truth or dare

"I got so brave drink in hand, lost my discretion," — Katy Perry, I Kissed a Girl

A/N: The fact that this song was partly inspired by Scarlett >>>>>>>>

TW: smut, infidelity


Wine glasses clinking, giggles, and the sound of two people talking — it was a girl's night at Scarlett's house. She called me without any warning earlier that night, telling me that her boyfriend was out of town and she wanted me to come over. The request itself was hard to turn down, let alone the person who made it. A few moments later, I found myself sitting on the same couch with the woman I had a secret crush on, debating on whether we should play the customary slumber party game — truth or dare.

"C'mon, it'll be fun," begged Scarlett.

"I'm an open book to you," I said, "There's no point at playing this game when we know each other so well."

"Oh, really? You think you know me well?" Asked Scarlett.

"Maybe not as much as your little boyfriend but at least my knowledge about you is sufficient to pass a friendship test."

"Then, let's play 'truth or dare' to find out."

"How can this game find out how much I know about you?"

"We'll see. Y/n, truth or dare," she began the game.

"You're so childish," I complained, but I liked the childlike side of her. I shook my head and sighed before answering, "Truth."

"Great!" An evil grin crept on her face. I instantly knew that there was something on her mind, and it definitely was not something good — for me, at least.

"Y/n, do you have a crush?" She asked. How innocent she was — not knowing that my crush was sitting right in front of me, playing a boring drinking game with me, and spending the night with me. Even though I was hanging out with my crush, I did not think I would get anything that night other than ranking up on her list of friends. But that did not stop me from telling her the truth, "Yes, I have."

"Oooh, do I know him? Her? Them? What's their name?"

"Her. I can't tell you her name but I can tell you that you know her very well. Let me love her in secrecy," I said. Not a single lie in my answer. Ruining our friendship that night was the last thing I would ever want to happen in my life. Plus, she had a boyfriend. Too bad, she had a boyfriend.

"Fine," she said with a down-turned mouth. "It's your turn. C'mon, ask me or dare me to do something big."

"Truth or dare, Miss Johansson?" I asked.

"Dare" She exclaimed almost instantly.

"Hmmm..." I needed something more exciting, something adventurous, something... riskier. Perhaps it was the influence of alcohol, I adjusted to a more comfortable sitting position and said, "I dare you to kiss me."

She nearly choked on her wine after hearing my request. "Really?"

"It's a dare. C'mon. On the cheek. Just a little peck," I loosened the requirement, although I desperately wanted her to kiss me on my lips.

A few giggles escaped from her mouth before her next move. Out of the blue, she leaned towards me like a predator pounced forward to its prey. The smell of her fragrance — or her breath — swirling up my nostrils each time I breathe in. My thumping heart was trying to escape my chest when she got closer and closer. I had no idea what I had signed up for, but I loved it.

"You're making me blush," I told her nervously but failed to hide the happiness that was showing on my face.

"I love it when you blush," she grinned.

Slowly, she maneuvered herself to sit on my lap and placed her arms on my shoulder. Encircling her waist, my hands pulled her closer until our clothes brushed on each other. Just a little tilt of my head, I could touch her lips with mine. I whispered, "Kiss me."

One Mississippi, two Mississippi, three... I lost count of how much time she stayed on my lips. Eyes closed, her palms rested on my face while she was kissing me, holding my head up. It was a simple kiss — no tongue involved, just lips pressing on lips. Nonetheless, my stomach flipped inside out when we were in contact, together with the heat rising to my head.

When we parted, I pressed my lips together to relish the lingering taste of her lips. She played with my hair and told me, "I hate you, y/n. You're so tempting, it makes me hungry for you. I hope you don't have any plans tomorrow morning because I'm sure we won't get any sleep tonight. I wanna eat you. May I?"

"You have a boyfriend, Scar," I reminded her. An insincere reminder, to be exact, because I knew she would not care.

"Screw him."


"Oh yeah? Didn't you say you wanna fuck me?" I asked playfully.

"Only if you want to. But I bet you want to. You have a huge crush on me, don't you? You're so all over me. It's so obvious. Every day, every time we're together," said Scarlett in a provoking voice.

"Wow, you're so smart and naughty. Gosh, I love you. But," I paused and pinned her onto the couch. When her brain had reconnected from the shock, a playful smile appeared on her face. With my fingers gliding down the bottom part of her thigh, I asked, "Do you wanna cum for me first?"

