The End is Near


How dare she! Wanting me to return to how I was, I couldn't possibly. The other Ruby was lame and weak, this new Ruby was strong and needed no one but herself. Lost deep in her thoughts she bumped into someone, "Sorry." she muttered then looked up to see a wrapped up Victor. He had a bandage taped to his cheek and a black eye, "No prob." he muttered before walking past her. Turning she watched him limp away, 'What the heck happened to him?' she asked herself. Shrugging it off she walked away To find somewhere to think.


"Victor please." I said lightly glaring at him. "Forget it Yang. You don't understand." he grumbled then turned and walked away. I opened my mouth to say something to stop him but the words stuck in my throat. He had fought the devil known as Nightmare and had been beaten badly, I watched sadly as he walked away. A hand lightly touched my shoulder, "Don't worry. His pride is bruised but he'll come around. He just thought it would had been him to fight and beat nightmare." Raven said.

I had beat myself up all night thinking on how I should have stayed and fought with Victor but thankfully John tried to help, sadly tho he ended up getting hurt worse then Victor. "Yeah. I'm going to go check on Blake you going to be ok?" I asked. Her gaze softened, "Ill be fine." nodding I left to go see how my team was if you could call us that. Ever since Ruby left we havnt been a full team. Walking into our room I found Blake huddled over in a corner with a book in hand, as I stepped into the room she glanced up at me for a moment then back down to her book. "Where's Wiess? We need a team meeting." I asked. She just responded with shrug, "Gee thanks." I said sarcastically.


He fired a blast that sailed right past my head, he moved much like me. We both fought with quick, strong and precise strikes. "Well miss Schniee maybe your not as weak as I thought." he said as he went to kicked me but I blocked it and skidded backwards, each time I landed a hit or kick I noticed he seemed to be heavier then a normal person yet he could move quickly and struck with strong swift motion. He ran toward me and fainted a kick then rolled to my unprotected right and fired, thanks to my fast forward dust I was just bearly able to speed up my reaction time for a second. He smirked at me, "Not bad miss Schniee but I'm just getting started." he said.

I raised my rapier and spun the dust revolver. Sliding my right foot slightly forward I was ready to end this with one strike until he frowned. "Return to base Zero." came a small voice.
Smiling at me he shrugged, "Looks like we'll have to finish this some other time." then he disappeared leaving me standing there staring at the spot where he had just stood.

To be cont...

(A/N: Sorry its not very good but I'm falling asleep and I'm stressing over not being able to get over my writers block for another story of mine. Thanks for reading. Night.)
