

Needing some time with my two babies. I took them out to get their nails done and toes. "Mommy I want pink polish" Salem said. "You can get whatever polish you want" I said.  Harlow was excited to be with both sissy and mommy.

We walked into the nail place and was greeted. They sat us down on the pedicure chairs. "They are so cute" one lady said.

"Thanks" I smiled.

At least these two were getting along today. One problem off my back. But since receiving that letter I've been slight paranoid. Always looking over my shoulder. Delano wanted to come along for safety purposes but I'm good. Plus, he'll distract me from focusing on getting my feet done.

When the nail technician started filing the bottom of my foot the damn leg caught a mean cramp again. I pushed my leg back but twisted in the chair. I wanted to scream but I didn't want to scare Harlow and Salem. Once the pain subsided I opened my eyes to see both of them just staring at me. "You okay?".

I nodded "I'm fine". The nail tech raised her Brias at me "you get these a lot?".

"Not really but they come suddenly" I said. She took my foot but was gentle due to the pain still lingering. Like if I made any sudden movements it'll come back. "There's two reasons why you may be getting leg cramps. One... you are dehydration. Two... Pregnancy". I laughed "neither of those are my problem".

She sucked her teeth "you better make sure".

Fanning her away "trust me. I know my body". She shrugged "if you say so... but remember your body always talks to you through pain". This lady was loosing her damn mind. I know for sure I'm not pregnant. I just know. Knowing with all of my kids.

Once we were done both girls couldn't stop wiggling their toes. Harlow was all into her fingers. "Let me see your nails?" I asked. Both of them held up their fingers. "Wow Such Pretty nails" I said. They both smiled.

"Who's hungry?" I asked. They both cheered. I know Wendy's was near. In Wendy's as they both were tearing up the nuggets. "Mommy you know when I was with auntie Bria she would feed me Wendy's. That's when grandpa was there too". That line just took me out. "How did you just remember that?".

"I don't know. But these nuggets are the best" she smiled. "Where is auntie Bria?" She asked.

"Salem she passed away, remember?" I asked.

She stopped eating and looked at me "no she didn't".

Here we go... "yes she did. I know your memory you don't remember but she's somewhere hot". Salem mean mugged me "She's not dead! I'm not lying mommy".

I didn't want to hear her imagination stories. "Fine she's not dead".

"She used to come visit me when we were in Arizona. Saying that I was her little girl. She should've been my mommy. I kept telling her that I like my mommy. I tried to offer her my elsa doll but she didn't want it" she said.

"Salem... " I warned.

"Mommy!!! I'm not lying. She used to come into our room and just sit there" she said. No way Bria has to be dead. They had a huge funeral for her. Her family wouldn't waste money on a huge event like that for an empty casket. No way. Ryan said she accidentally drowned herself. Unless she's immortal I don't see how she would survive drowning.

"Come on girls! Let's go home" they packed up their garbage on the tray. What Salem told me had me all distracted. "Gia you are burning the rice!" Delano ran in shutting off the stove. "Huh? Oh snap!" I said.

"You seem off.... what's wrong? Pregnant?" He asked.

Tilting my head "really? No I'm not pregnant! Just I was talking to Salem and she said some crazy things about Bria". Delano's face changed "what did she say?".

After explaining to him everything she said he looked confused "but she's dead".

"That's what I said" taking the rice off the stove to a cooler surface. "No way! They had a funeral for her".

"I know that's what I said. Why would her dad spend that type of money for an empty casket? Just to fool us into thinking she died? That sounds a little far fetched" I said.

"Maybe Salem is just making up stories. She's good at that. Maybe if we ask Harlow... maybe she can either vouch for Salem or not" he suggested.

I doubt Harlow will even vouch for Salem. Those two have a past life vendetta for one another. But it's worth a try. Calling Harlow she came walking in with that cute face. "Listen, back when we lived in Arizona was there anyone in your room while you slept?".

She shook her head "no".

"Are you sure?" I asked.

She nodded "I was sleeping. I didn't see nobody".

Of course she would say because she was sleeping she didn't see anyone. Face palming myself cause I should've expected that answer. "Okay... thanks" she skipped back to her toys. Turning to Delano "that didn't work".

"I don't know what to say" he said.

"Me either. Either Salem is telling the truth or she's making up stories" I said. We both stood there in the kitchen just wondering if the enemy was really dead. And if not, everything that is happening is making complete sense.
