😬Get away from me 🥺

What already it feels like it was only been 20 minutes Ryan said.

Well you guys were arguing for a long time Regie said.

Well I will go upstairs and change Ryan said.

He runs upstairs but Sebastian grabs his wrist.

Ryan looks at Sebastian and Sebastian looks at Ryan.

I'm sorry Ryan Sebastian said.

It's okay Sebastian I forgave you and I should be sorry I have been a complete idiot and jerk I deserve nothing Ryan said.

No don't say that we were both in the wrong okay Sebastian said.

Yeah Ryan said.

Sebastian let's go of Ryan and Ryan runs upstairs to get change. after that he comes downstairs, wearing a cute outfit.

Wow Ryan you look Beautiful Sebastian said.

Thanks Ryan kisses Sebastian in the cheek.

What Ryan before you go I need to tell you something Oliver said.

Yeah what is it? Ryan said before getting cut off by the doorbell ring.

Reggie goes and open the door.

Hey guys Riley said.

Riley walks in the house.

Sorry about her Zion said walking in trying to get Riley but can't because she kept walking around their house

Hey Ryan Zane said.

Hey Zane Ryan said.

Umm you may want to tell ur friends to wait outside since you guys aren't going to stay long Sebastian.

Right yeah Zane said giving Sebastian a death stare.

Sebastian returns the look and they end up staring at each other for a good minute or two.

Guys can you stop stat's getting freaky Ryan said.

Yeah you guys got to stop doing that we ain't in a  K drama Yk Oliver said laughing.

I swear if anything happens to him or if you do anything to him you'll regret it  Sebastian walking towards Zane.

As if I would do anything it's more like if you do anything to him you'll regret it Zane said walking closer the Sebastian.

Ryan gets in between them.

Hey hey guys back off each other Ryan said.

If he's not back by 9:00 I will come find you guys and I will do something that I won't regret Sebastian said.

Okay whatever let's go Guys Zane said.

Riley and Zion leaves the house and walks outside.

Bye Sebastian bye guys Ryan said walking out and closing the door behind them.

Sebastian you know that thing that was on Ryan's that's a tracker Oliver said.

What?! Sebastian said.

Yeah thing Kane and Reggie and Justin said.

This thing Oliver said showing them the pick.

Wtf that is so small how did you notice that Justin said

That doesn't matter right now Oliver said.

Bro I can't have that fucking weirdo hanging out with my husband I have to do something about this Sebastian said.

Look if you go to spy of them then you are risking another argument with Ryan Justin said

I know but I need to know if he is okay or not Sebastian said

We come guys let's go Reggie said.

Everyone gets into the car and drives to the place.

With Zane and Ryan.

What's wrong Ryan ? Zane touching Ryan hand.

Ryan moves his hand.

Nothing I am fine Ryan said.

Here have some more of your drink Zane said.

No thanks I don't want to get drunk and tbh  I had a few drinks already Ryan said.

Here have some of my drink Zane said pulling the drink to his face forcing him to drink but little did Ryan know Zane had put a something in it.

Uh woah Zane calm down Ryan said coughing .

Oooooohh this is my favorite song let's dance with the others Zane said.

Drunk Zane grabs Ryan's hand to the dance floor and even though Ryan didn't want to for some reason Zane convinced him.

Ryan and Zane was   having fun and they were dancing together.

Riley and Zion was also dancing and they were also  drunk.

While Ryan was dancing some random person started to get close to him. Ryan didn't see much to it so he carried on dancing but the guy started to get close to the point they was no gap and Zane didn't notice because of how drunk he was.

Ryan looked behind him and moved closer to Zane.

Ryan moved closer to Zane but zane still didn't realize, Ryan was just trying to get away from the weird guy that kept touching him.

The guy from behind grabbed Ryan waist and pulled it close to him and Zane drifted off into the middle of the dancing floor.

Can you stop Ryan said in a drunk tone.

What just helping you out so you don't fall the random guy said turning Ryan around to his chest.

I am married Ryan said trying to get of the guys grip.

Why don't you come home with me The guy said.

No piss off Ryan said.

So is this the club they said they were going too Darren said.

Yeah it is Sebastian said .

Let's go in side Oliver said.

The boys walk in and look around and they see a random guy touching Ryan.

Oh shit Darren said.

Things are about to get violent Reggie said.

OI WHAT THE FUCK DO YOU THINK YOUR DOING Sebastian said walking up to the guy.

Who the fuck are you ?! The guy said.

Let go of me asshole Ryan said.

He's my fucking husband Sebastian said.

Everyone looks at them.

Wth is going on Zane said walking up them all drunk.

You fucking  prick YOU CALL THIS PROTECTION ?! Sebastian said.

Look calm down Zane said.

Sebastian shouted.

And why the FUCK ARE YOU STILL TOUCHING HIM Sebastian said while pushing the guy on the floor.

Woah wtf is your problem man  the guy said

My problem is you and this dumass over here , you low life pervert touching people like that you are disgusting and pathetic and you , you aren't any better you fucking stalker Sebastian said.

Ryan was so drunk he just sees people shouting but he doesn't see Sebastian.

