

To be honest I wanted to snap Gia's neck as I was hugging her. But I knew realistically I couldn't. See she expects to see me snap. Now don't get me wrong I'm actually very furious at the moment. Because our children are here I won't blow up.

Pulling apart and just looking at Gia. She looked a little confused and taken back "what?".

"Just wasn't expecting you to take this so lightly" she said.

I sighed "I can lose my mind and scream at you... but you already did what you did".

"Good point. But you're okay?" She asked.

I nodded "yeah I'm fine". But honestly I couldn't wait to see Anthony again. He's getting punched in the face on sight. I would never put my hands on Gia. But to feel a little better Anthony's face will have to be squished against my fist.

Gia looked at me again "and you're hundred percent sure you're okay?".

I nodded "yeah I'm good".

She shrugged and walked out the room. Can't believe my wife just admitted to me she had sex with another man. Have I forced Gia with me that it made her cheat on me?. But the thing is I refuse to lose Gia again so at this point whatever she does it'll have to be big.

Ryan peeked his head in the room "hey dad!".

"Hey Ryan" I said.

"You okay?" He asked.

I nodded "Ryan why didn't you tell me about Texas? You told me about Vegas".

He shrugged "must've forgot about it". Harlow yelled for Ryan. He turned and I saw his arms stretch out with him yelling "no!".

Water splashed everywhere along with Harlow laughing and running. I sighed. He stood there drenched in water. He turned to me and smiled "damn that Harlow".

Standing up I looked over Ryan and shook my head "make sure you clean up the water on the floor before your mother sees it".

Seeing the residue on the floor from the water balloon. Where the hell did she get it anyway?. I felt like crap. Before when she broke the news it didn't hurt. But for some reason as I quietly watch her wash bottles... what other secrets is she hiding from me. Ryan seems to know more than me...


Ryan was busy building something. It was pretty big too. Walking into the room I just looked around "hey dad!".

"Hey! What are you doing?" I asked.

"Just building a trap for Harlow... I mean a science project. What's up?" He said.

Raising my brow "you two really need to cut this out. But I was wondering you're moms favorite and I wonder if it's because you know a lot more stuff than I do".

"I only know as much as you do" he said.

"Interesting... tell me where all have you guys traveled too?" I asked.

"Hmm... New York, Vegas, Oregon, Texas, Miami, Utah, chicago, and Wisconsin" he said. Mr jaw dropped how and when did she have time to visit all these places. "Did bria go along other than Vegas and Oregon?".

"Miami... she met us there" he said.

"What did you guys do on these so called trips?" I asked.

"Nothing special. Mom claimed sometimes she needed a break from you" he said.

I nodded "okay".

"Dad? Look you and mom love each other so whatever she did was a long time ago. Move past it. At the end of the day you are the one laying next to her at night" he said.

"Wise... you are wise" I said.

He shrugged "I've been told that before.. dad hand me the bad of feathers, please".

I should probably stop him from whatever he's planning to do but my mind is somewhere else. "Just make sure Harlow doesn't get hurt".

He smiled "oh she won't".

"And if mom is around when this happens I didn't know anything about this" I said. Ryan winked "of course".

Walking to the kitchen I stood behind Gia. She turned and jumped "you really to stop scaring me!".

"Wasn't my intention. But you know I should be furious with you. For some reason I can't. It hurts but it's more of it was a long time ago. Unlike when you found out about bria it was very recent, I can't say I can forgive you but I can somewhat move past it. You are my wife. The mother of my children. I will just need you to tell me everything. I don't want any secrets in between us. I've already told you mine. So it's only fair you spill yours no matter how hard it may be. I want to know what has his really done" she looked away "I don't really have much to share".

"How about later on tonight while the kids sleep we play twenty questions? I'll ask them and you answer with only truths" I said.

She nodded "I guess so".

"Gia I mean it. Only truths. Nothing less" I said.

She nodded again "okay".
