Cheater Ruby Rose x Reader x Pyrrha

"I'll have 40!" You said purchasing Ruby's favorite cookies. You have been dating since a week after initiation and decided to surprise her for your 6 month anniversary.

Timeskip to Beacon

As you made your way to her dorm you heard whispers from everyone around you but could only catch bits and peices of what they were saying. Something about a girl cheating. 'That is one unlucky guy' you thought and kept walking. Then you passed by WBY and they whispered the same things but mentioned you and Ruby. 'Are they talking about me?' You shook your head. It was impossible, right?

As you approached team RWBY's dorm you hear moans grow progressively louder the closer you got. You prayed it was Weiss and Neptune or Sun and Blake but you knew it couldn't be them. You just saw them walking the other way. You were about to open the door until you heard her voice and... Jaune?.. Praying it wasn't them, even though you already knew, you opened the door and saw Ruby and your best friend Jaune in bed....naked. You dropped the cookies and ran away from her as she tried to chase you and apologize. You activated your semblance and phased through dorm after dorm until you reached yours and locked the door. After barricading the door with anything you could find you curled into a ball and cried yourself to sleep.

Timeskip 2 months

You were depressed and only left your dorm for classes which was close to never. You didn't eat willingly, Pyrrha would visit you everyday and force feed you breakfast, lunch and dinner. She took care of you for the past 2 months and made you feel less depressed and even happy. You were falling in love with her, how could you not?

Time skip 3 more months

Pyrrha had been cracking your shell of loneliness and depression for 3 months and finally you felt ready to go out with your friends. Or more specifically, Pyrrha. You were in love with her, while she was taking care of you felt your love grow and tried to hide it, but you know that she knows. So today you would finally confess. After the movie with teams NPR and WBY. You couldn't confess before that because what if you made things wierd? Upon reaching the theatre you chat with your friends for a few minutes to catch up.

Timeskip to after movie

As you all walked back to your dorms you grabbed Pyrrha's hand and led her to your dorm.  You sat down on the chair by your desk and stared at the floor while Pyrrha sat on your bed.

This was harder than you thought it would be.

"I...I love you Pyrrha" you blurted out after a few minutes of silence and closed your eyes tightly, waiting for a rejection that never came. Your eyes were wide with shock as she kissed you. After a few seconds you closed your eyes and melted into the kiss and parted only when you both needed air. "I love you too y/n. Its about time you confessed." she said as you hugged her tightly. You both lay down on your bed and cuddled.

"I promise that I will never hurt you and always take care of you Pyrrha."

"And I make the same promise to you, (y/n)" Pyrrha said before kissing you goodnight.
