Chapter 14 Family Reunion

Dabi sat down at a chair at the table his father did the same. "So, you have supposedly gotten better, huh?" Touya asked amused he thought it was impossible for his dad to redeem himself. "Yes, I've been trying for the last few months. I missed you Touya. I realized what I did wrong as a father." Enji said Touya laughed confusing Enji. "Yeah, right all you care about is you're stupid perfect son. How's Shoto the brat still alive?" Touya asked. Enji sighed trying to reconnect with his oldest son was going to be harder than he thought. "Look Touya I really did miss you. I thought something bad had happened to you or worse. Also, Shoto's fine." Enji said he appeared to be sincere. "I don't care if you're getting better it doesn't excuse what you done." Touya growled.

 Enji looked upset now which confused Touya he'd never seen the man sad before. "I know that and I'm sorry. I want to make new better memories with all my kids." Enji said Touya rolled his eyes he didn't believe a word his father said. The same man that was apologizing him had ignored him for years focusing on his littlest brother. Shoto was what Enji wanted not Touya. Touya had been thrown away once his use was over he felt like he was a tool to their dad. "Can it old man I don't care." Touya growled Enji was silent afterwards.

 "Touya?" A confused voice asked from the doorway Touya looked over to see Natsuo carrying a bag of groceries. Natsuo's eyes widened comically. Touya would have chuckled at his expression if his other brother hadn't followed him inside. Touya glared at his youngest brother he looked the same as the last time he saw him except older and he had a scar now. Touya wondered how he got that not that it was surprising everyone in the world got scars from doing stupid stuff or on accident. Touya doubted that one was a little accident it was a huge burn covering almost half of Shoto's face.

Touya looked over at his father than back to Shoto's scar he was sure he had to do it. Fuyumi was to kind, Natsuo didn't have the guts to do it, and their mom favorited Shoto over everyone else. She denied the accusation when Touya had asked her years ago but Touya didn't believe her. Rei comforted Shoto when Enji got violent or yelled at him. Touya would have a breakdown she'd stare at him like he was a demon. Rei didn't see Touya she saw Enji which hurt him then and even now.

Touya glared at Shoto who stared back at him stoically his face not betraying any emotion. Touya wondered when the life had been metaphorically drained from his little brother. Touya broke the gaze staring at Natsuo instead. Touya's jaw fell open as he noticed how tall Natsuo had gotten. Natsuo dropped the groceries on the floor running over to Touya. Natsuo wrapped his arms around his brothers waist Touya was lifted off the ground. Touya surprised let out a yelp as he was suddenly not in the ground anymore. Natsuo hugged his older brother tightly squeezing the air out of his lungs.

"Natsuo put me down!" Touya said threw hard breaths and being squeezed. Natsuo set him back down he gave him a apologetic look. Fuyumi scolded Natsuo at dropping the groceries she picked them up. While Fuyumi put the groceries away Natsuo sat down in a chair at the table. He sat in the one that was farest away from Enji and closest to Touya. Shoto stood there awkwardly he still looked apathetic as usual. Natsuo glared at their father as Enji cleared his throat to speak, "Now that we're all here I want to talk with you all."

"Where's mom?" Touya asked suddenly everyone was staring at him like they'd seen a ghost. "What?" He asked confused. Natsuo's glare intensified at Enji, Shoto looked away, and Fuyumi looked like she was about to cry. "You know dad just sent her away." Natsuo said bitterly Enji flinched at Natsuo's harsh tone. "The hell does that mean?" Touya said already feeling the anger rise up within him. "Rei was mentally unstable she needed treatment." Enji explained Touya felt like lighting everything on fire.

Touya let out a breathless laugh, "You're fucking joking." He said. Enji shook his head Touya slammed his fist down on the table hard. Fuyumi jolted in fear while Shoto recoiled he looked like he wanted to go hide. Touya wasn't the least bit sorry he was angry beyond belief. His hand hurt now it had relieved some of his frustration though. Touya never felt the need to kill someone any more. The man however needed to get out of here for his own sanity. "Fuck this stupid family. I'm leaving." Touya said angrily he got up heading towards the door. A large hand stopped him he glared at the person holding him back.

Enji looked at Touya pleadingly, "Please Touya don't leave." Enji begged Touya shoved his hand off. "Why shouldn't I?" He growled. "I can't loose you again." Enji pleaded he looked desperate. Touya sighed so the old man wasn't going to let him go, huh? "Alright, I'll keep in contact with you alright? Doesn't mean I like you, bastard. I just want to leave." Touya said trying to make a compromise to get the hell out of there. Enji nodded they exchanged phone numbers along with Touya's siblings. Enji pulled his oldest son into a bone crushing hug. Touya knew where Natsuo got it from.

Touya suppressed the urge to punch his dad in the face. He had to get threw this as soon as possible. Touya patted his dad on the back awkwardly. Enji sat him on the ground. "See you later son. Please visit sometime." Enji said Touya nodded he waved goodbye to his siblings. Sending one last glare at Shoto he exited his old house. Touya had expected it to go worse but the urge to drink himself to death was still there. Touya texted his boyfriend he was going to the bar to let him know his location. He also confirmed be was okay to soothe the others nerves. Touya smiled to himself as Shigaraki sent him "I love you." Touya texted him back the same three words. Now it was time for him to forget all his problems.

Hello everyone go check out they have a amazing story that they are working on. I also made art for this story it's at the beginning of the chapter. Even if it sucks I decided to add it since I bothered to make it's crappy existence a thing. I finally got the motivation to write something so now this exists. Thanks to everyone for being patient and understanding. I hope to be back sometime next week. Thanks for reading have a good day.
