Anniversary (part 1 out of 2)

{No Ones POV}
Last night y/n could barley sleep. She was so excited for the what today  had in store for her and her girlfriend saerom. Saerom and y/n have been dating for 3 years, every anniversary better than the last. 

{Y/n POV }
I woke up and immediately jumped out of bed. Saerom left to go pick something up.                              " i wonder where the heck saerom went, she didn't tell me where or what she was gonna pick up." I mumbled under my breath.                                               I walked towards our shared closet and grabbed some clean clothes and a towel. I showered first and then I did my hair,  then I picked out a nice dress I bought last week just for this occasion.  Finally, I heard a knock at the door.                                                 I hurried down the stairs with my platform heels on, carefully so I don't trip or fall. I opened the door to see saeroms beautiful smile.                                       "Hey baby!" She squealed.                                      "Hello darling." I said as I gave her a sweet kiss on her both of her cheeks.                                                       " wow. You look absolutely gorgeous." Saeorm said as she looked at me up and down. Then her eyes landed on my face, we made eye contact for a couple of seconds before she leaned in for a kiss.              "What was that for?!" I giggled.                                 "I'm sorry I couldn't help myself." Saerom said shyly.
Saerom opened the door for me and we started walking to the car. Our hands were intertwined, while she swung them back and forth.
