Chapter 10: The Glitch meet The Destroyer

Zero POV

After the event with Another Decode, I been trying to get my memory back with the help of Winter and the other I recover some of it but not all.

I was currently hunting down a AI in Vale as I absorb in a card, as I de-transform weird wall appear

Zero: What the?

Then a man walk out with a pink camera

???:  So you are the strange rider of this world.

Zero: Huh?

???: Smile.

He take a picture with his camera.

???: Now then.

He put a driver that is similar to mine but it pink.

Zero: Another Decode Driver?

???: No. Something better.

He pull out a rider card 

Zero: Who are you?

???: Tōrisugari no Kamen Rider da. Oboete oke. Henshin.

Kamen Rider: Decade


Many image of Decade appear as they all come togheter as barecodes fly up finishing his transformation 

Zero: Decade?


Decade charge at Zero making him step back as glitching image appear with a flash of purple light

The two driver are running on the rooftop as they fight Decade kick Decode back as he pull out his rider book turning it to sword form, as he slash Decode making fall back, he then pull out his card

Attack Rider: Cord Breaker

His sword appear as he charge back their blades clashed.

Decode: Why are you attacking me! Are you working with the AI!?

Decade: Don't get the wrong idea kid.

Decade swing his blade at Decode knocking him back

Decade: Your existence as Decode is nothing more than a glitch.

Decade turn his sword to gun form 

Final Attack Rider: De-De-Decade

He point his gun at Decode as he fire the large energy blast at him

Attack Rider: Substitute

A stuff dool appear as it tank the blast giving Decode enough time to dodge

Decade: You're fast, let see how you match up with this.

Attack Rider: Clock Up

Decade then move with high speed as Decode was knock around before being kick in the chest making him all off the building as he crash on a car.

Decode: That hurt...

He then pull himself together as Decade stop infront of him

Decade: Is that all you got? Pathetic.

Suddenly Cyber appear sticking Decade with her blade, he quickly react to his by backing off dodging the attack. She stand infront of them facing Decade with her blade ready.

Cyber: Who are you and why are you hurting him!

Decade: You fast, let see how fast you really are.

Decade pull out a card

Kamen Rider: Drive

Cyber: What he charge form?

He move in hitting her as she activate her hover boots giving more movement speed now she was able to keep up with him as she was able to hit him once knocking him back.

Decade: You call that a hit?

Final Attack Rider: Drive

Decade: This is a hit.

He move in as a red card appear moving circle around her, Decade move with it. He kick her multiple time as she fall to her knees her armor faded.

Decode: Winter!

Decode run in catched Winter, Decade transform back in to base

Decade: Is that all you two got?

Attack Rider: Invisible

Both of their body gliched out as they escape 

Decade: Tsk. You can run, but you can't hide.

At Beacon

Glynda: Zero? What happens?

Zero: She need help, I will explain later.

Glynda: Follow me.

They take Winter to the infirmary as they cover up her wound. Letting her rest, Glynda walk out seeing Zero staring off outside like he is looking for something.

Glynda: Zero, what wrong?

Zero: I don't know, he wasn't an AI. For some reason he's just like me...

Glynda: Zero, what are you talking about?

Zero: There is a-

Before he could say anything the same wall suddenly appear again as the same men walk out.

Tsukasa: I knew you would come here.

Glynda: How did you?

Zero: You!?

Tsukasa: Where my manger, I'm Tsukasa Kadoya.

Zero: I'm Zero.

Tsukasa: Great, now introduction is out of the way, let's get back to where we left off.

They both put on their driver, pull out their rider card.

Tsukasa/Zero: Henshin!

Kamen Rider: Decade/Decode

Decode run at Decade pushed him through the window, the two landed facing each other.

The two both have their sword out, Decade run in swing his blade at him, Decode quickly block and do a leg swept making Decade fall down. Using this opportunity his swing his sword down at him.

Attack Rider: Invisible

Decode: What?

Decode was slashed in his back by Decade

Decade: Don't think you're the only one with that card. I have every cards that you own. Except that substitute card.

Decode stand up looking at Decade.

Decode: Is that so.

He show Decade a card.

Decade: Nani?

Attack Rider: Glitch

Decode body started glitching out as he charged in at Decade.

Decade: Idiot.

Final Attack Rider: De-De-Decade

He wipe his blade with his palm then spin around swinging his blade unleashed a energy slash at Decode. But Decade suddenly get a slash from his back.

Decade: What the?

He look back not seeing Decode anywhere.

Decade: Where did he?

He was cut short as another slash hitting him.

He look to see Decode still glitching, they charged at each other as before Decade blade hit Decode, his body glitched out as he appeared behind Decade, Decade was hit again.

Decode wipe his blade with his palm, he turn back to Decade.

Decade: Fascinating, you can glitched between reality. That just give me more reason to take you down.

Attack Rider: Clock up

Decade move with high speed as he kick Decode before his body could glitched out, sending him flying.

Attack Rider: Data Storm

Decode body turn to data as he go into the Decade Driver.

Decade: What the?

Pink electric spark out before an small explosion happen sending both Decode and Decade flying opposite direction.

Decade: Did you just? That's it.

Kamen Rider: Wizard

Final Attack Rider: Wizard

Decade armor charge as he lift both his hand as chain came out and tie Decode up.

Decode: Huh?

He try to move but can't.

Form Rider: Build Hazard

Final Attack Rider: Build

His leg let out a dark energy as he kick Decode in his chest knocking him through the school wall as he fall off the cliff and into the water.

Decade: Tsk. He still survive that.

Glynda: Freeze! We have you surrounded!

He look around seeing that he was surrounded by Atlas soldier weapon pointed at him.

Decade: Really, you think you-

His armor started glitching out before faded away.

Tsukasa: *sigh* Guess I should retreat for now.

The Aurora Curtain appear taking him away.

Zero was drifting off in the water. He have some injury on his body, he was unconscious.

Inside Zero Mind

Zero POV

I look around to see myself in an open field surrounded by mountain, I look down seeing a child staring at something.

Zero: Hey kid are you-

I try touching his shoulder but my hand just fade through him.

Zero: What the?

I heard explosion as I look up seeing a woman in a white but dirty dress.

Explosion happening all around as I look to see alot of weird thing, other mask rider, monster, an army, robot, a flying train.

Zero: What the heck is going on?

I only looked around for a bit before turning to the main focus of all the people there. A large explosion happen as they all collapsed. I look and see him.

Kid: Decade... the Destroyer of Worlds.

My vision flash white, my vision go back to normal but I was in what look like to be a lab. I see the same boy now abit older around 14.

Kid: It's a little broken, but I could still fix it. Lucky, I don't have to start from scratch.

I look at his table seeing

Zero: What?

I the turn left as my eyes widen. The kid book was left open, letting me see what he wrote inside.

Zero: Project Decode...
