Power of one

"I don't understand why Miyano's parents were here." Yuki muttered. Kuresawa moved to take her hand.

"I was wondering that too." Eimi offered as Jiro stood behind her.

"Well, Masato contacted us, he said it was important that we come here." Miyano's mother explained.

"My family is one of the eldest in the region. We were one of the first to show generational abilities with magic." Hanzawa began.

"Hold up, let's go some place more comfortable." The senior Mr. Miyano insisted. He held out his hand.

Miyano moved forward. He had done this sort of thing with his father for as long as he could remember. He never suspected that it was due to his father being a wizard. Why had he not questioned that? His hand slipped perfectly into his father's.

"Everyone, you must touch one of them. It doesn't have to be on their skin, just be in contact with them directly." Miyano's mother informed the group.

Miyano felt Sasaki take his other hand. More hands touched his shoulders, elbows or back. When his dad nodded, Miyano closed his eyes. He poured his ability into his father. His father's larger hand held tight to Miyano. It was an anchor for the boy. Miyano felt slightly dizzy for a second. He never opened his eyes. His father tapped the palm of his hand with his thumb.

Miyano breathed deeply centering himself before opening his eyes. He wasn't sure why this always made him feel so worn out. He slumped forward. His father shifted to catch him, but he was too late. Miyano felt long strong arms lifting him up.

A voice spoke off to his right. "That wasn't you, was it?" Hirano demanded.

The soft chuckle of his father's amused tone floated to Miyano. He blinked as he focused on Sasaki's face. He giggled softly.

"You missed a spot." He teased as he touched a few strands of hair on the jawline of his wizard.

"Yeah, I was in a rush." Sasaki grinned down at him.

"Set him here, he needs this to restore him." Miyano's mother spoke gently to Sasaki.

"You never told him you were a wizard. You never told him, he was the one who could transport others. What else did you lie to him about?" Hirano wasn't letting it go. He was being defensive for his friend.

"No, it wasn't me. I can't transport anyone. Dad dose it. I just lend him some energy." Miyano insisted.

"That's not exactly true." His dad accepted a cup of tea from his wife. Miyano glanced around. They were all seated in the dinning room of his family's small home.

"Alright, let me finish first." Hanzawa smiled over them all.

"As I was saying, my family is one of the oldest here. Because of this, they became power hungry. They felt that since the magic chose them, they should be in control of who receives it. As we know now, it doesn't work that way." He broke off to take a sip.

"It wasn't too many generations ago, I believe my fifth great grandfather in fact, was the first to find a shakra. In those times, they were revered. People looked to them as a type of mystic." He chuckled.

"This took the focus off of the wizard. That was when the first wizard War started. My family, and others such as they were, who believed the magic should belong to the wizard, began to kill the shakras." Hanzawa looked down saddened as well as angered by this.

"My grandfather was still a part of the cult that insisted upon keeping the shakras under control. My father learned of our bloodied past. He separated himself from the family. In fact he was disowned, rejected from the heritage of the family titles, all of it." Hanzawa smirked.

"He met my mother, a wizard of renowned ability herself." He glanced up to see everyone watching him.

"She listened to his talk, how poorly the familiars were being treated. How us wizards didn't see them for what they were, a benefit to us, not subservient. They began to collect friends who thought as they did. Slowly, the notion of protecting the next shakra came to be. We have been searching for them for over a generation." His kind eyes fell to Miyano.

"That was where I came in." Miyano's father spoke up. He reached out to touch his wife's hand.

"I had already, secretly, married my familiar." He whispered.

"To any who lived near us, I simply pretended to be a familiar. It isn't uncommon for them to not transform in front of others. The familiar community is far less judgmental, than wizards." He smiled.

"I had already become known in the wizard community for my abilities with my water element. I was often asked to do seminars or help with various natural disasters. In that world, I used my given name. When I married my wife, in the familiar world, I had taken on her surname." He explained.

"So, my father never knew that the shakra we were searching for, had already been born." Hanzawa added.

"When I met Miyano on the first day of school, I sensed something different in him." He went on.

"I set various traps that would have caught a regular familiar, but Miyano acted as if they weren't even there. I don't think he was even aware of them." Hanzawa chuckled.

"The door in the basement?" Hirano asked.

"That was placed at every school during the hayday of my families obsession. My father, along with others from our organization, have done our best to make it so familiars wouldn't go near them." Hanzawa scowled at Hirano.

"So, you're the one that made it smell like rotten feet?" Miyano asked.

