๐Ÿ˜”Why are you doing this to me ๐Ÿ’”

Sebastian wakes up and he sees that he is alone and he starts to wonder when Ryan could be so he gets dressed and brushed his teeth and runs downstairs expecting Ryan to be there but instead Oliver was there.

Good morning Oliver Sebastian said

Morning Oliver said.

Do you know where Ryan is? Sebastian said.

No I just woke up myself Oliver said.

Okay well thanks for the help Sebastian said taking his phone out.

Calls Ryan.

Ryan picks up.

Hey princess where u at ?

Oh I am at the mall with Zane and his friends Ryan said.

Oh, okay princess well do you want me to pick you up Sebastian said.

No it's okay Ryan said.

Well okay be back soon okay Sebastian said.

Yeah I will be back soon Ryan said smiling on the camera.

We be safe Sebastian said.

I will Ryan said.

I love you Sebastian said.

I love you too Ryan said making a cute face.

Sebastian laughs at his cuteness.

Bye Ryan said smiling.

Bye Sebastian said smiling back.

So where is he Oliver said.

At the mall with that fucking Zane guy Sebastian said.

Zane?! Oliver said.

Yes I hate him so much Sebastian said.

Yeah there is something about that guy I don't like Oliver said.

I know he is just so ughhh FAKE?!

Hey guys why does Sebastian look mad? Darren said walking downstairs with Justin.

Yeah man he is going red ! Justin said.

Well that's because his husband is hanging out with someone he hates Oliver said.

What is Ryan hanging out with Zane ? Darren said.

Yes he is just pretending to be nice to him because he likes him he just like Rashal but has a different approach Sebastian said sitting down.

Justin,Oliver and Darren look at each other.

Look man Ryan is a loyal person you know he wouldn't cheat on you Justin said.

Ryan isn't the one I am worried about it is Zane. I swear if he puts a finger on him I am going to kill him Sebastian.

Why don't we go se what they doing Darren said.

No that's just weird he will think I am obsessed with him and he needs his privacy Sebastian said.

Well you will never know what they are doing Justin said.

Sebastian don't listen to theses dork and just trust your Husband Oliver said.

I trust him I just don't trust Zane I mean your saw him yesterday he was all touchy with him Sebastian said.

Look going there is pointless you will just get caught and then Ryan is going to feel uncomfortable and you guys know what he is like about his privacy so don't do this shit Oliver said.

Fine I wasn't even the one who suggested it it was that dipstick over there Sebastian sai

Wow bro I was just helping you out but seems that you don't need it I will now go and make myself some breakfast.

Yeah whatever Sebastian said.

When will he be back Justin said.

Idk he just said soon Sebastian said.

with Ryan and Zane and his friends.

Hahahaha wtf did that actually happen Ryan said laughing.

Yeah Zane looked so funny Riley said laughing.

Zion laughs as well

Ha ha guys very funny Zane said.

Hey Ryan look Zane said.

What am I looking at exactly Ryan said.

I didn't know there was a fun fair on rn Zane said.

Fun fair ? Ryan said.

Yeah we should totally go Riley said.

Yeah come on guys Zion said.

But I told Sebastian I will be home soon Ryan said.

Oh just give yourself a break from him and have fun Zane said.

Yeah but I always have fun when I am with him Ryan said.

Well then have fun with your friends that is not him Zane said.

Yeah okay but let me just text him and tell him I will be home a little late Ryan said.

Zane grabs his phone and put up above his head.

Hey what was that for Ryan said trying to reachย  it.

Come on I think sebatian can last a few hours without his 'princess' Zane said.

I know but just in case he worries about me I need to Reassure him Ryan said going onto his tiptoes but still can't reach his phone.

Ryan accidentally trips and falls into Zane chest.

Zane starts to blush.

Ryan grabbed his phone not aware of Zane's heart beating has increase.

Ha bitch! take my phone. how dare you ?! Ryan said.

Zane places his big hand on Ryan head and messes his hair up.

Hey my hair is all messed up now Ryan said.

Guys can we please stop flirting and get a move on I wanna go on the biggest ride there Riley said.

Flirting bitch I have a husband remember Ryan said.

Right okay girl Riley said.

They all get into Zane car and drive to the Fun fair and when they got there they had so much fun ,Zane was so happy to be spending time with Ryan even though Ryan would worry about Sebastian he still had a good time.

Zane had taken Ryan phone so he wouldn't get distracted from Sebastian.

This was literally the best day of my life Riley said laughing.

Yeah it was fun Zion said.

Zane laughs.

Oh shit Sebastian Ryan said .

Zane did Sebastian text me or call me yet Ryan said.

No i don'tย  think he has Zane said.

Do you mind if I check Ryan said.

No not at all Zane said.

Zane passes Ryan's phone and he sees 10 misses calls and 10 text messages.

Oh shit Ryan said.

Whoops sorry Ryan but I think Sebastian will understand Zane said.

