
A/N .....If you want a reason I haven't updated in months...check at the end of the chapter!! See ya soon.


If I thought my old pack was harsh....was I wrong. They were nothing compared to the training I endured. Things settled into a Whatever...I can't remember the means I do the same thing every day...and..uh...Yeah...

6am- Physical Training

9am- Breakfast

10:15am- Mental Training

1:30pm- Lunch

2:45pm- Supes International (Supernatural History Class)

3:45- Etiquette (Shifter Politics)

9pm- Dinner

10pm-11pm- Studying (Apparently, I have to at least finish high school)

12-1- Defence Training (tutoring in anything I need)

1-6 - Sleep.

And repeat....and repeat...and repeat. Somethings going to give soon. I'm strung to tight and way tooooo thin.

It's been two months and I've barely said a word to anyone other than Axiz. We've become pretty close and I even learned why he's attending


I was making me and Axiz a snack while he tried to explain why the heck I need to know the appropriate amount of times a pack can attack Brett it is considered a declaration of war.

Axiz walked into the kitchen just as I was finishing our Meat-arian sandwiches (something I created....a toasted sub bun with every kind of lunch meat you can find in the fridge, warned in a skilled with light vegetable oil, drenched in Italian dressing, topped off with melted mozzarella cheeses) she dry down at the table and told me, "This is why I'm here, ya' know..."

I raised an eyebrow, saying, "For my subs?"

He lets out a solemn, "no", before taking a deep breath and continuing,  "I...I killed my mom..." he says in a broken whisper.

"W-what? No you didn't...I'd the some kind of sick joke?!" I say, thinking back to why my pack hates me- my mom.

"It's true...She's dead...and it's all my fault. If I would have just let it go, she would still be here," he said, most in his own head. I'm about to interrupt him again when I notice a distant look in his eyes as quite sure, realising he needs to let this out before it eats his alive.

He quieted down and I say, "Let what go?" trying to get him to talk again.

"My mate, " he says and instantly I put my arms around him, trying my best to imitate what he mom used to do even I was upset.

"We we're having fun, being teenagers. I was trying to hook up with some random girl when I looked over felt like I couldn't breath. My hands for sweaty and my body felt like it was in fire. A scene of jasmine woke every part of my being up as my wolf started practically purring for his mate. I went over to this shy, kinda nerdy, girl I never reach noticed at school before, and introduced myself. She looked at me, smiled slightly, and said, 'You know this doesn't mean I'm gonna fall into your bed, legs spread, and and tell you to 'take me' ' I asked her what it did mean and she replied with, 'It means now I have a reason to give you a chance' and I fell in love right there.

"After a few mess-ups and bumps, we were finally, finally, getting it together. She wore my mark, as bore me a son, as I was so excited...until....until three months before the birth of our first child. Now...I told you, you need three attacks, within the same generation, before it is officially counted as declaring war. A neighboring pack had attacked once, officially....though there were did incidents that gathered but we couldn't quit pin it on them, but the next one was rumored to be happening soon.

" My mate, Alice, refused to go into temporary hiding with the other pregnant, or in heat, women and children. So...I let her. It was dumb of me...but...I let her. Anything to make her happy.

"On the day of the fight, I told her to stay in the house but she would have been more safe with us. Turns out our spy found his mate in the other pack and had been feeding is false information to protect his pregnant wife. Instead of attacking from the west like we we're informed, they cave in from the east and....did to the pack house. I felt terror, genuine terror, through my mate link and instant ran towards the house...until I felt immense my stomach. But it wasn't mine.

"I could tell Alice was losing the baby and her emotions practically knocked me over. I feel to the ground, clutching my stomach as the rest of the pack continues on without me, a few stopping to check me for any wounds but then continued on as well. It wasn't long before...I was overcome with a pain so intense I forgot to breath.

" My mate mark started to burn and my wolf grew weak suddenly. It felt like James, my wolf, was starting to pull away. I soon passed out from the pain and woke up in the hospital. I started screaming for Alice, I knew, in my heart, what happened but I didn't want to accept it. Soon my parents, the Alpha and Luna, ran in. My dad...he just slowly shook his head. I became ready depressed...but soon that depression turned into anger and all I could think about was revenge and James wasn't exactly opposed to the idea. I took over the battle plans and soon we were ready. Next time when they attacked, we move everyone who didn't fight to an allied pack's territory and when they broke through into our house we had the fighters lying in wait and we...slaughtered them all." Axiz dropped his head into his hand, taking in a deep breath.

"But what does this have to do with your mom?" I ask.

His voice broke as he continued his story, "We moved our members back into the pack house and everything was good...for everyone else...until one day, when everyone was gone, me as my mom were setting up for a pack party, she felt that the pack needed a little happiness after all the loss we suffered. I went out to Alice's grave and left my mom....alone. When I got back...I found her...there was blood everywhere. No one blamed me...but I knew it was my fault. I should have been there to protect her! I should have....I should have...I-"

I cut him of by drawing him into my arms. I guided him to my lap and cradled his head as I whisper reassurances into his ear. He started to cry and I had a feeling he never told anyone. This was his first time letting go...

End Flashback.

After that, me and Axiz, got really close. It turns out he wasn't very social, and while the guys, the ones who found me, checked in every now and then, I barely said anything other than, "Hello" to anyone other than Axiz. But I think they understood. The boys have slowly been working their way into my life, going out of their way to make me feel welcome. It started with just waving and then pulling with them in line for dinner, lunch, breakfast, now they even include me in conversations, even if they know I won't say anything. But it's okay, I think. I'm starting to think maybe they aren't life the guys from my pa- I mean my old pack. This is my home now...this is where I belong.

A/'s life? Mine has great grandma passed and it kinda hit the family hard, ya know? My mom, my brother, and I all packed as much as we could and came down to West Virginia. We've been taking care of my great uncle who's really sick. I even met my father...Yeah... met him....and his three daughters. Haven't seen him since I was about 3....and...I'm....yeah. I've had this chapter finished for about a month (maybe less) and I was worried that maybe my life problems were reflecting in a dark chapter...So...I read over it and edited and...this was the result. I realised I miss Scars OAAH and hope to edit more. Maybe one day I'll even set up a schedule...ha... Anyway....

Bye, Love-Lies

                                   Love, Perfect_Illusions
