Chapter 5: Unexpected Event


We currently see a boy and a girl both in their teen around 15-18 they are both inside a lab.

Girl: Hey Nerd what ya doing? Studying again is that your hobby or something?

Boy: Very funny Muscle Brain.

Girl: *mad* Who are you calling Muscle Brain huh!

She put him in a chokehold, was he try to pull her off but she was to strong.

Boy: I give up, I give up, you win!

She then let go of him as he catch his breath.

Girl: C'mon at least try to put up more of fight.

Boy: Yeah, the last time I did that you almost suffocate me to dead with your huge breast.

Girl: *fluster* Hey it was your fault from being weak, baka!

She punch his arm with knock him into the wall

Boy: Ow... I not weak you just overpowered me when it come to physical strength.

Girl: Well at least get some muscle go work out or something. And beside I am not that strong.

Boy: Hey just so you know you hit like a bullhead came crashing down at someone and I do some jogging once in awhile... well mostly each time you charge me but still.

Girl: Right... So what you making?

Boy: Oh I am making something special.

Girl: Really? Can I see it?

Boy: Nope.

The screen turn white as Zero wake up with tear in his eyes as he put one of his arm on his face covering one of his eye as he mumble.

Zero: Muscle Brain...

Inside the Cyber World a figure in white, black and cyan clothes looking at the mini energy storm that was moving inside the Cyber World.

???: I will avenge you... Decode you will pay from killing him...

Time Skip in the real world

As Zero was walking around he saw alot of bullhead that look like Atlas military that where flying to Vale.

Zero: Why do I have a bad feeling about this...

Inside of Ozpin office

Ozpin: Greeting James.

Ironwood: Hello Oz.

Ozpin: What brings you here?

Ironwood: I get report that the Kamen Rider Decode have been spotted here in Vale, and I have a mission to capture him.

Ozpin: James why would you want to do something like that? You know he isn't hurting anyone he main target is AI, creature that we both know what they are capable of.

Ironwood: I get what you mean but, what he is doing is illegal, someone who where a mask and hide their identity going around at night fighting AI. What if he accidentally hurt someone who will take responsibility.

Ozpin: I know that you are worry about the safety for the peoples but you gonna know Decode isn't our enemy in this, he just someone that want to help out.

Ironwood: I know what you mean but Decode might be link to the murder of someone very important, a young scientist who been making tech that can damage AI.

Ozpin: Oh.

Ironwood: His data and result was lost no one can recreate his tech, his contact where lost and suddenly after his disappearance Decode appear having the equipment and ability to damage AI with weapon.

Ozpin: I see...

Ironwood: That why I must capture him and bring the death of Koshou Rei to light.

Currently inside the teacher loud Zero was sorting through files helping Glynda prepare for one of her classes

Glynda: Zero there is something I want to ask from you.

Zero: Sure go ahead.

Glynda: Do you know anything about AI.

Zero: Well yeah, their body are distorted they can absorb weapon into their body and used them and they came after the Energy Storm tragedy.

Glynda: I know that but I want to ask if you known anything else about them?

Zero: Okay where did this come from?

Glynda: Look I know that you where able to see Decode up close judging by your drawing and documents about him. You must have seen something about the AI too right?

Zero: 'Is she on to me? No she is acting too nice she doesn't know, if she knew she would probably tie me up and sit on top of me with the riding crop in hand ready to do something to me.' Well uhh, I once saw that an AI body was burn after they where defeated one then it body just disappear.

Glynda: Really?

Zero: Yeah, I saw Decode kick it in an open fire and it just disappear into nothingness.

Glynda: Fascinating... but are you sure that work?

Zero: You can try it yourself just make sure that the AI don't absorb any weapon and you will be fine.

Glynda: For a programer with memory lost you sure know a lot about this type of thing.

Zero: Hey I tell what I see don't believe then that is up to you.

Glynda: Anyway thanks for the info.

She turn and walk away

Zero: Strange why does she need info about AI? Well that not my problem. 'Should I be telling information like that? Well it do help with dealing with AI so a little won't hurt.'

Time Skip

Inside the teacher dorm in Beacon as Zero was lying on his bed as he felt a wave of energy just move across the air.

Zero: A rift had opened.

He get out of bed as he look to his computer. The screen change to Decode inside the Cyber World.

Zero: So it's that way, better hurry.

He pull out a card

Attack Rider: Cyber Drive

A hover bike appear as he get on it and drive to the rift destination, seeing it he pull out a card and use it as he drive through the rift.

