Part 9 anton vs jonielle and cass vs louise and azam

(I don't own any of these
As the next part begins the wolf cubs are anxious to see what would happen as the screen turned on

It showed the events of rokash vs the titans as he was standing over the corpse of one of them as the others looked terrified as rokash chuckled "oi Oi I surrender hah i thought by doing so you would bring me to your leader. But I think if I just kill enough of you" as rokash tore his way through the army of titans with his bare hands ripping them apart as if they were nothing but children! As he looked at a cowering woman and said "excuse me miss this ain't a  safe plane for you to be let me get you out of here" before throwing that women at another titan killing then both

Rokash nodded at how his future self fights if everyone is in an arena he will wield the people in the arena as weapons since  he doesn't care about them

As he does so slaughtering kimyo we head over to iron Jaune and the wolf cubs alongside Inspector Ian's wife as he said "alright guys we got a job to do. We take down any and all titans here without remorse or pity" as he looked to the truck and said "come on out Ian Antony hoff" as inspector Ian walked out wearing a white and blue special Combat power armor made from the parts of the titans scavenged from every attack

"Meet my latest master piece the Gigantomachy armor. Because of how little titan tech we had only two are made private Brandon had the other" as he pointed the private out as he headed Ian two Vibration frequency spears as iron jaune stated "we got a job to do. Every single titan here dies" as he armed his weapons and said "wolf cubs. Search for any survivors " as the wolf cubs nodded and jumped out running out to search for people

The wolf cubs began to run out as they see the absolute destruction caused by the titans attack

"Jeez what happened here" Tevin said shocked as the wolf cubs decided to split up and look for any survivors under the rubble before hearing a familiar voice

"Always interfering in other peoples business wolf cubs?" As they turn and see cass santiago crouching over the rubble looking down at them.

Cass raised his eyebrow and said "huh guess I'm here" as he smirked at the idea of killing the wolf cubs with his was gonna be pure art.

"Cass Santiago!? Wait if he's here does that mean-" Che said before being cut off by Louise "focus Che that's not why we are here spread out me and azam will make sure he doesn't try anything" as Che and Tevin ran off and Anton jumped away jumping between buildings

"Oshiete oshiete yo sono shikumi so" said Anton singing the Tokyo ghoul theme as he swung around the buildings looking around for Kagaya wondering where he is before being hit by a black tendril and landing on a building as he said "looks like I have your attention. Jonielle honore The body guard to rokash Rampersad"  as Jonielle walked out already manifesting his talent around his arms and parts of his face

Jonielle raised an eyebrow at this interested to see what's about to happen as he wonders if the kong wielder can take him down and thus act as the defense against the shadow

Anton and Jonielle charged at each other kong swinging his orange staff at Jonielle to counter his blade arms before using the staffs extend ability to push Jonielle back as joneille began to talk to Anton "Anton king was it?" As he entered a weapon lock with Anton "kong..the wielder of the monkey staff.."

as Anton kicked him away with Jonielle blocking the hit "I've heard of you." However Anton then cut him off "I got nothing to do with the previous user of this talent he was pretty arrogant before his death but he made the talent famous for decades, I was just born lucky...pretty sweet huh?"

Anton nodded remembering how his mother was so excited when he unlocked his talent and remembered how Andreas grandfather leo Thomas helped him unlock more of the potential of the talent then he ever truly expected he could but also sighed wishing he could've done something for jaune but he had no important say in his banishment meaning he couldn't do anything to help jaune which kong often heckled him about

Jonielle smiled softly saying "yes you even made me break a sweat, that's something I'm grateful for it's been awhile since I got myself into a good fight since we went into condolences for the old man" he said somberly

"Condolences huh?" Anton said looking at Jonielle who continued "he was a great man a hero, that's why I wasn't there when Rokash killed him...he raised strong boys"

as he and Anton charged at each other again "you carry his honor and presence, I'm grateful to be facing off against you" as Anton replied "the pleasure is mine Jonielle, but you should've never stayed by his side, for now you must pay for the sin of defending rokash." As he manifested two staffs and began to swing them in earnest

Anton sighed, he wasn't proud of taking lives but to defend those he cares about and to avenge his master, he would do anything which is why he couldn't side with Jaunes desire for revenge. Jaune had become bloodthirsty when his humiliation of his former team didn't satiate his desire for revenge he chose to attack everyone associated with his clan, the other clans, chronos etc

Jonielle sighed as he began to block them stating "indeed I will pay...but not yet Anton" as he grew more blades out of his back and said to Anton "he needs to be protected from you even if you die, to prevent the darkness from coming forth" as Anton removed the bandages covering his mouth as he said "beast shift kong 50%" as he transformed and said "yo Jon"

as they continue fighting with Anton shattering the blades of Jonielle as Jonielle said "to explain why I defend rokash. Do you know what a nuclear deterrent is? Something that prevents a world ending crisis from happening?" Anton nodded as he said "yeah why?"

