First blush

"Sasaki!" Hirano yelled cupping one hand to the side of his mouth. He swatted at a tree branch as he stormed through the small alcove of trees.

Where was the idiot now? Why was he the one to go find him? Hirano fumed. He came out to a clearing. The bright blue sky shone above him. He tilted his blond head up drinking in the rays of summer. It was fading. Soon autumn would be here, another equinox. He sighed opening his eyes once more.

If he were up there he would probably be able to find the lazy no good friend of his. Well, he guessed that was a bit harsh. Sasaki was a good guy. He tried anyway.

Hirano looked to the sky again. He was a familiar, a human that could turn into an animal. He hadn't found his wizard so his power was hampered. One thing he found was that until he found his wizard, he had a limited number of transformations per day. Should he risk one?

It wasn't like they had classes today. He mused. He tried calling out the name once more. Nothing but bird twittering answered him. They weren't telling him anything. A slow evil smirk spread over his face. He spread his arms.

The wind rushed over his feathered body. It felt nice ruffling through him. He loved flying. Twisting he soared on an air current as he peeked bellow him. The mop of bright red hair flashed in the green grass. He opened his mouth, a loud caw escaped him.

Sasaki's eyes flew open. He was looking up into the evening sky. Why was he being picked on? He wailed seeing the golden crow barreling down at him. He leapt up, snatching his bag off of the ground. Hirano! He cried as he bolted toward the rusted gate behind him.

He burst through it into the sea of stone. They were older here, many knocked off of their pedestals. He raced around them, noting how nicely the grass was cut. He ran toward the large monument, hoping to lose the bird in the shadows of it.

Something picked at his hair. He didn't even look up. He waved his arm. He felt his hand hit the feathered body, knocking the bird off its coarse of landing in his hair. He ran faster. He knew Hirano was only forcing him to run toward the school. But, what if...?

Suddenly Sasaki changed direction. Instead of running in a direct line toward the school, he turned. Running deeper into the cemetery, he laughed when he heard the angry caw behind him. He jumped over a hole in the ground but continued toward an even older section. This one, many of the stones had lost their writing due to the years they sat out in the elements.

He burst through the small bushes that separated the two cemeteries. Technically it was one, but everyone referred to it as two, the old or the new, clever right? Looking over his shoulder he tried to spot the golden crow in the sun's rays. Since he wasn't looking where he was going, he didn't see the problem until it was too late.

Sasaki fell over something. He felt his leg get tangled up in something that moved. A cry of pain reached his ears as he slapped his hands down on the grass. They slide over it for a foot or so before he managed to stop himself. The crow screamed as it swooped down to smack him in the head. Sasaki flung his hands around making it fly up to land on the stone.

Now Sasaki was able to see what he tripped over. Well, it wasn't a what, but a who. Large doe brown eyes meet his. The black hair was slightly disheveled over the angular face. Wow, they were cute! Sasaki thought.

"You're on my hand." The person said.

"Oh, sorry." Sasaki pushed himself up. He looked at the boy, for now he realized that it was a boy.

He was small, almost delicate, but there was a power radiating from him. The boy took his one hand in the other. He moved his wrist around, stretched his fingers, a grimace marring his handsome face.

"Are you ok?" Sasaki asked.

"I think it may be sprained." The boy answered.

"I'm sorry. I didn't see you." Sasaki moved to squat before him.

"What are you doing out here in a cemetery?" He asked.

The boy lowered his hand looking up at Sasaki. He smiled it was like a ray of sunlight leapt out of the sky to land on his face. Too cute. Sasaki thought to himself.

"My roommate needed the room for a study group sessions, so I came out here. It's peaceful, normally." He chuckled at Sasaki.

"Why were you running away from Hirano?" he asked.

"Oh! You know him." Sasaki glared up at the bird preening himself.

"Yes, we are in some of the same classes." The boy offered.

He held out his uninjured hand. "My names Miyano." He said.

Sasaki beamed. He always forgot to introduce himself when meeting new people. It wasn't that he didn't want to, it was more that there was other things he found interesting about them. He took the hand. It was small, smooth yet the fingers curled around his with a strength that shouldn't be in a body so slim.

"Sasaki." He offered.

"I haven't seen you around before." They both said at the same time.

