Part 7: birth of the Doppel

(I don't own any of these franchises)

"So I assume you wanna know what was up with the second ja-" fallen was then jumped onto by Kagaya who said "YES WE FECKIN DO YOU ABSOLUTE-" as Kagaya proceeds to say so many swears it would make an angry marine give him respect

Meanwhile the younger people recoiled in their shock at how crude he was as fallen sighed and said

"Don't worry this viewing will explain" as he grabbed the remote and snapped his fingers bringing in new faces ones none of the audience recognized

In truth these were the 9 magic knight squads the eye of the midnight sun the dark triad and all known wizard kings of the world of black clover

As fallen snapped his fingers and gave them the situation they sighed and remembered what their jaune told them about the people of his world as fallen started the viewing

Saphron was afraid she was staring at jaune but...this jaune was different to the angry and bloodthirsty jaune who just killed esdeath and destroyed the partas clan

The comparison was obvious this jaune was well Kept with his composure a lot more well tamed then her Jaunes unstable erratic posture and movement

This jaune was wearing clothes you'd see on a nobleman a white undershirt a blue over shirt a golden shoulder pad and a white over coat on his body along with a white ascot with the symbol of a black bull on it
While her jaune just wore a torn short sleeve shirt jacket and sweatpants

(Credit to the artist)
Dorothy chuckled and said "good to see jaune still maintains his style well after so long" as yami sighed and said "always tried to get the kid to be less regal he's a black bull he shouldn't be afraid to let loose"

Fuegoleon shook his head and said "jaune desires respect so that's why he acts so noble like a Paladin so that way he gets respect from people that's all jaune wants."

The jaune in front of her drank some tea and said "so. Bet you're wondering how I exist?" As saphron nodded and just waited for the bombshell to be dropped

This jaune(who will be called iron jaune from here on out) chuckled and said "well. I'm from an alternative reality to your own. I am not your jaune, but one of an infinite possible amount of Jaunes for you to meet." As jaune chuckled at saphrons shocked look on her face as this jaune continued

"I'm from a world where like yours I was disowned from my transcripts but instead of Kabuto finding me and turning me into his experiment I was warped by an artifact on remnant and taken to a world where magic existed" he said pulling out a grimoire glowing with magic that possessed the symbol of a cracked Gear and a four leaf clover

Ozpin and salem were shocked that another world of magic existed as they remember how powerful the old days of sorcery were when it still existed and ozpin wondered where that artifact was as while some of the audience tried to deny it they did accept that magic did exist in another world and they wondered what iron Jaunes magic was

Iron Jaune drank some more tea and continued "I specifically possess a form of magic called Heretech magic...or it's actual term demon tech magic but heretech is funny to me so that's what I call it"

Tai did an ok sign saying "he's got a point" as everyone else rolled their eyes while yuri roared over how the noble jaune had a shit sense of humor alongside the magic knight captains

Saphron hung onto his words as he continued and said "I met the magic knight captain Yami who offered me a place in the black bulls. Gave me food camaraderie the chance to prove myself...then the arcs came back. Somehow the artifact also caused the arcs and everyone else from my past to emerge in that world...I personally didn't know how that happened but they came back. In a world where their power was little they still tried to force me to give up the life I had." As saphron looked angry at how the clan treated her brother even after he disappeared

This made everyone glare at the arc clan since they knew from jaune that even exiled arcs were still under the thumb of the clan as sun wukong said

"Man. Frankly I would be happy if the arcs all died if they were this shitty. You can try and say they deserve a chance to be redeemed but to me? They need to be put down. Like the dogs they are" he said as another being appeared next to him that Kong (Anton's talent which is sentient) recognized

"Macaque." As this being had blackish purple fur 6 ears and had a demonic smirk as he said "been awhile kong. Found your new puppet?" As this being stared at his old friend

(Credit to ninja haku for this art if you don't like me using it i will remove it)
Kong and macaque glare at each other but before the argument could continue the screen resumed

"It did not end well. They all lost despite their attempts their Orichalcum weapons didn't possess control over magic. As such all the arcs who were obsessed with ending me were taken down and I sealed their aura and put them in a personal prison called the black cells, a prison I made orbiting my world. There my sisters apart from you mason Emilio lin and every arc against me was put in the prison to rot. I chose to do it in a way that followed my code. I let the arcs not involved in my betrayal live and rebuild the clan from the ground up."

