Chapter 32

"You seem like a house party kind of guy, why don't you like them?" Macey asked as she stole a few of the boy's chips.

"Basically, I don't drink alcohol, and having no one other who is sober who you can talk to around is so annoying."

"Oh my god, tell me about it!" she exclaimed, then lowered her voice again, even though they just were the only customers in that fast food restaurant she thought she probably shouldn't scream. "I drink alcohol, but somehow I just always remain to be the only one who is sober, and then I need to get a bunch of drunk teenage boys back home, it's the hardest thing ever."

"I can imagine." He chuckled.

Macey grinned, and blushed when Jack kept making eye contact with her.

"Stop looking at me like that," she mumbled.

"Like what?" he asked smiling.

"I don't know, just stop, you know exactly what you are doing."

"Do I?" he bit his lower lip, again.

Macey looked down and took a few more chips.

"You should stop stealing my food then."

The girl locked eyes with him and stuck his tongue out to him. "Make me."

Jack huffed and shook his head. "You are fascinating, Macey."

"Yeah? Then I wonder what you'd say if you would know anything about me."

"Tell me about you."

"Ask me something."

"Who inspires you?"

"Alex Gaskarth. Now you, where is your favourite place to go on a weekday evening when you have no plans or obligations?"

"Let me show you." Jack got up and took Macey's hand, the girl quickly took the last few chips that were left, before Jack dragged her out to his car with him. He opened the door for her, all gentleman-like, and got into the driver's seat.

"Put whatever CD you want in, I'm pretty sure your music taste is great, I also have All Time Low."

"I didn't think you would know them," she said while looking through the CD's, shortly after she put Future Hearts in.

"What is the last book you read through without skipping anything?" the boy asked after the CD started playing.

"I think The Fault In Our Stars by John Green. What's your favourite cheesy pick-up line?"

"I want our love to be like pi, irrational and never-ending."

"Oh my god, that is actually the cutest thing ever and I've never heard that before! You ever used that?"

"Yeah," he laughed, "But the girl didn't react as adorable as you just did. What's something that instantly makes someone less attractive?"

"When they smoke, do you smoke?"

"I don't, luckily."

"If you could write a letter to your younger self, what would you say in one sentence?"

"Meet Ashton's friend sooner."

Macey giggled, "Stop flirting."

"It's the truth, Macey."

"I don't know what you are trying to do, but you need to stop."

"I won't, sorry. If you had to spend one year alone with one other person, who would it be and why?"

"My best friend, Michael. Because he means the world to me, he is funny, so it would never get boring, and I trust him with absolutely everything."

Jack looked to his left and smiled at the girl, he then fixed the road in front of him again quickly. "You can clearly see that he is very important to you, that's cute."

"Yeah, he really is. I've known him since I was 10 and we go through everything together."

"That's a good thing. Having friends you can rely on, that's important."

"It is, I'm very thankful for him."

Jack shut down the engine. "There we are."

"The beach. That's very basic, Jack, I'm disappointed." She said as she got out of the car.

"Don't insult the beach, it has feelings as well." Jack chuckled and laid his hand on Macey's back and they both walked nearer to the ocean together.

"Now imagine we would have been here earlier, when the sun goes down, and say it's not absolutely beautiful."

"I like it better in the night, it's quieter. I'm out here a lot as well."

"And you insulted my choice! I can't believe you!" Jack exclaimed jokingly.

"When was the last time life left you breathless?" the girl changed the subject suddenly.

"When I saw you."

Macey laughed and shook her head, she couldn't help but blush though, what the boy luckily didn't see in the dim moonlight. "If you answer one more question with some cheesy, but not true, respond, I will leave."

"It may be cheesy, but it's definitely not a lie, Sunshine."

"It's way too dark to come up with a nickname like that."

"But you lightened up my day, so, it's Sunshine from now on."

"That may just be the cutest thing someone has ever said to me."

The boy smiled and took Macey's hand as they kept walking through the sand.

"If I were to ask your friends about you, what would they say?"

"Depends on who you ask. You can imagine what Ashton would say. If you'd ask Michael, on the other hand, would probably tell you that I'm hella weird and that you should stay away from me. Luke would say... do you know Luke?"

"Ashton told me about him."

"Luke would say that I'm annoying and rude and that you wouldn't want to get to know me. Calum, you know Calum from Ashton as well, right?"

Jack nodded.

"Calum would probably say that I'm obsessed with movies and that I talk too much. And Nathalie, my best girl friend, would probably say tons of cute shit about me that isn't even true. What is the last movie you watched that made you cry?"

"One Day."

"You are a total softie."

"Are you trying to insult me, again?" he said frowning.

"I don't know, am I?"

"I think you are."

Macey stopped walking and grinned at the boy challenging. "What are you gonna do about it?"

"Chase you down the beach?" he suggested

"Try." And with that, the girl immediately turned around and started running as fast as she could, giggling in between. Jack needed a few seconds to realise what just happened, but he then started running as well, catching up to her quickly.

When Jack finally caught up with her he tackled her down to the floor, both of them in uncontrollable laughter.

Jack placed both of his hands next to Macey, who was lying on the sand, He was hovering right over her, their faces just a few inches apart.

"Would it be very inappropriate if I kiss you right now?"


"Can I do it anyway?"