As Jonielle continued "because that's what rokash is, there's a dangerous man with ill intentions for the world out there only held off by Leo Thomas and Rokash. With Leo dead rokash is all we have left to hold him back. The titans are his army he has been preparing for years. His name is the shadow"

Anton raised an eyebrow saying "scary stuff but we've met Kagaya and he isn't as menacing as you'd expect"

Kagaya just looked at Anton offended "first of all I'm very menacing" the Gaaki and the shadow shook their heads behind him "second of all how dare you assume I lead the armies? I'm just the right hand to the boss!" He explained with his wrath mask on as the shadow shrugged

Anton just replied "dude we didn't even know the shadow existed before this so can't exactly get mad for that" but Kagaya shook his head and said

"I get mad for everything, like when someone" he glared at tadomeki "steals the last cup of Coke in the break room" tadomeki says "ONE TIME." As the two of them argue as everyone sweatdropped on how these are the same people who wiped out the partas clan and killed the head of the hemlocks

The shadow shook his head and facepalmed saying "Thanatos strike me down where I sit."

Kagaya is just the puppet upon the strings the shadow is the one manipulating him" Jonielle said looking at Anton

Kagaya gasped in shock as he said "FIRST OF ALL IM NOT A PUPPET SECOND OF ALL FUCK YOU!" As he flipped off Jonielle who in turn flipped him off right back

"The death of rokash will hasten the arrival of the shadow, with that said you understand why I'm doing this Anton king. I must defend the one to defend us all." He said the devil parasite talent spreading through his body as Anton sighed saying

"I apologize Jonielle even if we believe you it can't stop us from getting our revenges I'm sorry but your on wrong side of the story Jon." Rokash shook his head and said

"Don't be if I die protecting him it was fated to happen but for everyone's sake I cannot die here today. I must live on" as Anton jumped up and attacked saying

"Unfortunately you living is a wrench in the plan joneille" Jonielle chuckled and said "indeed it does indeed it does" as the two began to fight each other as Jonielle thinks

"The shadow likely choose to attack now to attract you cubs to fight us because he wins with Rokashes death. Since I cannot change your mind I will test your strength Anton king. If it is your destiny to challenge the darkest evil you will need much power an-" before Anton slammed his staff into the ground and said "beast shift kong DOPPELGÄNGER" as smoke appeared and a second Kong appeared controlled by the talent itself as Jonielle smiled thinking "they may just have what it takes"

Roman wrote down the fact that kong has a cloning ability possibly only one given that it's called doppelgänger

Kagaya looked at the kong as he made a funny idea for A name in his head

"Anton." Jonielle said looking at him as he blocked the attacks "here on out wheter you believe me matters not it does change the fact that defeating rokash you are responsible for unleashing the shadow upon the world and you will have to stop him"

Anton raised an eyebrow and said "ok so if he's actually real? Can we beat him." As joneille stopped and said "no you can't" as kong scoffed "oh come on have you not seen Anton's friends we have the Ilios vessel wit us-" before joneille cut them off "listen both of you!"

As they stop and don't talk he continued "the shadow is classified by rank number zero. He's the last disciple of Cain from the kimyo wars and is as old as the demon kimyo himself. A man hellbent on reawakening Thanatos and continuing the plans of his master"  Anton looked confused

The shadow smiled at hearing how he was given respect by those who knew his legend. It wouldn't save them but it meant he wouldn't make their deaths painful

"Why would kode keep this guys existence a secret?" As Jonielle explained "it was to protect the fragile peace brought upon by Leo Thomas, for rokash it took years to heal from the battle he had with the shadow. No man faces the shadow twice and lives" Anton looked down disencouraged with his chance of winning as Jonielle chuckled

"Cheer up young man if I kill you here that means you won't have to worry about the shadow...ok maybe that wasn't the best reassurance" as Anton just chuckled "thanks for the concern. You're pretty cool Jonielle Too bad we gotta put you down!" Jonielle just laughed out loud and said

"HAHA then let's make our last battle legendary Anton!" As the two attacked and kong swung he noticed how his attacks were doing Less to Jonielle as he thinks "the armor is adapting!?"

As Jonielle struck at him saying "don't disappoint boy I'm a stationary target, your weakness is a disgrace to the war hero" he said slashing at Anton "use wisdom boy you can't brute force yourself to victory! Think! The shadow will not give you that chance and your running out of them" as he slashes kong "if you can't pierce my armor find another way every thought in a battle and move you make must bring you to success no room for missteps" as he began to grow "a day will come when a single wrong action will end your life. And whilst you adapt so does your foe. AKUMAN FULL COWL" as he began to grow even more turning into a giant monster

Anton looked up in shock as joneille continued "I would be a fool and not a soldier if I showed you mercy Anton. You will fight me at my best and if you manage to win by some stroke of luck this knowledge shall aid you against the shadow"

Joneille then looks at Anton and kong and says "I hope your not sheep in wolves clothing..I really do."

