the life goal of the person I am about to sentence to death first.

It's too bad I do not bring a water bottle, or anything at all. I feel a little thirsty after walking for this long already. Looking up, I see that the sun is high up in the sky. Is it midday already?

"We are here," Lady Zephyr suddenly tells us, her voice brightened at the sight of that cabin

As Lady Zephyr and Will step out from the forest to the cabin, I take a moment to look at that place. It is built on top of a cliff, overseeing the sea. Tilting my head, I squint at the ground around the cabin. The ground doesn't look like it can last for long.

What if the ground falls apart when we inspect the cabin?

Having the same idea as me, Lofty calls out for the pair in front of us to stop going further. We also walk out from the forest with Verity and Sterling, but not going anywhere near the cabin.

When we point out the instability, Lady Zephyr assures us that it only looks that way. She had checked and confirmed that the cabin is built on the most stable part of the ground of this cliff. Excuse me for still doubting you.

"Then, why don't I go alone to take out the books from inside?" Lady Zephyr suggests, "If none of you feels safe to go, I will go,"

Will hesitates to let Lady Zephyr goes alone. None of us offers to go in her stead. So, Lady Zephyr ends up walking ahead, entering the cabin that is not locked. She brings out the books she claimed to exist in there, for us to see that she is not lying.

Sterling accepts the books from Lady Zephyr, who goes inside the cabin to take out more books. Verity and I read the titles of the books while Sterling, Lofty, and Will observe the cabin and Lady Zephyr. Will is standing between us and the cabin, closer to the cabin, ready to run ahead to rescue Lady Zephyr if the ground under the cabin looks like it's starting to fall apart.

Fortunately for Lady Zephyr, something like that doesn't happen. Maybe her good fortune keeps the ground stable? It is just a guess.

Now, speaking of the books. There are a lot. Verity and I have categorised them.

"Architecture, Mathematics, Politic, Adventure novels, Anthology, etc," Verity reports to others who haven't looked at the books, "No personal journal mixed inside,"

"Are these everything inside the cabin?" Sterling questions Lady Zephyr

Will seems annoyed for all the doubts, "If you don't believe her, why don't you go check it yourself?"

"It's okay," Lady Zephyr calms Will. Turning to Sterling, Lady Zephyr gives a nod, "I will check again. Maybe I missed something,"

I am crouching on the ground, observing the books. I lift my head slightly to see how Lady Zephyr walks into the cabin and comes out with nothing, after staying inside for a while. With the door left opened, I can see her moving inside, checking here and there.

"Even though we find nothing, as long as nobody is hurt, then this result is not too disappointing," Lofty has crouched down beside me to whispers this, "We came here thinking this is a trap, after all,"

I giggle slightly in agreement, "It's good that nothing bad happens, right?"

"So, are we returning these books to the cabin?" Verity asks Sterling, who is the one in charge

"No," Sterling replies, "We will donate those books to College's library,"

Ooh. That's... Okay. Rather than letting these books wither away here, donating them to the library so other students can read them is still better, true. However... To know the real reason College is built and the role of these students...

With a sigh, I help others stacking the books and divide the portions according to everyone's strengths.

"Then, let's go back," Lady Zephyr says with a smile, as she walks ahead to show us the way back to College

I watch as Lady Zephyr takes the lead with Will following closely behind. Next is Sterling, who is followed by Verity. Lofty waits for me to move, as he looks at me in curiosity, asking, "What's wrong?"

There is nothing wrong. I shake my head with a small smile. Lofty returns the smile, so we walk together to rejoin others on entering the forest.


Lady Zephyr has stopped walking.


"Lady Zephyr?" Will calls her with confusion for her sudden pause

Turning to us, Lady Zephyr shows a confused expression. Furrowing her eyebrows, while facing us, she takes a step back into the forest. But... She stops again, with her foot still lifted.

Completely baffled, Lady Zephyr, who is also holding a stack of books, retrieves her foot while telling us, "I can't take a step into the forest,"

Sterling immediately walks forward to try. An unseen force does seem to hold him back from entering the forest. Turning to us, who are watching him, Sterling put down the books then tries to enter the forest again... Successfully this time!

