
Amaryllis Lexington

"Tom Ellis has a better accent, in my humble opinion." Lee  Han's glare made my shirt smell of smoke. I mentally stuck out my tongue at him. He could burn me all he wants, but I won't rescind on my decision.

Lee Han leaned on the table, his eyes holding mine in a mean stare-down, his jaw set with determination. "Sweetheart, Tom Ellis's accent can't hold a candle to the flame of Klaus's."

I repeated his action, by leaning on the table and thrusting my jaw forward while our gazes were still holding each other. "If you want us to keep going back and forth with this till the sun goes down, trust me, I am so down for that. Anyone who has watched Lucifer will agree with me that his accent could make you book a flight to Vegas and marry him without being drunk."

"Hear Hear!" Sierra, Alexander's twin sister and a very loyal supporter of Tom Ellis, said and I rewarded her with a very grateful smile. I hadn't realized Alex had a twin until he showed up with her this afternoon during our ice cream heist. She was super friendly and it didn't take too long for us to click. If she attended our school, we would have been insant friends, but she was in fashion school and she already had her clothing line.

"I can't believe you are supporting her. You are not my blood!" Alex growled at her and I grinned happily. Before we could even say anything, David and Carlson joined us at the table, each carrying trays full of big tubs of ice cream.

"Thank Goodness you guys are here. Carlson, get your girl.  She and Sierra are about to tear the boys apart because of some dumb argument." Jayden said and I glared at him. Everything in that sentence was so wrong, including the part where he called me Carlson's girl because the dumbledum hasn't even asked me to be his girlfriend. It's been two week since he confessed his feelings and yet, nothing. He hasn't even kissed me since that day! Sometimes, I wonder if I somehow conjured up that moment with my imagination. Rose told me to calm down and she explained that he may be trying to give us time to settle into this new phase since everything kinda happened way too fast, and I guess I agreed.

"What's the argument about, ladies?" David said, settling into his spot beside Sierra. If I didn't know David better, I'd think he was into Sierra, but I knew he just being his usual self, and also to annoy Alex.

"We're letting the boys know Tom Ellis has a better accent than Klaus." Sierra filled him in and I didn't miss the way her eyes didn't stray from him. I didn't need a soothsayer to tell me she had it really bad for David, but he was just too blind to see it, and his harmless flirting weren't helping matters.

David's jaw slacked as he stared at us as if we had more than two eyes glued to our head. "What blasphemy! Don't ever say that outside or you will get mobbed."

"I hate to agree with David, but that's right. Klaus has the best accent, second to me, of course." Carl said and I gave him a disgusted look and faked a shudder.

"Why are you boys so deaf? Not only is Tom Ellis hotter, he also sounds better, and his abs are for dayssssss." I swooned and Sierra placed her hand to her chest, a dreamy smile on her face.

"You disgust me." Lee Han spat at us and we laughed. The  Tom and Klaus banter went on and on till we were half way into our ice creams.

"I'm gonna drop this, but only for today. We will both go home and watch reruns of both Originals and Lucifer. Don't be bias in making your decisions." Sierra said and we all agreed.

I felt Carlson shift closer to me, his breath fanning my face and quickening my pulse. Is this reaction medically normal? Is my heart going to be on overdrive every time he comes near? What if I die before we could even get into an actual relationship?

"Do you have time for me now?" He whispered and his voice almost got lost under the thudding of my heart. Luckily, the booth we were in had sofas and not single seats, so I could shift into him and not worry about falling off my chair. When I shifted closer to him, his body warmth was so welcome, I almost wondered how I didn't feel so cold without it. In summary, it was perfect.

"Why? Do you want me to pay you sole attention?" I teased and a small smile made his lips curve. His lips were so close and I could just raise my head a little bit higher and further, and they would be right where I want them to be, but I didn't want to embarrass myself. I mean, I get that he has confessed his feelings for me, alright, but what if he wasn't sure of it.

Or what if he's sure, but he's just put off by the fact that it's been fourteen good days and you somehow haven't found the right moment to say it back.

For once, my subconscious made some sort of sense. Anytime I wanted to tell him that I felt the same, I just chicken out and just allow my actions to show it. I mean, any one with eyes could see that admist the banters and arguments, I loved him a lot, but I just didn't know how to voice it out yet.

"Hmm. What is going on in that pretty little head of yours, Amaryllis? I never thought you would be so wild." He winked and I felt warmth flood my face. Way to go, Amaryllis. I looked away from him, just in time to see a girl walking towards us, her eyes trained on David and Sierra who were engrossed in a conversation. The girl looked somewhat furious as she glared at the duo.

"Hey, do you know that girl?" I asked Carlson and nodded in her direction. When Carlson's eyes zoned in on her, he had that 'uh-oh' look on his face and amusement was dancing in his eyes.

"This should be fun, babe." My eyes glazed over like a doughnut and I almost had a seizure. He just called me 'babe! I felt like picking up my phone and dialing Rosaline's number, but a big drama was about to unfold, judging my Carlson's reaction.

"Hey guys. Hey, David." The girl said when she arrived at our seat. When she got closer, I realized she was a knock-out. Heck, even as a girl, I swooned over her beauty. Her black hair was so straight, it could cut you if you ran your hand along the edges carelessly, and her hazel eyes blended perfectly with her tanned skin.