Rokash laughed amazed saying "man that's the max level of power you got so far Jonielle that's pretty cool"

Everyone else looked shocked as the god tier made a note of joneilles talent wondering if maybe he could become stronger if trained well enough

"Prove your worth Anton or die like a man! Battle your way out if the valley or you and your friends die today show me you have what it takes to defend from the destruction the shadow brings can you bear the world's hope on your shoulders!?" Anton sighed and stood up as he stretched and said we will thank you Jonielle for reminding me of what I fight for...kongs pride...true staff"

As the real weapon of the monkey king revealed itself and Anton threw it at joneille who sighed assuming Anton didn't learn "you don't seem to understand your rods do nothing...guess you aren't the chosen-" only to be shocked when the rods broke through his armored parasite as kong and Anton threw more rods as kong said whilst running up a building

"YOUR IN THE PRESENCE OF KONGS TRUE POWER DONT ASSUME WR NEVER LEARNED our master was the great leo Thomas! Now brother" Kong said to Anton who replied with "kongs true staff GROW!" As the true staff became massive

"...that's a big stick" qrow said looking at the mountain sized pillar staff

"Thank you Jonielle." As he and joneille charged and Jonielle was struck down with Anton hearing Jonielles final words "Godspeed Anton king i believe you are a man willing to die for his friends...protect the one called Che..his burden shall be grand...farewell." As Anton closed his eyes in mourning

Cass took a Drink and did the usual libation for the dead thing as Jonielle smiled softly at how cass cared about him

Meanwhile with cass Azam and Louise all of them were on guard and ready to fight as Louise said "where is rokash" as cass chuckles and said "my uncle your gonna have to make me tell you." As Azam got mad and charged at him as cass said

"You must be the emotional one buddy" as Azam roared in anger "I CAN SMELL HIS BLOOD ON YOUR HANDS!" As he Pelted cass with blows which did little as azam ran around yelling "you can't hide him forever" as Louise activated his ash powers and said "you were there when our master died weren't you?"

As cass chuckled and said "wait the old man? You guys still crying about that!? HAHA man you guys need to learn to let go" as azam charged at him madly only for cass to send him flying with a kick as Louise attacks with his ashes as cass said "a ranged controller thought you must be bad at hand to hand? As Louise growled back

"Don't test me boy" as cass jumped at him and punched Louise's ash breaking it as azam thought "what is your talent that kick held the strength of a power one" as azam rejoined the fight punching cass after he kicked through Louise's ash barrier as he thinks

"Does this kid not realize how good his haste talent is? My strength and skill means nothing compared to his speed of such magnitude!"  As Louise than formed a giant hand of ash while azam used a technique aiming for Casses pressure points only for cass to smirk and say

"Incendiary art tier 3" as in his hands form 3 glowing pink stars he spreads out as he screamed "SCATTER TO PIECES HAHHA" as the stars explode with azam and Louise only managing to escape via Louise blocking with ash and azam running far enough

Cass chuckled happy to see the looks of shock people have upon seeing his talent incendiary art which allows him to make his tattoos explosive

Cinder raised an eyebrow as she saw this wondering how he found out about his talents explosive abilities as she wondered if she could get cass to work with her

"Not gonna lie" cass said smirking "the fact you survived my tier 3 explosion art proved the old man knew his stuff you showed your talents boys. And nows it my turn to show you mine!" As he grabbed the star tattoo on his neck and it turned into 3 stars "now it's a fair fight."

As a bunch of tattoos began to appear behind him as ammo as azam ran to him and cass thought "the ash guy ain't a problem since he has to focus on defense and his ash is crumbling. But the speed dude is being a nuisance need to separate them...the ocean!" He thought turning to the body of water near the arena of the fight

"You're just as bad as them. having you in Patmos would make my day Santiago!" As cass chuckled and said "is that so? As he blocked the hits from azam "getting on my nerves speedy" as azam told him to shut up and cass said "as you wish incendiary art tier 2" as he grabbed diamond tattoos and threw them at azam who only barely managed to dodge the explosion as cass chuckled

"You haven't managed to grasp the gravity of this situation." As he pulled up his shirt to reveal hundreds of skull tattoos "TELL ME WHAT IS THE GRANDEST TALENT TYPE OF THEM ALL? CREATION WHATEVER WE ENVISION BECOMES REALITY! Now then how about a change of battlefield men. Necropolis wave!"

