Lando your the one!

After the amazing Saturday you had all had with Daniel and lando getting a p3 and p4 in sprint you were in for a strong second row start for today's race.  With Bottas starting at the back of the grid it meant Daniel got a front row start with lando just behind today, it would be possible for the Mclarens to get a shot at the red bulls.

Monza was just class every year, traditional and above all an amazing atmosphere from the fans, it never disappointed.

"How are you feeling about today?" You asked lando as you sat giving him his pre-race massage.
"Good, I think it will go good" he muffled as his face was squished into the therapy table.
"What's the team orders if you are one and two?" You asked out of question
"I don't know. I think they would just leave it as it was which ever way around. Daniel deserves it and so do I"
"That's a good way to think about it. I like positive lando" you laughed
"Oh don't get started on all your psychology stuff again Anna ahah, I'm sure I could pass the exam now I know that much" he replied
"It's all good for you. Don't complain next time when you want someone to listen to you and solve your problems."
"You can solve one of my problems later.." lando said suggestively
"Depends if you pull your finger out and get a podium"
"Is this like another Monaco bet? If so, your on"
"Fine deal." You laughed

There was a knock at the door just as you were finishing up, Charlotte came in after lando said it was 'safe' to do so.
"Ok you have ten minutes until you need to be in the garage. Andreas wants to check the systems before you start. Anna, if you would give me a hand in the garage please?" She asked
"Yeah of course we are just on our way out now."

As she left it was once again that quiet alone time you would get before the chaos. It was calm, lando was at peace but totally in the zone and already focused. It was like turning a switch on with him.

"I love you" he smiled
"I love you too, do us proud out there" you giggled back as he held you close
"I'll try" he laughed "I'll give them hell out there" he joked
"Come back to me in one piece please. I don't need half a lando" you said
"True, that would only be half the fun."

He handed you his rings like usual and you put it on your middle left hand finger so it wouldn't slide off.

"So. Water bottle?" You asked
"In the garage"
"Got it now"
"All good?"
"All good" he replied.

As you leant your head into the crook of his neck he held you close between his arms, his heart was at a steady pace and he felt relaxed. "You've got this!" You whispered. At your words he held your face and brought his to yours, closing the small gap between you both.

"Let's go" he smiled as you took his hand and made your way to the garage once again.

"Ooooo!!!!" The garage shouted. Max had literally just ran over Lewis. Literally! The car went over his head!
"Jesus Christ!" Charlotte shouted, "is he ok?"
"He's moving" you replied. Once again motorsport had shown how dangerous it could be and how quick things could go wrong.
"Lewis is going to be sore after that one" you said
"What will he of done?" Charlotte asked
"Neck strains, back stiffness most likely. It will kick in tomorrow. He will have too much adrenaline now to feel anything." You explained

Land came over the radio, "am I ok for the overtake, I know the car has got it?"
Will looked at andreas who just he'd up two fingers saying to keep him p2
"Ok lando your currently P2, we are holding you where you are. No overtake on daniel. That's team orders."

Lando was being held back to let Daniel take the win although his car was showing faster lap times still. He would be gutted but still happy with it being his highest finish to date as long as he kept it cool.

You only were able to listen onto landos radio so you didn't know Daniels condition but you could tell landos car was under better performance.
"Come on lan" you kept saying under your breath. The garage knew it would be a double podium but they weren't holding their breaths.

One lap to go, come on, keep your cool lando.

"They are coming around!" One of the mechanics said as the whole team ran out to wave them over the finish. You ran to the barriers and climbed up the side of the metal cage, "get in there lando!!!"

He had done it, they had done it. P1 and P2 for McLaren. Back where they belong.

You were quick to jog across to the pit wall to get on the radio to lando, as soon as you came over they knew to pass the headphones and microphone to you with no obligations and hold landos line down.
"You did it baby! P2!" You shouted with a massive smile
"Woooooo!! Let's go!!!!! Couldn't of done it without you darling" he said
"Couldn't live without you. Now get back here and give me a kiss" you laughed
"I'm on my way around" he said before cancelling the line and focusing on getting back.

You came running down the pit lane as you saw lando and Daniel stand up and get out of their car. The whole team was down there chanting, shouting and clapping for them.

Lando made his way straight over to you and picked you up spinning you side to side making you shout. "Put me down!" You laughed, as he did he took off his helmet and balaclava leaving him with his helmet hair. You crashed your lips to his and everyone was quick to give a "oooo" like usually any time you displayed PDA in the garage.
"I fucking love you" he laughed as he rested his head against yours.
"I love you too! Now get on that friggin podium!"

As he went for interviews Daniel came back over to the team after his and he was back! The honey badger was back on his game! That smile everyone knows was back and lighting up Parc Ferme.

When they were on the podiums, the Australian National anthem played for Daniel and you could see how much it meant to him but the best was to come. It was Daniels first podium with McLaren and you all knew what was coming.


Daniel cracked open his bottle giving it a spray with lando, Bottas and zak before removing his shoe. Landos face instantly changed to fear. He handed lando one while he took the other, pouring champagne in both. Daniel took his first earning a round of applause and then lando followed and his face went from celebration to fear to digest to regret.

The team had several bottles of champagne down below and Mercedes had brought all their champagne bottles from hospitality thinking you guys didn't have enough. Lando came up the the barriers on the podium balcony and pointed to you and then to the shoe he just drank out of. He dropped it straight down landing on the floor so you went to pick it up wondering what he was doing. He pointed at you again "your go now!" He shouted

That's when everyone started doing them, Daniel threw down his other shoe and Charlotte had brought a few spares from his drivers room. The champagne was going and it was your turn to do your first ever shoey.

You poured a good amount into the boot, held it up, smiled and downed it! Some of the bets and also worst champagne you had ever tasted but damn, it was a sweet day. The team were ecstatic and this is the environment you loved. This was the reason you wanted to work here.