There was a slight popping sound. Hirano flipped his blond hair back out of his eyes. He glared down at them. Without saying anything he kicked Sasaki back away from the other boy. Kneeling he pulled a cloth from his pocket. He wrapped it around the wrist that already looked like it was swelling.

"Sasaki is a wizard." Hirano told the small Miyano.

Hirano looked over his shoulder at Sasaki. "Miyano is a familiar." He added.

Sasaki ducked his head to not look at Hirano. He was swatted with a bag. Sasaki fell over back on his ass. He caught the bag as Hirano helped Miyano to his feet. He glared down at Sasaki.

"You can carry his bag since it is your fault he got hurt." The blond ordered.

"I was going to offer that anyway!" Sasaki bemoaned as he slipped both his bag and Miyano's over one shoulder.

"Why were you looking for Sasaki?" Miyano asked Hirano.

Sasaki covered his face to hide the blush. Why did he like how his name sounded coming out of that perfect little mouth? He pondered. Hirano bumped his arm as Sasaki almost stopped walking.

"Because he likes to not do his chores. They sent me to get him. He is on dinner duty tonight." Hirano informed the red head.

"Yeah, but that isn't until five!" Sasaki whined.

"Um, it's almost half past that." Miyano stated.

"Humph." Sasaki muttered.

"Why were you sleeping next to the cemetery anyway?" Hirano asked.

"I was working on my art project, but the sun felt so nice, warm..." Sasaki shrugged.

"I dunno, I put away my art stuff then just laid there looking at the clouds. It was peaceful." He added a smile curving his lips.

Miyano looked up at him in wonderment.

"Yes, he really is that brain dead." Hirano muttered.

"What? No that's not..." Miyano looked away as his face flamed crimson.

It wasn't long before they reached the school. Hirano took the bags from Sasaki by the kitchen doors.

"I'll drop yours by your room after I get Miyano looked after." He told the other.

"I'm really sorry Miyano." Sasaki bowed. He then straightened up.

"I will make you an extra special dessert tonight!" He promised.

"I don't like super sweet things..." Miyano said as Hirano pulled him away.

"Just get to work." He yelled over his shoulder.

About an hour later, Miyano came walking into the cafeteria. He glanced around but didn't see the red head anywhere. Hirano was sitting with a few of his friends. He waved to Miyano. Miyano held up his heavily bandaged arm. Hirano scolded.

"Miya!" A voice called out almost in Miyano's ear. He flinched.

Sasaki came out of a door with a large pan in his hands. He frowned when he saw the bandage on the small boy's arm. Quickly he went to the buffet table to set his pan in a slot just the right size for it. He was wearing a maroon colored apron. Once his hands were free, he rushed up to Miyano. Gently he took the sore hand in his.

"Awe, they look like little sausages." He whispered.

Miyano watched as Sasaki raised his fingers to his lips. He kissed each finger. His lips were soft against his swollen skin. Miyano was amazed at watching him being so gentle. His long fingers petted the bandage over his wrist.

"I'm really sorry. I will make it up to you! Carry your books to class, anything!" He looked so crestfallen that Miyano reached up to touch his face.

Sasaki leaned his cheek into the boys hand. It was so warm. He closed his eyes to feel the warmth of the small touch.

"It's OK, Sasaki. Only a slight sprain. It should be fine in a few days." Miyano explained.

"Still. We have classes." Sasaki pointed out.

"Where is your room?" he asked.

"Um, I live in the familiar dorms, room 234." He offered.

"When do you get up? Should I come help you dress?" Sasaki waved his hands around.

"I will come help you. I get off at seven ish." He added when the door opened and the teacher in charge glared out at him.

"Uh, I have to go, but here I made you these. They aren't too sweet." He dropped a bag of fresh made cookies into the boys uninjured hand.

"Bye!" Sasaki waved disappearing back into the kitchens.

"Man, I feel sorry for whomever becomes that guys familiar." Hirano said shaking his head.

"Why? He seems nice." Miyano said as Hirano assisted him with getting his food on a tray. The blond got him set up at a table with his friends.

"He just needs a lot of guidance." Hirano stated.

"You know you're not his familiar?" Miyano asked.

"Yep. This is the third school we have been to together." Hirano said glancing back to check that Sasaki hadn't come back out.

"Oh." Miyano smiled into the rice ball he brought to his lips.
