Wedding Headcanons

-The night before the actual wedding, not any of the events before and after, Samirah had so much anxiety that she called Amir and he stayed on the call the entire night, just to calm her down. (Yes Samirah has anxiety. I have a whole chapter dedicated to explaining this.)

-Amir's reaction when he saw she was wearing a light blue dress was a lot like:

*silent laughter* *straightens face* *small smile*

-Everyone who didn't get the inside joke was very confused. (So, like, 97% percent of the people were confused)

-Samirah sung at the wedding, but not in front of everyone. Just for Amir, after, in the car.

-During Samirah's speech at the reception, she was signing along. However, about halfway through, her signs didn't match what she was saying. She was telling Hearthstone that she was leaving the Valkyries.

-Magnus was so confused. He was like, "When Will they say, 'I do?" Alex stared at him like he was crazy for like five seconds and said, "Not every religion says 'I do,' you know."

(I mean, at Hindu wedding we sit there for 4 hours and talk to other people in the audience as the bride and groom walk around fires, so I can't really say much. I think we need to talk about how accurate that wedding scene in Aru Shah was.)


-Amir was so intent on calming his fiancée down on the call with Samirah that he forgot about his own nervousness

-Blitzen kept bragging about Samirah's dress and self promoting his shop. He was all, "You know, she got that dress from MY shop. Blitzen's Best. We have amazing clothes. Just saying."

-The amount of times Hearth rolled his eyes why Blitz did this was uncountable.

-Alex cried. She denies it, but she totally cried. (She was female that day)

-So did Magnus

-Giaa, Mallory, and Alex were the bridesmaids. So was a girl Samirah was friends with in high school. Her name was Angelina, or Angel. A few of her cousins also were.

-Magnus, Rayan, Blitzen, and Hearthstone and his two best mortal friends were the groomsmen. A few of his cousins also were.

That's all! I'm sorry it was so short. An actual one shot next week! Also, on May 3rd, So...High School is coming back!
