Chapter 9

"Does he do that often?" Luke was the first one to talk about the incident after the group of friends was walking around in the dark for almost an hour.

Macey didn't even hesitate to shake her head. "Never, he probably just had a bad day, it's not a big deal, guys."

Oh, it is a big deal, she thought. She was scared to death to go back home, back to him. Scared of what he would do.

She basically just ran off with Mikey and Luke.

And Macey really couldn't tell how Jack would react to that.

"Does it still hurt?"



"And you are sure he's never done this before?" Michael finally started talking as well, doubt in his voice.

Macey sighed, she didn't want to lie. But she couldn't tell him that he did things like that every day, that he usually injures her way worse.

Michael would kill Jack if he knew that.

"Never, I swear."

Since when can I lie so easily?

"I'm sorry for freaking out over this... this time didn't exactly go better than the last one" Michael mumbled, Macey could hear the guilt in his voice clearly.

The girl kicked a few stones on the floor whilst walking, it was already dark outside. But she felt safe between two of her closest friends.

"Thank you actually, he kinda deserved it, didn't he? But you know that I love Jack and I wouldn't be with him if I didn't."

Michael nodded. Macey's words made sense for Michael. Why on earth wouldn't she tell him if her boyfriend actually really caused her physical or emotional pain? Macey trusted Michael and Michael trusted Macey.

So he also trusted her in this.

"Do you want to stay the night at my apartment? Calum is at Nathalie's, I can sleep in his bed and you can get mine."

She really wished she could take that offer. But if she wouldn't walk back home again soon Jack would freak out. So she shook her head, declining politely.

Of course, the lads insisted on bringing the girl back home instead.

They were standing in front of her flat again, just a bit more than one hour after they left it.

Macey hugged Luke quickly and wished him a good night, she hugged her best friend a little longer.

"If anything is wrong don't hesitate to call me, alright, Kitten? And if Jack does something like that again... just please tell me, you can always count on me."

"I told you that you needed to stop calling me Kitten."

"Just since Jack. I've called you this since we were kids, Mace, you never complained."

"I know, but I told you that Jack doesn't like that."

"But it's not all about Jack, it's also about you."

Macey sighed. "I better get in there, thanks for everything."

And with that, she turned around and entered her flat.

Jack was already waiting for her.
