Lust x Neko reader lemon

Requested by Blooky18
🍋 lemon warning ⚠️

I've been with Lust for about 3 years. He was a great boyfriend, he was considerate unlike some of my other boyfriends. He had a reputation for being extremely Lusty so that's how he got his nickname. Yet he's never once acted lusty around me (except for the way he dresses). We met when I was looking for a roommate, and even though we're dating we don't share a room.

I was sitting on the couch with Sans, we were watching a movie. I yawned and snuggled up to Sans. He groaned and I looked up at him in worry. "Are you ok Sans?" I asked and tilted my head Sans was sweating? a little bit but smiled and nodded. "Y-Yeah, of course I'm fine Kitty. W-Why wouldn't I be?" He asked I just laid my head back down and closed my eyes. "H-Hey kitty I-I should really be getting to bed" Sans said going to stand up. "Awww... do you have know I don't like to be alone. Especially since we just watched that horror movie" I asked with my ears and tail down. He sighed "kitty you know I wouldn't be going to bed if I didn't have to, but I have to get up early tomorrow. I'll see you tomorrow" he kissed my head and ruffled my hair. "Goodnight kitty" he said and walked into his room. I curled up on the couch with a blanket and finished the other movie.

(Lust's POV)

'Why now?! Out of any time I have to go into heat now!' I was yelling in my mind. I didn't want to hurt Y/N, she doesn't like all the lusty stuff, but I couldn't stop thinking of her. I wanted her, no I needed her. I did my best to quickly leave the room and get away from Y/N. I didn't want to hurt her just because I can't control my heat. After I said goodnight to her I quickly went to my room and got a box from under my bed and tried to get rid of my heat.

(Y/N's POV)

I jumped up after a few minutes when I heard what sounded like groaning. It scared me 'I know I'm not supposed to disturb Sans but..... Maybe he'll let me sleep with him.' I tiptoed to his room and the groaning has gotten louder. I was starting to get worried, 'what if he's hurt!' opened the door just a crack to see if he was ok and I didn't want to disturb him if he was sleeping so I stayed quiet. Sans was turned away from me and I couldn't see anything "Sans? Are you ok in here?" I whispered.

I heard moaning and panting, my eyes focused on the darkness. I saw Sans on his bed, he was awake. His headphones were on and his computer screen was very dim, I couldn't tell what he was watching. I crept into his room until I tripped over something and landed on a body pillow. Sans jumped "Y-Y/N! W-Why are you in here" he asked, he seemed a little mad. My ears went down "I thought you were hurt or something. You were groaning so I thought you were hurt.... Please don't get mad I know I'm not supposed to come into your room, but I thought you were hurt" my eyes where tearing up a little.

Sans sighed and hugged me tightly "listen Y/N, you can't stay in my room tonight-" "please Sans, I'm too scared to go back and be alone. We shouldn't have watched that horror movie." He shook his head "I'm sorry Y/N but you can't-" "please I'll do anything you want" I said, grabbing onto his arm." Sans blushed "a-anything.....n-no you can't stay here Y/N. I-If you do I-I might do something I don't want to do to you."

"Please Sans, I'll do anything I don't care what it is, just let me stay" I looked at Sans with pleading eyes and then realized his pin pricks where hearts. "O-ok.... B-but I might not be able to don't say I didn't warn you." I nodded as I looked at his hard eyes in confusion. "Why are they hearts?" I asked, gesturing to his eyes, he sighed "I'm in heat... so my eyes are going to look like hearts and it's why I'm doing this."

Sans pinned me to his bed and his heart eyes grew a little. He then attacked my neck with kisses. I squeaked in surprise, but quickly started to moan once he found my sweet spot. "Ahhh~ S-Sans" Sans blushed a little when I moaned out his name. My ears were down on my head as I moaned in pleasure. Sans eventually bit down hard enough to leave a mark. "S-Sans~" I was overcome with pleasure.

I felt something hard rub against my lower area, I moaned more and Sans removed his and my clothing. He then began to rub me and smirked "you're so fucking wet~ the only thing I've done is kiss and bite you a little~. You must REALY want me inside you." He paused and continued to rub me "oh~ what's this, you're getting wetter.... Wow, you're basically soaked down there~."

I moaned as he continued to tease me, I wanted him so badly "S-Sans~" I moaned "s-stop teasing~" I said. Sans smirked down at me, "awww but you're so cute like this~....but if you insist." He rammed into me and I screamed in pain, his face quickly became one of concern. "Oh my god Y/N are you ok. I didn't mean to hurt you, do you want to stop?" He asked. I shook my head "n-no Sans in fine, we can keep going" he hesitated but started to move very slowly.

After a few minutes the pain stopped and I began to moan. "S-Sans~ ahh~speed up~" he nodded and began to speed up. My moans became louder as he thrusted harder. I moaned loudly and I was starting to drool from all the pleasure. "Sans~" I moaned out his name and grabbed onto his neck "f-faster~." Sans thrust faster and deeper, I moaned loudly. His pace was starting to get sloppy thought and he seemed to be getting tired. "S-Sans... I-if you're tired I can take over" I said trying my best not to moan.

He shook his head "I-I'm fine" he said speeding up. I sighed and flipped us over so I was on top. "Men, never know when to let the women take over." I began to ride him at a fast pace. He moaned and tossed his head back, I speed up. "Y-Y/N~ g-going to c-cum~" he moaned, I nodded and went faster. He moaned my name and came inside me as I came on him.

I laid down on Sans, I was exhausted. "S-so Sans, same time next month" I asked looking up at him. He chuckled and covered us up with a blanket "we'll see Y/N.... We'll see.
Bonus/little bit of aftermath
When I woke up Sans was hugging me I smiled and hugged him back. I liked this, just cuddling with the one I love.....but if he doesn't get up soon and make breakfast this relationship is going to end.
