Ch.15: The Nightmare is just Beginning

Jack Moon

This guy in front of me was growing troublesome. He had the only weapon strong enough to kill me yet he lacked the heart to use it. He swung at me but I easily dodged, twirling my scythe around I used it as leverage to deliver a swift kick to his back, knocking him away from me. His power had increased exceptionally once his girlfriend left, as if he were holding back so she wouldn't know his true strength. "What's with the sudden power up?" I asked. He turned toward me, "I can't let Yang know who I really am. But now that she's gone I can go all out." his blade started to glow as he charged at me again. I blocked his strike which was stronger then his last one. "Fine. Lets go all out!" I yelled spinning around and kicking his legs out from under him, once he hit the ground I spun and swung my scythe down at him. It exploded into the ground, he skidded away and changed his weapon into a large rocket launcher. "You only have one shot, miss and you die." I said. He smiled, "I won't miss." then black tendrils of darkness wrapped around my legs and held me in place, he fired. I tried to move but couldn't, if I couldn't move id have to block.


He exploded in a cloud of flames. There was no way he should have been able to live threw that, "Nicely done. But if that's all you can do then your severely out matched." he said standing and brushing off his singed clothes. An evil glint filled his eyes, "My turn " he disappeared then reappear right in front of me then with blinding speed his hand collided with my stomach sending me flying back onto the ground with force. Before I could react he had his scythe raised and brought it down, there was no way id be able to dodge. My sword swirled into a large black shield, I closed my eyes and waited for the strike but instead all I heard was "I've got ya!"

Standing over me was John, he smiled at me but had a large bruise on his left cheek. Taking his hand and standing we faced down an angry looking scythe weilder. Giving the scythe a quick spin he bent slightly and held the scythe behind him, "Alright. This time I'm done." the blade seemed to grow bigger and started to glow purple, his eyes changed and he charged us. Neither John or I had time to move all we could do was block. His swing hit us hard, as it forced us backwards the contact with our shields caused his attack to let out a horrid hiss. With a mammoth swing we both were tossed backwards with authority. John smashed somewhere to my left and I was smashed threw the statue that stood marking how humans were better then grim. Blood dripped down my face as I watched him approach me, my weapon had been lost once I was hit so I was completely defenseless. Crouching beside me his touched the back of my neck, his touch stung but the pain ended just as fast as it began. He started to glow with power, "I hope to see you again. Maybe next time you'll be an actually challenge." He said while standing. Then I gave in to the darkness, I couldn't beat him. Was I to weak to do anything?


"Why do I get these types of jobs." I grumbled while sneaking into Ironwoods own little tower of fun(Note my sarcasm.) "Ok if I was the general where would I hide a robot girl?" I thought out loud.
"Salutations!" came a cherry voice from behind me that freaked me out and caused me to jump. "Who are you I've never seen you around here." turning I was met with a cute girl, no I'm not being weird she was cute for a kid. She had short orange hair, freckles and green eyes. "I'm..uh your New guard." I stuttered.

She tilted her head sideways, "You are? What happened to Gean?" she questioned. I scrambled to think of an excuse, "He uh....caught the flu." I said. Her eyes narrowed and swords came out of her back, "Gean is a girl. Who are you really?" she asked, her tone changed to being serious. Shrugging I sighed, "Ok you caught me. My names Roman and I'm here for you." I thrusted my cane toward, an electrical charge shocked the heck out of her. She fell with a twitching motion, I smiled, "For an armed aura using robot you wernt that hard to capture." I proceeded to pick her up and carry her back to the hideout, Cinder better start letting me in on our plans.

But little did Roman know, General Ironwood was watching from his office like room. "Should we stop him sir?" A guard asked, Ironwood shook his head. "No that won't be necessary. Begin testing project Zero's battling skills." he said.
"But sir. Zero has a perfect score on everything." the guard said. And it was true, project Zero was a smart,Strong and couldn't be beat. "Fine. The darkness has begun to grow stronger and the longer we wait, Ozpin and the others do nothing. Prep Zero we will take him out for a test run." He said, the guard nodded and did as he. "Zero activated." the guard said.

(A/N- His this is the authors friend Angel. Im sorry to inform you if you didn't know already that the author was in a car accident this morning and asked me to publish all chapters for all the stories he had a chap writen for. Hope you all enjoyed it. +Angel+)
