My OCs and there back story

Hey guys I wanted to post something and I wanted to share both of my OCs and there stories

some of you might know Angel but if you don't here are the pictures of her and her forms

Angel form

Human form

Neko form

Some things about Angel
•she can't control her forms (she has to take special pills that Error made to help her control what she turns into)
•her greatest weakness is seeing Ink again (she thinks that Ink will never forgive her for what she's done to the AUs)
•she is very sensitive but try's no to show it (especially to Error)

Here is her back story
When Angel was 3 she fell into the underground, she made friends with everyone. Life was great until her 4th birthday, she was celebrating with everyone when out of nowhere everyone was panicking. The AU was destroyed and to this day she has no idea who or what destroyed it, all she knows is that the thing that destroyed her AU messed with her DNA giving her the forms she has now. She was soon found by Ink who took care of her, in her eyes he was like a big brother. When she turned 16 she met Error, Error told her that he could help her get her home back, but only if she agreed to work for him.
That's Angel's back story or at least it's summarized

Know for Flora (the new OC)
She also has 3 forms


      Half wolf /half human

Full human

A little about her
•she likes her wolf/half wolf form so she is rarely in her full human form (she's really only full human when she need to blend in)
•she is very protective over Angel (she's like a little sister to her)
•she is older then Angel by 3 years

Her back story

Flora has always lived in the anti void, she was never really around anyone, until Error found her. She was about 11 years old when Error found her, Error let her live with him and she could come and go to different AUs as she pleased. She (like Angel) works for Error, she wants to create her own AU so she can have a family and live that life she always wanted.

(When Angel and Flora met)

When they met they where friends almost instantly, they had a lot in common and they where almost like family. Since Flora is protective over Angel she will not hesitate to kill anyone who hurts her with her wolf form, and since Angel cares so much about the AUs and the life's in them(even though they both destroy and or kill AUs because they work for Error)she doesn't approve of Flora's behavior.

Angel: hi guys that's are stories I hoped you liked learning about/meeting us
Flora: yep and SuperFanGirl wanted us to ask you something
Angel: oh yea, she wanted to ask you guys if you wanted to hear more about us, or if you guys wanted to do a Q&A with us....or maybe you don't care about us
Flora: and we also wanted to tell you guys that she doesn't mind if you draw or wright about us as long as you mention her and don't steal her work
Me: well that's all for now I hope you guys liked meeting my OCs see all you guys later. Bye 👋🏼