I watched David's eyes widen slightly before he shared glances with his boys, as if asking for help. Jayden stepped in, "Hey,  Jennifer. Fancy meeting you here." I knew I had heard that name, but somehow, I couldn't place it.

"I'm good, Jay. Can I sit with you guys? If David and his girlfriend won't mind, that is." Her voice felt like ice and I squirmed. My reaction must have amused Carlson because he chuckled, but he still pulled me closer to himself as if trying to protect me anyway. I knew my reaction was silly, seeing as the girl didn't even come for me, but the fact that it got me this proximity with Carlson made it worth it.

Sierra watched the scene unfold before her eyes and the confusion in her eyes made me feel bad for her. Lee Han couldn't take his eyes off Jennifer, and then it clicked. Jennifer was the girl David took out on date before Lee Han could even ask her. At that moment, I agreed that David deserved the helplessness on his face, but Sierra didn't deserve her confusion.

"You said you were going to call me. I waited for your call, you know. I waited for days until I realized it all meant nothing to you, and now, here you are with a new one. Does she know you only move from girl to girl without any intention to commit?" This girl is straight up cutthroat! She doesn't beat around the bush or throw subtle digs, she just went straight for the gold.

Sierra's eyes widened considerably, "We are not together. He's my brother's best friend and I'm just hanging out with them." Jennifer looked like someone poured a cold cup of juice over her head. I didn't anyone to tell me she was very embarrassed.

"Oh. I'm so sorry. I, uh..., I was just really mad at him and I wanted to get back at him. I didn't mean to offend you. I'll just leave." She didn't even wait for anyone to say anything. She just stood up and left, her long legs carrying her out at an unbelievably fast pace.

Three seconds later, Lee Han broke the silence with a boisterous laughter and soon enough, the boys were all laughing. Only Sierra and I didn't get what the laughter was all about.

"I warned you, man. I warned you that your stupid ways would soon catch up with you, but you didn't want to listen. You do realize you just endangered my sister's life right? What if she was carrying a bottle of acid? She would have ruined Sierra." Alex said, chuckling. How he couldn't see Sierra's heartbreak through her eyes was a mystery.

"I just wanna get out of here and hole up in my room. I'm scared she might lurking around with a holster attached to her hip." David said and we chuckled. The only person I felt bad for was Sierra. The girl had to laugh through her heartbreak. I couldn't imagine having to face off with any one Carlson has dated before. Shudders.

"I think it's about time we bounced, or what'd ya think?" Jayden said and we all agreed. There's been enough drama for one day. We all filed out of the restaurant, and I hugged the guys goodbye before I got into Carlson's car.

"It's sad I have to go to work now. I wish I could take you somewhere else, somewhere private, and just hang out with you." A huge smile broke out of my face when his words sank in.

I knew I was supposed to respond with something cute, but thanks to the fact that I had a few lose screws in my head, I decided to tease him, "Well, you are the one who decided to go to work. You could just skip work and hang out with me, you know?"

"Hmm, I see you're trying to make me very irresponsible. Wonder what kind of man you'll make me in the future." Whenever he talks about the future, it feels like my head is filled with cotton candy, because everything just gets fuzzy in a pink and sweet way.

A comfortable silence encompassed around us till we arrived at my house. I knew I was supposed to get out of the car, but my bum stayed glued to the chair. Anyone looking at us would have wondered what was up with us just staring at each other, but I didn't care. The fact that he was looking at me like he just didn't want me to get out of his sight made me super good.

I decided to break the silence, but before I could even say anything, his phone beeped. I watched him go stiff when he picked it up and glanced at the screen. It was like a vacuum cleaner appeared from above and sucked out all the joy in the atmosphere.

His gaze finally went off the phone and zoned in on me. The emotions I saw in his eyes were disturbing and fear filled me. "Is everything okay?" If he heard my question, he didn't show. It was like he was frozen in time and my throat went dry. His gaze went back to his phone and a swear emitted from him. The first word he spoke since he got that text. This can't be good.

"It's on the news." His voice came out as a broken whisper, and I knew I wouldn't have been able to hear anything if I hadn't been paying my utmost attention.

"What's on the news? You're scaring me, Carlson." I don't know whether it was what I said or something else, but the way his eyes blazed in anger almost made me dash out the door and run into the house, away from the scorching heat of his fury.

"I'm scaring you? I am scaring you,  Amaryllis? The scared person here is me! I am scared to death right now, and the reason is because you couldn't keep a secret!" He has never yelled at me and I couldn't put the way my heart was beating into words.

"Talk to me, Carlson. I don't understand what you're talking about."

He ran his hands through his hair, an action he only does when he was at the peak of frustration. Whatever the issue was, I feared it would be bigger than I could handle.

"What I told you. The stuff about my parents and the company, it's all out there. Somehow, someone got wind of it and now the board has called for an emergency meeting. I trusted you, Amaryllis." My eyes widened as my heart hit the floor of my belly with a thud.

"You think I was the one who ratted the story out?" I said in disbelief, and the look he gave me told me that was exactly what he thought.

"I would never do that! You don't trust me?" He stared at me for a while, anger and uncertainty still very evident in his eyes. I didn't need anyone to tell me his answer wouldn't be favourable so I opened the door and walked out.

I never believed not being trusted could hurt so much. What hurt the most was losing him because I even had him.