He explained to saphron his mechanical wrist device showing the black cells and the skeleton that was once mason ordrosso as saphron looked at him and nodded

"Isn't that a bit cruel" ruby said horrified at how jaune kept the skeleton in a prison but Nozel shook his head

"The bastard deserved what he got, he ruined Jaunes life and did worse enough to make sure he deserved to be sealed in the black cells. I heard from jaune the warden is not merciful to the prisoners" as Ruby whimpered and shook her head even if mason was horrible that horrific situation was too much

Saphron then said "but what made you save me?" As iron jaune sighed and shook his head "unlike your jaune I didn't let revenge consume me. I fought against the shadow instead of siding with him the shadow wanted the world to only have kimyo. Only the Faunus and humans that were able to awaken to kimyo would live. And I denied that idea and fought against the shadow" he explained sighing "but tour jaune didn't deny the blood thrust...he chose to embrace it he chose the path of revenge and hatred...and now I know what he will become if he doesn't stop" he said with a distinct look of sorrow on his face

Meanwhile with our jaune he was sitting in front of the shadow who was smiling somewhat proudly at jaune for managing to destroy the partas clan and gain a talent and kill esdeath as he said to Jaune

"Jaune Valak. You have obtained a talent from the bloodline of Thanatos. A talent thought to be lost. I must say jaune I am about to give you an opportunity to Become one of the Gaaki" the Gaaki were the 11 strongest soldiers of the shadow his "sons" if you will. And jaune was about to join them. He just needed to be complete one final job....he was gonna kill his uncle David.

This made David pepper arc shocked realizing there was gonna be a conflict between him and his nephew who he wasn't even involved with exiling. He wanted his nephew to be trained and now he was gonna watch as he faced his nephew and either kill him or gets killed by him

Jaune nodded smirking as Kagaya grabbed him and warped jaune to where David pepper was having just taken down a section of the white fang as jaune said

"Uuuunnncllllleee" as David turned and saw jaune standing there with a demonic smile as David said "jaune!?. Why are you here. I wasn't alerted you sided with the white fang" as jaune chuckled and said "oh I'm not sided with them. I'm Just here to put an end to your life david." As David looked unnerved and said to jaune "listen jaune I don't want to fight you" as he grabbed his cards and shuffled them as Jaune growled at him and said "well I do. You and the rest of the arcs took everything from me. And now I'm gonna take everything from you all." As he charged at David only to get covered in slashes and cuts from the cards as David sighed and said "I'm sorry jaune. But I need to do th-"

only to get shot down by jaune who growls as he looked angry and manifested bone blades and jumped onto David slashing at him and his cards as David sighed knowing jaune had managed to use close range combat his main weakness as the two slashed at each other using their abilities as jaune growled and got angry increasing his force and strength as he activated his talent summoning golden and silver blades and began swinging them telekinetically as every one of them attacked David who uses his orichalcum to absorb the aura and chi of the blades before sending back as jaune growled angrily as he grew even more becoming more monstrous

as he jumped at David and began to swing his claws Cutting David's flesh as he grabbed David and slammed him into the wall and casted fire Release burning David into ash and skeleton as he looked incredibly angry and furious as the shadow came behind him and said " good job jaune." As it's revealed he was in a genjutsu as one of the titan generals came forward to Jaune and said

"What you saw was a hallucination meant to see if you could kill someone you once loved dearly. It seems you do indeed have that ability. Congratulations you are a Gaaki." As the shadow brought jaune to what looked like a giant pool of blood and said "this blood is my blood Saturated with chi. How much of it you can absorb will determine how powerful of a Gaaki you are" jaune nodded and jumped into the pool meditating as he absorbed the chi to become a Gaaki

(Ok the chapter ends here this is a short one because im mainly gonna try and work on my archive fanfic the slanneshi crescendo and because I'm trying to plan out the next part of the experiment 13 stories

The next couple chapters will be about Iron jaune working with the good guys to try and deal with the shadow and This timelines jaune since for those chapters jaune is becoming a Gaaki in the blood pools)
