Ozpin x Shy Female Reader (Part 1)

(Y/n) POV

"Mr. Kyui, detention." I told Alex.

"What!? But I didn't do anything!" Mike complained. I forgot both twins were in this class.

"Not you Mike, your brother." I corrected myself.

"What did I do!?" Alex whined.

I pointed at the unconscious Cardin on the floor. "Even if he is the worst student in the history of Beacon, shooting him is against school rules when not in combat class. Even if I approve of it. Now class, you all have a week to submit a report on pages 52 to 57." The bell rang as if on cue.

"Alex, stay. Everyone else is dismissed."

Everyone but Alex walked out of my classroom to start their after school lives.

"If you have any missing work, I suggest you work on it for the next hour and a half you have in my class."

"Yes ma'am!" He said and pulled out some work from other classes. The minutes ticked by and I was getting tired. I skipped my coffe this morning and that was taking it's toll as I drifted off to sleep.

"Ms. (L/n), wake up."

I awoke with a start and looked at where the voice was coming from to see Ozpin, his face inches away from mine. My blush contended with my favorite students cape as we both leaned forward. Our lips were nearly touching-

"Ms. (L/n)! Wake up! We're in detention!" Alex said as he shook me awake.

"I know that!" I snapped. "I just skipped my coffee this morning, that's all."

"Oh really? You wouldn't happen to have been dreaming of proffessor Ozpin would you?" He inquired.

I blushed furiously, "I-I did no such thing now get back in your seat amd finish your work!"

"I could," he crossed his arms and smirked, "Or I could help you with your crush in exchange for no more detention."

"Oh really? How can you help me if you can't help yourself?" I said with a chuckle.

"I wouldn't be too sure about that. You do know that it was me that got Mike and Weiss together right?"

I stared at him in shock and disbelief. "Impossible!"

He faked being hurt, "Ms. (L/n), are you implying that I am worse at romance than you?"

I sent him a 'I will fill a pillowcase with bars of soap and beat you to death with it' glare. He shrunk down to the floor and raised his hands in defense. "Whoa whoa whoa! Slow down future Mrs. Ozpin! Everybody's favorite teacher can't possibly be so mean can she?"

I blushed furiously again and walked to the door, opening it. "You may leave Mr. Kyui."

For the first time ever, he looked serious. "If you put a little faith in me, I can get you two together." With that, he put on his normal carefree face and walked out.

(A/n) I do not own the Kyui twins, they belong to BlackHoodieKid. If you haven't read his work yet I recommend you do so. Also, please excuse the errors caused by my recent lack of sleep. See you in part 2!