Attack Rider: Cyber Rift

As he passed through the rift it closed behind him he look back to make sure.

Decode: Good now then-

He turn back seeing someone in white and black with some cyan clothes stab a sword through an AI body as it turn to data.

Decode: What the?

The figure look at him.

Decode: Who are you?

The figure spoke with a feminist voice

Cyber: Kamen Rider Cyber.

Without saying another word she charge at Decode with her blade in hand at high speed ready to slice his head off. Decode fall back from his bike dodging the attack, seeing this she swing he blade down

Attack Rider: Glitch

He glitched out from the attack as she look back up seeing him

Decode: Hey wait!

She charge at him again kicking him in the gut knocking him back to a wall.

Decode: Ow... It like being hit by a truck.

As he look up she was already infront of him as she swing her sword down at him.

Attack Rider: Code Breaker

His sword appear blocking her attack.

Cyber: You dare used his weapon, I won't allow this!

She break the power struggle as she swing her sword sideways which Decode block again, this make her frustrated as she swing her blade repeatedly at him as he block else incoming blow until she use with a much more powerful hit that send him flying upward as he fall on a rooftop, she then take he breath after using so much energy. With Decode who was lying on the rooftop after falling down.

Decode: Damnit! That hurt. I have to escape fast she to strong.

He got up as Cyber landed on the rooftop facing.

Decode: I got to say you are strong.

Cyber: Flattery will get you no where, killer!

Decode: Heh! Killer? Sorry but I think you got the wrong guy, I haven't kill anyone.

Cyber: Like I would believe something like that.

She then raise her sword as she charge in and swing it

Attack Rider: Invisible

Decode body glitched out as he disappear right infront of her.

Cyber: Damnit he got away.

Back in Beacon inside Zero room as he jump out of his computer returning to the real world.

Decode: Shit, she strong.

He then de-transform

Zero: I need to get stronger if I want to stand a chance again her-

The sound of stack of files fall to the ground as Zero turn to his left he see Glynda who just drop the file with a shock expression on her face.

Glynda/Zero: ...

Outside the room as Ozpin was walk pass he hear chaos happening inside so he decided to check.

Ozpin: What with all the noise-

He saw the room was a mess as Glynda was on top of Zero who tie up on the bed. The two look at Ozpin as he closed the door and ran away.

Glynda: Ozpin wait I have something important to tell you!

She want to leave and call Ozpin but she don't want Zero to escape so she decide interrogate him herself.

Glynda: So you where Decode all along, Zero.

Zero have try to cover his face

Glynda: Hey look at me!

He forcefully move his hand up revealing his blushing face.

Glynda: 'Cute! Wait what am I think!?' What with that face?

Zero: Please get off of me Glynda.

Glynda: 'Shit that cute, no stay strong Glynda don't fall for his trick.' Why should I make it easier for you to escape?

Zero: No I won't run, I promise it just this is embarrassing.

Glynda: Huh? What do you mean-

As she look down to see that she accidentally rip his shirt revealing part of body as her face turn red realizing she where she was sitting on something big that she shouldn't be sitting on.

The screen change to the two of them now sitting facing each other, she get off of him and as promised he won't run both are blushing nothing looking at each other, after sometime she decide to break the silent.

Glynda: So you are Decode.

Zero: Yeah...

Glynda: Why did you lie to me?

Zero: Heh.

Glynda: When I found your notebook you deny being Decode.

Zero: I never deny being Decode, I said I like the design and weapons remember. I never said I wasn't Decode.

Glynda: 'He play me again!' Alright then why did you decide to keep your identity a secret?

Zero: Maybe because I don't want to involve other into this mess.

Glynda: What?

Zero: The Energy Storm tragedy open of a rift between out world and the Cyber World.

Glynda: Cyber World?

Zero: A world that inhabited by AI, as the AI make contact with our world their only goal is to conquer our world. I saw the chaos that they can bring and I know that dealing with them is hard so I decided to help out by being Decode the protector between the two worlds.

Glynda: I see but that still didn't answer why you hide you identity.

Zero: The AI are smart creature if they know my identity they can easily track me down by the information online. And they will attack, I don't want because of me that other get hurt.

Glynda: 'So that the reason why, fighting powerful creature all by himself being the only line of defense between two worlds, he got a kind heart I should really help him out.' Alright then I believe you.

Zero: Wait you do?

Glynda: Yeah, from what I know the way you talk can be misleading if not listen probably that proof that you are not a lier. And don't worry your secret is save with me.

Zero: Really?

Glynda: *nodded*

Zero: Thank you Glynda.