Well it's not my fault if I see something pretty  I am going to want it aren't I  laughs while getting up.

Hahaha very funny Sebastian laughed back and then he punched him and he fell back onto the ground with a broken nose.

Ducking prick
Sebastian places his arm overs Ryan and his hand over his waist.

Don't TOUCH me i have a husband ?!!! Ryan said crying because he was in so much pain.


LEAVE ME ALONE Aryana shouted trying to get away from Sebastian.

Ryan vision was really and fast as he was concerned everyone was just strangers.

Let me help Justin said.
NO?! NOBODY TOUCH ME  Ryan said breaking away from Sebastian.

Ryan it's us its me Sebastian said softly.

Ryan falls over and goes into a corner.

What did you do to him?!!!! Oliver said grabbing Zane shirt.

Nothing onlY something to Make him open up a bit Zane said trying to keep his balance.

Sebastian looked at Zane.

You put a drug in his drink?! Sebastian said.

YeAh buT fOr hiS gOod he kept wORRying aBout You AnD he NeEded sOmE FUn Zane said.

Ducking asshole man and the you probably was going to take advantage of him after Regie said.

Leave me alone I want Sebastian Ryan said holding his ears to block the sound out.

I am here Ryan and I am right here Sebastian said.

Ryan looked and he started to see A blurry Sebastian.

Sebastian I'm sorry Ryan said crying in pain.

It's okay Princess let's go home Sebastian said.

Sebastian picked Ryan up in a baby position.

I don't want to ever see your face again Sebastian said giving Zane a death stare.

Sebastian walks out with Ryan.
And everyone follows but Oliver stops and walks back to Zane.

Oliver punches him.

Hey hey that's enough he's not worth it Reggie said.

They walked out and they go into the car.

Is Ryan okay Oliver said.

No he's in pain and I don't know how to stop Sebastian said all worrried.

Look he's been drugged so he's probably hot so we should probably run and cold bath or something Oliver said.

No he need Yk Justin said.

He needs what ?! Sebastian said.

Just fucking have *** with him because the drug Zane put it was to have it with him so he needs it.

WHATTT the fuCKKKK ?! Darren said.

No Ryan might not want that Sebastian said.

But you have no choice the only way to get rid of his pain is to do Yk Justin said.

I love him and all but I would never have it with him like this Sebastian said.

Well if you loved him so much you would help him in this situation Justin.

FINE sebastian said.

Uhhh Ryan said.

it's okay we are nearly home Sebastian

CAN THIS CAR GO ANY FASTER?! Sebastian shouted.

We are nearly home just 5 more minutes Regie said.

After they get home.

Sebastian picks Ryan up and Gets out of the car.

Everyone walks in and Sebastian Ryan upstairs with Ryan.

Dw Oliver he will be fine Justin said.

Yeah they are just making love Kane said.

No it's not that I am worried for Ryan like Imagine if we didn't go Ryan would've gotten Raped Oliver said looking at the others with a serious look.

And there are still more of them  Justin said.

We need to report this Regie said.

With Ryan and Sebastian.

Sebastian places Ryan on the bed and starts to kiss Ryan neck.

After that 🥹🥹😟🥵😮‍💨😮‍💨😮‍💨😮‍💨😱😱😱😱😱

In the morning......

Did anyone sleep last night Justin said.

I did but only a little bit Darren said.

Same everyone else says.

Geez man they we're so loud last night Kane said.

Yeah but let's hope Ryan is okay now Justin said.

Sebastian runs downstairs.

Morning seb Darren.

Morning Seb said running to the kitchen.

Why is he in a rush Regie said.
I don't know Oliver said.

Sebastian runs out of the kitchen with some food and some tablets.

Hey Sebastian how's Ryan? Oliver said.

I don't know he is still asleep Sebastian.

So why are you in a rush then Darren said.

Because what do he woke up mad I am not there he is going to think he's in a stranger house Sebastian said.

Yeah but wouldn't he recognize ur guys room Kane said.

Not at first Sebastian said running up the stairs.

I hope he's okay Darren said.

Same everyone said.

Knock knock .

Oliver opened the door and saw a tall person.

Zion? Oliver said.

Hey Riley says.
Riley ? Oliver says.

Look WTH are you guys doing here ? Regie said walking up to them.

Look we came to apologize for leaving Ryan on his own Riley said.

Did you know that ur friends drugged Ryan t Reggie said.

No I didn't know I swear I was too drunk myself to realize Riley said.

Shut up and get out Oliver said.

I'm sorry please forgive us Zion said.

Sebastian walks down the stairs.

Get you be quiet Ryan might wake up Sebastian said.

Sebastian we are so sorry we didn't mean to hurt Ryan Riley said.

Listen I said it before and I will say it again. Don't go near Ryan ever again Sebastian said

Please we are sorry Riley said.

yeah man we are sorry like stop being like that Zion said.

Wtf you bff drugged me husband and you expect me to forgive you Sebastian said.

But we didn't even do anything Zion said.

Exactly because you was too wasted to do anything.

Ryan slowly walks downstairs.....