I can't believe I have been out for so long it's now 8:30 pm Ryan said

Yeah we should call it a night.

They all get it the car and Zane drived Riley and Zion home and now it's hits Ryan and zane .

Okay we are here Zane said.

Thank you zane I appreciate you taking me home Ryan said.

No problem Zane Said smiling.

Bye Ryan said.

Bye Zane said.

Ryan gets out of the car and walks into the house.

Ryan?! Where have you been?! Sebastian said hugging Ryan.

I was with Zane and his friends I thought I told you that Ryan said hugging Sebastian back.

Yeah but I thought you would be back ages ago Sebastian said.

Don't worry I am here now Ryan said smiling.

Look Ryan please don't get to collapse to Zane you don't know what he is capable of yet Sebastian said

Wdym? Ryan said.

Didn't he bully you Sebastian said.

Yeah he did but he's different now Ryan said.

Yeah but how do you know if he is just pretending or not Sebastian said.

He's not like that Sebastian he actually a good person once you get to know him Ryan said.

Look all I am trying to say is don't get to attach to him Sebastian said.

Sebastian trust me I think I would've known by now if he was pretending so far he has only shown me kindness Ryan said.

Look why don't we talk I'm the morning or something I am exhausted Sebastian said.

Oh are you okay Ryan said.

Yeah I am fine it's just that have been worrying about you for 14 hours straight Sebastian said

Huh?! But I told you I was with Zane so there is nothing to worry about Ryan said.

What there is a lot to worry about?! Sebastian said.

Like what ?! Ryan said.

Like what if he hurts you or kidnaps you, I am telling you Ryan there is something about that guy that I don't like Sebastian said

And your evidence Ryan said.

I don't have any it's just a gut feeling Sebastian said.

So you want me to believe that Zane is pretending to be nice to get me to like him so that he can have me to himself and the evidence for this is because it's a gut feeling Ryan said.

Well yes But you have to believe me Sebastian said.

Look Sebastian I love you and all but that was the most stupidest thing you have ever said Ryan said.

So stupid you would believe it? Sebastian said

Look I will keep an eye out because I trust you and I love you Ryan said pecking Sebastian lips .

Now can we please go to fucking bed Sebastian said.

Yes yes we can now Ryan said.

They both walked upstairs and went to bed.

In the middle of the night Oliver woke up and walked downstairs to grab a glass of water until he noticed Ryan's phone was left downstairs,Oliver finished drinking his water and places the cup down and he grabbed the phone and was about the walk upstairs until he noticed something strange at the back of Ryan phone, it looked weird and he has never seen anything like it so Oliver grabbed his a took a pic and walked upstairs and knocked on Ryan's and Sebastian door.

Hello is anyone awake Oliver said very quietly.

Uh fuck yeah I am awake now Sebastian said.

Oliver walked in and closed the door quietly.

Is Ryan asleep? Oliver said whispering.

Yeah he asleep Sebastian said.

So what's up why are you knocking at my door at 3 in the morning Sebastian said.

Oh i just wanted to tell you that Ryan left his phone downstairs so I wanted to bring it up Oliver said.

Right okay anything else Sebatian said.

Yeah there was something weird on his phone and I believe it wasn't there before Oliver said.

What do mean weird thing ? Sebastian said.

look he handed the phone to Sebastian.

Wtf is that ?! Sebastian said.

Idk but I am going to ask a friend of mine to tell what it is so I took a pic of it.

I betย  Zane had something to do with this Sebastian said.

Same it's something to do with him as well Oliver said.

Anyway goodnight sorry for disturbing you Oliver said as he open and shut the door quietly.

Sebastian kisses Ryan forehead and he went back to sleep

In the morning.
Ryan and Sebastian was still sleeping while everyone was awake.

While the rest was sitting downstairs Oliver was in the kitchen on call with the guy he text last night about Ryan's phone.

Hey Oliver said.

Hey bro Oliver's Friends said.

So did you find out what that thing was Oliver said.

Yeah it's a secret camera and it also a tracker device, the item is really rare to find in this country so who ever out this device on your friends phone is extremely rich Oliver friend said.

Wow that's so messed up man Oliver said.

Yeah it is Oliver friend said.

Do you know how to take it off Oliver said.

Well there should be an off button but because it's so small it's most likely to see it or take it off and I am impressed your saw this because if you hadn't that the person that did this could allow that person to see everything the other person is doing Oliver's friends said.

Well thank you I really appreciate you for doing this for me Oliver said.

No problem and if you need me for anything else please contact me Oliver friend said.

I will bye Oliver said.

Bye Oliver's friend said.

End of call ๐Ÿ“ฑ

Hey oli Darren said.

What's up Oliver said.

Not much Darren said.

Cool are you about to cook breakfast for everybody Oliver said.

Yeah Darren said..

Okay if you need help you can ask me Oliver said.

Yeah I will and btw may I ask when u heard you knocking at Sebastian and Ryan's door at 3 in the morning Darren said.