As he rode on the wave of skulls towards the ocean and azam followed as Louise was preparing something and cass tauntingly said "just you and me kid how about we be friends " only for the throughly pissed off azam to say "OMG I SAID SHUT UP!" Only for cass to throw his diamonds again saying "quit whining" as the explosion happened and cass laughed

"BAHAHA IS THIS THE SUN FIRE KIMYOS LEGACY!?" Only to just barely avoid being hit by an arrow from Louise hemlock riding on a horse made of ash

Louise smirked at Casses dumbfounded face and the fact that everyone was rooting for him to succeed as he thinks about how he feels when using the souls of his family were standing with him

"YOU CANT ESCAPE ME CASS" as he fired another arrow and cass said "you wretch! You have a creation talent as well!?" Only to get hit by an arrow and landed on his necropolis wave into the ocean as he said "least it's now a 1 on 1" as Louise's horse rode onto the ocean surface as he Said

"Normally I'd give you the option to confess or die...but we've long since passed that option" as cass chuckled and said "is that the speech your gonna give my uncle" before he heard something zoom close to him as he looked shocked to see azam standing on the water using high speed and velocity as the fight continued for awhile cass riding forward thinking

"if I could help you with the titans uncle I would...but these damn cubs" as he then sent them far enough as cass decided to up the ante "let me tell you a story about a young boy...a young boy who's talent developed very early in's nature made the talent immediately illegal..he was sentenced to Patmos by the government who didn't try and understand him" he said to the confused azam and Louise

"The boys uncle used his wealth to hide the boy and grant him his freedom and now the boy protects the strongest man in the country. Because this boy is stronger!" as he threw off his shirt showing a tattoo of a skeleton dragon as it grew massively and he said "now watch as I rain death upon this city!" As the dragon flew up and azam said

"Not good not good that thing could wipe the city off the map." As Louise calmed him down "don't panic even a self proclaimed god has a weakness. Chichioya no hai!" As cass flew he heard a scream as behind him was azam and Louise riding on a giant 4 winged bird made of ash

Cass did a spittake as he saw this creature in front of him as he estimates the power of this thing and realized he was out of his league

The ash monster held the skeleton dragon off with Louise saying "that's as far as you go looks like explosive energy is lighter then solid ash as azam jumped into the dragon and ran as cass swinging his fists like the flash as cass counters with an ax tattoo before azam arms himself with nunchucks and swings faster hitting cass enough until

he eventually snapped and manifested a bone rib behind him and put his hand up "what a terrible ending....the boy they feared...has become their king. You thought I would fear dying? But on the contrary the spectacle of my death...and the grandeur of my art! Will be remembered by all as something done by the boy who deserved the status of a god tier. The time of death finds itself upon us all. You should've made a show of your own...incendiary art tier 60. NUCLEAR. MOON. HOUR"

Cass smirked knowing that at the very least he's gonna go out with a bang. Tick. Tick. Tock. Boom.

Louise looked shocked as he said "azam we can't let him through or the cities finished" azam then said "all his tattoos were absorbed by the this his final attack!?"

Cass cackled and said "every ounce of my chi is in this little bomb of mine equal to the power of 3 nuclear warheads the blast radius itself can destroy Trinidad and that's not even including the shockwave!" As cass chuckled saying "TICK TICK TOCK BOOM" even as Azam jumped at him and broke both his arms he said "fun fact I can't disarm the bomb after it's been made! SEE ALL OF YOU IN HELL!" As Louise quickly had to form a huge ash shield around cass as the bomb went off with cass being sent far away into the Trinidad buildings and Louise and Azam only barely avoiding the worst of it

Meanwhile Kagaya who had been watching this whole event from afar with tadomeki said "tell the boss I found a new friend for the regime" as he then turned to see another person there...someone unexpected "make that two." As he warped himself

Kagaya raised an eyebrow at this wondering who this second person was

This second person had green hair and surprisingly had two hatches clasped onto her person and her hair was put into a green ponytail  and wore a black tank top and grey cargo pants

"No that can't be" jade said shocked at what she is seeing as everyone looked at her and she gulped "that. Is the heir to the 5th clan of the pentarchy...the bloodthirsty witch of the jungle...Shayla verdant"

Kagaya chuckled but didn't elaborate
Everyone knew who Shayla verdant was she was a ruthless woman who enjoyed the hunt and loved battling strong foes to the point the Grimm in the forest actively avoid her like the plague thanks to how she uses her kimyo abilities

Shayla began walking down the rubble till Kagaya warped next to her and said "hey Shayla been awhile! Finally gonna accept my offer?" As Shayla chuckled and said "for lord Thanatos" as her and Kagaya clasped hands

"...what?" Jade said terrified.

(Shayla will be important for the next part of the story)