Hands on my chest, she nodded. I could have stripped her off fast, but that night, I wanted to take it slow. At a rather sedate pace, I undid the button on her shirt one by one. She was impatient and restless under me — grinding up and down my knee in between her legs and getting what she wanted from my jeans.

As soon as we were both in our birthday suits, I buried my face in the crook of her neck and started kissing every inch of her skin. Each kiss, I bit and sucked and released and did it all again until a trail of love marks formed. The hands wrapping around my neck and the writhing body underneath me told me that she loved it and extremely anticipated more.

When I reached her breast, I intentionally flicked her hardened, erected nipple with my tongue, luring out a soft moan from her mouth. Her melodic husky voice tickled in my ears. But I did not spend too much time spoiling her soft, round, Greek-goddess-like breast. Instead, I traveled further south, leaving bite marks as the breadcrumbs of my journey.

Never in my wildest dreams did I think that I would have the chance to do this. Yet, I gladly trapped myself in between her legs at that moment. I made sure every kiss I planted on her groin area was firm and deep. Her legs spread wider as I traveled closer and closer to her throbbing pussy. At last, I pulled my tongue into the game and started licking from the outer lining of her vagina towards the center like a puppy showing love to its master. Couldn't resist the temptation anymore, my mouth kissed her cherry chapstick.

Sweet, moisturizing, glossing my lips like the lip balm.

She turned into a moaning mess when I lightly prod and lick and suck her clit. Her fingers intertwined and pulled my hair every time I played with it. But I knew she would not be satisfied by these teasing and toying around, and neither would I. I wanted to go into her like what her boyfriend would do; I wanted to make her cum more than what her boyfriend would do to her; I wanted to prove that I am better than her boyfriend.

The second my tongue entered her, the wire in us connected. A jolt of electricity shot in two ways — one to her, making her hips arch and neck tilt back; one sent to me, causing my tongue to burn and my mind to become blurry. My tongue reached as deep as I could, swiping at every spot that her body responded with great reaction. I kept up with her pace until she reached her climax and cried out my name. As her wall tightened, I opened my mouth wide and filled it with her cum — the most delicious cum I had ever tasted. It killed me to know that I might not be able to taste it again.

After her comedown, she sat up, panting, but immediately pressed her lips on mine, sucking and biting my lips to taste herself. So. Fucking. Sexy. The table had turned and now I was the one whose breaths became heavy and stomach fluttered. In the wash of her voluptuous charm, my muscles had all tensed up and my head got so confused.

We were getting breathless so she pushed me down onto the couch roughly. Her tongue slid up from my abdomen skin like she was licking a popsicle. The tingles she gave sent a shiver demand and the news quickly spread to my whole body. She stretched her body to reach my ear and whispered, "it's my turn."

She mischievously nibbled my earlobe but soon let it go. Without dawdling, she skirted my sensitive skin with her mouth and eventually ended up on my clit. Her tongue did a magnificent job in eating me out. Every kiss, lick, nudge, suction caused a riot on my body, making me squirm and whine unstoppably.

That was when she slipped her finger into my entrance. When my twisting body and gasps instructed her for more, she added another finger in me. At this point, her curled fingers in me and her mouth on my clit had bewildered me until I could hardly think and control my body except arching and screaming out her name. The double pleasure was rocking me to my peak and cumming was the only option left.

Finally, she thrust her fingers in me one last time to let them soak in my cum until I loosened up. After pulling out her fingers, she did what everybody would do — lick the cum off. However, she did not keep it all to herself. She pointed her fingers at me like a shotgun and ordered, "Suck them."

I immediately enveloped her fingers with my mouth and swallowed them deep into my mouth. My gaze locked on her eyes when I slowly let go of her fingers. A sly smirk leaped across her face while looking at me treating her fingers like a cock. She kissed my cheek as an expression of gratitude for cleaning her hand — and maybe fulfilling her desire.

Rapture and satisfaction were not easily earned. Being exhausted, we lay on the couch, cuddling together while catching our breath. Despite wearing nothing, we were covered in sweat and bliss. But this is exactly what the sinful ritual would lead to — mess mixed with ultimate pleasure. Oh, how I wish time would stop right at that moment so I could feel her and enjoy our closeness. To close the distance between us, I brought her closer to my chest.

"Wish you were mine," I said under my breath.

"I will. Soon."

