Valentines Day

You usually spent Valentine's Day with friends or alone. You were asked out of course, but you never accepted. Until you met Saerom. Saerom was different from all the others. Most people only liked you for your looks. But she loved you for your personality. the way you talk, and especially your poisonous laugh. You didn't think of Valentine's Day as a special day. But this year, it would be one of the most important days of your life.

{Y/n POV}
I stepped out my car and slammed the door. I walked towards the door of our house and knocked theee times. 2 times lightly knocking, and one hard knock. Saerom and I made this "our secret code". I was looking down at my shoes before I saw the door open at the corner of my eye. I was met with the most beautiful sight ever seen.

Saerom nearly tackled me to the ground as she instantly threw her arms around me.

"Hey baby!" She squealed while nearly squeezing the life out of me.

"Hey, your squeezing me over here darling." I said with my face still stuffed in her chest.

"Oh sorry! I just missed you so much." She said before slowly pulling away from the hug. She stared at me with those starry eyes. " do you remember what day it is babe?" She said softly.

"Of course I do." I said before placing my hands on her cheeks.

She flashed me with that beautiful pearly smile of hers.

"Wait here I have something for you." I said sticking up my index finger to show I wouldn't be long.
I walked outside and unlocked my car. I grabbed what I needed and locked my car and walked back inside the house.

Saerom was sitting on the couch browsing through some random channels. I snuck up behind her and placed both of my hands over her eyes.

She jumped and said "what are you up to?"

"Nothing you need to worry you pretty little mind about. But I got you these." I said while taking my hands off her eyes and handed her favorite flowers.

She gasped and sniffed the flowers.

"My favorite! I didn't think you would remember. Thank you so much. She said and gave me a sweet quick kiss.

"I may not remember anything else but I remember everything about you my love." I said while playfully poking her sides.

"Stop that tickles!" She said while giggling endlessly.
"Wait. I got something for you too."  She said suddenly with a serious face.

She took me by the hand and dragged me up stairs.  We walked down the hall and into our room.

I saw candles spread everywhere. And not just any candles, they were my favorite scented candles.

There was also a trail of rose petals trailing on the floor all the way up to the bed, where the petals were in the shape of a heart.

"Surprise." She chuckled knowing you would love what she had planned already.

"Wow it's so pretty in here! But why are there petals on the bed darling?" I asked raising my eyebrow meanwhile pointing at the bed.

"I know I've been very busy lately, and we haven't had any time to do stuff together. We haven't been very affectionate either."  She said with her head down, taking my hand into hers.

you already knew what she meant. You and saerom only hugged and shared quick kisses.  You work most of the day and saerom has a busy schedule as an idol.  You both left really early in the morning for work and wouldn't come home until night. But today saerom has the day off and you got off early from work.  You and saerom cherish every moment you have together.

"Romsae, it's been 3 years since we have been dating. If we have dated this long then that means we are still able to make this work." I said softly while holding her cheek in my hand, and caressing her other cheek with my available hand.

"I love you so much y/n." She whispered.

"I love you too darling." I replied before she pushes her lips onto mine.

I deepened the kiss. We started slowly walking towards the bed, saerom laid down while I hovered over her, still not breaking the kiss.

She had her arms wrapped around my neck to keep me close.

I started kissing her neck and collarbones softly. She let out a content sigh.

She flipped me over so she was now dominant.

She kissed across my jaw and my face.  "God you are so pretty." She said before sighing again.

She connected our lips. She quickly deepened the kiss before pulling away.

She then moved her lips to my neck, she bit the sensitive spot on my neck. I sighed as quietly as I could.

"I'm sorry. Did that hurt baby?" Saerom with a concerned look on her face

"No It didn't hurt. Don't worry." I said quietly

We shared one last passionate kiss before we both pulled away, trying to catch our breath.

"Woah. That was-" saerom said before I  Interrupted.

"Amazing? Yeah I thought so too."  I said before sending her a grin.

"Well I'm drained. What about you? Are you tired yet?"  She asked while turning her head away from the ceiling and facing me instead.

"I'm actually a bit tired romsae, so cuddles?!" I asked with puppy eyes and a hopeful expression on my face.

"Of course baby." Saerom chuckled before wrapping her arms around me.

"Happy Valentine's Day romsae." I said while playing with her hair.

"Happy Valentine's Day y/n."  She whispered and gave me a forehead kiss.


Authors note:

Hey! I know Valentine's Day already passed but I just wrote this cause I already knew what to write lol, but I hoped you enjoyed this chapter 🤍🤍 Thanks for reading!