"Not me particularly, but yes, that was one deterrent. Over the generations, many forgot about the doors. The wizards entrusted various supernatural beings with guarding the doors. This was passed down through the families as well. The one Miyano triggered was watched over by the Pan clan." Hanzawa explained.

"So that's it then. They know he is at our school." Hirano muttered.

"They do indeed. But they don't know who he is." Hanzawa smiled softly.

"What?" there was a cry from behind them. Jiro was gaping at Hanzawa.

"How could they not know? Are they dense?" he demanded.

"The Pan who found Miyano, well, he has some allergies..." Hanzawa chuckled.

"I feared Miyano might try to search the basement at some time when I heard him talking with Hirano about it. So, I placed the very thing this Pan was allergic to, in Miyano's laundry soap. Everything he wore smelled like it. So, the Pan's nose was affected by this. He couldn't smell out Miyano. His eye sight was poor at best any way." Hanzawa shrugged.

"I see. Now let's get to the part where Miyano isn't aware of his own ability." Hirano moved the conversation on.

"Miyano was only ten months old when he started to teleport. We feared that he would get noticed, so..." His father paused turning to look at his son.

"I put a block on it. Miyano can no longer teleport unless I am there. This block was to come off, once he found his wizard. If his wizard vowed to protect him. Alas, that is exactly what Sasaki did. This was the last time I will be needed to assist him in teleporting." His father smiled.

"Are you serious? It was all me? But I never knew where we were going." Miyano cried.

"That was part of the block. It allowed me to control the out come. But all you need to do, is picture where you want to be." His father insisted.

"Try it. Send yourself to your room here." Hirano encouraged. Miyano glanced at him.

"Um, ok." He nodded. He set his cup down.

Placing his hands on his knees, he closed his eyes. He pictured his room the way it had been when he left it to go to school. With a firm picture in mind, he pushed his ability into his hands like he would do if he was giving his father his power. He felt the familiar tipping that always caused him to become dizzy. Yet, the dizziness didn't come. He opened his eyes.

He was sitting alone in the dark of his room. His bed sank under his weight as he glanced around. Running feet caught his attention. The door was yanked open. Sasaki stood framed by the light in the hall as he starred at him.

"You did it!" He cried rushing to Miyano's side.

Miyano laughed as he leapt up to hug the taller teen. They danced around the room as others looked on in amusement. Finally, Hirano made them go back to the living room.

"How was it? Do you need more tea?" His mother asked. She made no move to go fetch the tea that always made Miyano feel better after assisting his father in this way.

"No, I feel fine." Miyano grinned.

"See, my thought was that, on your own, you could do it as a child. When I blocked your ability, it was fighting that block each time I had you use it. I think that's what was making you ill whenever you did it." He father gave him a sad apologetic look.

"It's OK, I know you were only doing it to protect me." Miyano offered.

"So, what happens now?" Yuki asked. Everyone looked around.

"Now, we let the rest of the group know we have a shakra to protect." Hanzawa grinned at Miyano.

"I don't like that look!" Hirano shifted to protect the smaller male.

"Relax, mama Hirano!" Sasaki waved his hand to shoo away the protest.

"Yes, Miyano will need wizards to protect him." Eimi insisted.

"Well, he has a few right at school." Hanzawa offered.

"With Sasaki moving him into the wizard dorms, will that be good or bad?" Jiro voiced his thoughts.

"Hmm, I'm not sure. Sasaki is on a floor we're the majority of wizards are from our group." Hanzawa said.

"Maybe we can find reasons to switch people around. Make that floor be only wizards who have pledged themselves to Miyano's protection." Hirano thought.

"How would we do that?" Hanzawa asked.

"It's getting late, you should return to school." Miyano's father offered.

"Yes, we can think of ways once we have all rested." Everyone looked around.

"Um, how are we getting back?" Yuki asked.

"Hirano, work as Miyano's familiar." Hanzawa offered.

Miyano held his hand out. Hirano took it. A soft spark lit up where their skin touched.

"Ah, see the power accepts you guys working together." Kuresawa said softly.

Miyano closed his eyes. He pictured the space between the wizard and familiar dorms. The woods, here, he knew well enough. Hirano flooded him with energy. Miyano waited as long as he could. He felt hands grab on to him once more. When he was ready, he accepted Hirano's energy. The space shifted. He opened his eyes. They were all together in the exact place he had pictured.

No sooner had they let go of each other, they heard others walking down from the stone. They blended back into the crowd headed to an early breakfast. Miyano never felt so safe, yet so unsure of his future as he did in that moment. A large hand squeezed his. He looked up to the smiling face of his wizard. He wasn't alone any more.