Ah. So, these books are bounded by the cabin? How is it possible?

"Is there another path we can take to go back with these books?" Sterling asks Lady Zephyr as he comes back to collect his stack of books

I look afar, seeing nothing but greeneries. The forest is the only path we have, it seems.

"What do we do now?" Verity asks Sterling for our next steps; while looking perplexed to this phenomenon

Will put down the stacks of books he is holding on the ground and grabs one book to try bypassing the weird barrier between the cabin and the forest. Experiment failed.

We are returning the books to the cabin then? Seems so.

"This is too bad," Lady Zephyr sounds truly regretful for this course of the event

"Let's put the books closer to the cabin for Lady Zephyr to bring inside," Will suggests to us, in hope to alleviate Lady Zephyr's burden for a tiny bit

Walking to the spot where Will stood before, one by one, we put down the stacks of books. Lady Zephyr walks into the cabin with the stacks on her arms first. However... Just after she takes the first step into the cabin, bypassing the door, the ground suddenly shook.

Earthquake on a cliff? Dangerous!

Lady Zephyr is startled frozen in place!

"Lady Zephyr! Quickly come here!!" Will shouts after the young woman, recklessly running to her side to grab her to escape the cabin, which is strategically the most dangerous place to be

Lady Zephyr is still holding the stack of books when she comes to a sudden realisation of the danger she is in. Dropping the books on the floor of the cabin, Lady Zephyr with Will to our side.

I am steadily taking steps back as I try to keep my balance in this shaking; while grabbing on Lofty's arm. I am looking at the cabin, to see whether it would fall apart and drops to the sea below.

No such thing happens.

When Will and Lady Zephyr reunite with us, who are still standing outside the forest, the shaking stops. The cliff and the cabin are still standing. The stacks of books are still where we left them.

"Was the shaking caused by that weird barrier, the books, or the cabin?" Verity voices his question with unease

"Are we going to just leave the books behind like that?" I point at the ground where we put the books

The strong wind of the sea is flipping the books around. If a stronger wind blows, surely, these books would fly away.

"It's too dangerous to attempt returning the books again," Will is holding Lady Zephyr's hand tightly, as he hasn't let go of her after he caught her earlier

Lady Zephyr is staring at their linked hands, without voicing a comment.

Oh, the books are blown away. A stronger wind really comes. It's strong enough I fear I would be blown away too.

"Let's go back," Lofty suggests something sensible, without anyone protesting

Starting from Will and Lady Zephyr pair, we enter the forest.

That's what's supposed to happen anyway.

If not for a fact.

As I lift my foot to take a step forward into the forest, I suddenly feel weightless.

I find myself not standing on anything.

By the time I notice something to be amiss, it's already too late. I am only one step away to enter the forest's boundary.

Everyone has already been protected by the forest, but I am still out here, floating.

By that, I mean to say... Without us noticing, the cliff has fallen apart, leaving no ground to support my weight.

I am supposed to be holding on Lofty's arms, so I should be safe, right?


Right before I feel the loss of weight, a strong wind blows around us. Because the wind which carries the leaves, I have pulled back my hands from Lofty to shield my face.

So, it is inevitable that I fall back. To the sea.

What a turn of an event...


I stare at my friends with wide shocked eyes. I feel my heart stopping from the feeling of freefalling.

The noises of the ground and cabin breaking apart and falling are finally heard after the strong wind dies down.

The first one to turn around is Lofty, who also widens his eyes as he looks at me, who is definitely falling along with the debris.

I unconsciously stretch out my hand, in hope to catch him or for him to catch me.

I don't want to (die) leave like this!!

I hear a high-pitch scream, it's probably Lady Zephyr's scream, right?

I feel like I am floating downwards in slow motion. I feel like I am looking at them in slow motion. It feels surreal.

I want to catch something, to stop my fall. But... There is nothing for me to hold. Nothing.

Before I hit the water, I see the silhouette of someone familiar coming closer to me.

Could it be...

Did Lofty jump after me?
