Alex is the babysitter (and he is NOT happy about it)

Suggested/kinda requested (?) by TheRedSourPatchKid

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"Noman! NO!"

Alex ran over and picked up his nephew just as he was about to shove his finger in a socket. Noman started crying.

"I just saved your life!" Alex responded, "You should be thanking me," he paused, "Well, I mean, you're a two year old, but I should at least get a hug or something."

Noman continued to cry, and Alex muttered, "That's some real great manners you're teacher your son, Samirah."

Since Samirah thought it would be a good idea to go into labor with her and Amir's third child twelve days early, they hadn't gotten time to hire a mortal babysitter. So when Amir frantically called Alex and asked if he could watch the kids, Alex agreed. It was better than being mauled to death by a demon on a battlefield.

But it seemed Alex underestimated the demons of a three and two year old.

Since he had arrived, he'd stopped Layla from running with scissors (where did she get scissors?), changed Noman's diaper (no babysitter should have to endure that), made Layla spit out a crayon she ate (a crayon. Who eats a crayon?) and now, saved Noman from being electrocuted. 

And he had been here for only twenty. Seven. Minutes. 

Alex had to hand it to his sister and brother-in-law. They had careers to manage on top of making sure their children didn't die. And now, they would have another baby to take care of. That couldn't be easy.

His thoughts were cut off by a cry. Alex turned and saw that Layla had grabbed some of the soil from the plant that was indoors and smeared it across her face. And now she was crying over it. 

"It no come off." she wailed, tears streaming down her face.

Alex put Noman down on the couch, praying that he won't fall off, and ran to Layla. 

"Okay, so um, it's not as bad as it seems," Alex started. "Lets go to the bathroom, He turned back to Noman. "I'm going to leave you alone for five minutes. This is your chance to prove yourself."

He picked up his niece and brought her to the bathroom. She was still crying. Alex grabbed the handtowel and ran it under the water. He lightly rubbed it against Layla's face.

"Cold!" she exclaimed."Yeah, it's cold water." Alex responded. He continued to wipe her face until the dirt was all gone. He then wiped her hands and her mouth, just to be safe.

Then there was a crash, and Alex cursed loudly. "Do NOT repeat that," he said to Layla, before he picked her up and ran to the living room. 

Noman did not  prove himself. He had indeed, fallen off the couch. And was crying. 

"You know what? I'm done." the sixteen-year-old declared. He sat Layla down on the couch and picked Noman up, sitting him next to his sister. He sat next to the little boy and grabbed the remote. He went to Netflix and turned on that baby show that was on almost everytime he was over. 

When one of the siblings moved and almsot fell off the couch, Alex reached over and caught them. When it was time to feed them, he let the show play as he fed them their baby food and wiped their mouthes.

The songs got stuck in his head, but honestly, if it was the quietest way to take care of them, he didn't really care. 

After a few hours, his phone went off. It was a call from Amir. Alex picked it up. "Yeah?"

"Alex! Hi! The baby is here. It's a girl. Samirah said she's doing okay, but you know, she's Samirah. Can you bring the kids?" he paused. "Is that the show Noman and Layla are obsessed with?"

"Um, yeah it is. I'll call an Uber and bring the kids. See you there. And congrats!" 

"Okay, thanks." Amir hung up the phone.

Alex paused the show, and the babies wailed in protest. "So you guys have a new sister! Yay! We're going to Mommy and Daddy in the hospital, okay?" The siblings exclaimed in delight when he said the words, 'Mommy and Daddy.' "Alright, let's go."


Okay! I hope this is what you wanted, Red. 

And yes, the show was Cocomelon. My cousins are obsessed.

Well, this is the end of the book. I'm so sorry for all the super long waits and writing hiatuses, but I overall hope you enjoyed. Samirah and Amir are my children and it has been awesome writing this about them. If you made it this far, thank you. I really apperciate it!

