Chapter 1

A girl name malisa moves to korea to pursue her career in dancing and on the way she meets her true love and makes good friendships


Maggie Lindemann As Malisa







    Okay mom my plane is about to take off i have to go now "i know honey but why do you have to move across the country California to Korea is a big change" mom you know Korea has the best dance schools  "All passengers who are leaving to Korea your flight is taking off in five minutes" said the flight attendant. 

I have to go now mom

"ok honey i love you remember to call me when you land" i gave my mom one last hug and walked towards the plane and gave the flight attending my passport " enjoy your flight miss"  i gave her a small smile. As i was looking for my seat i bump into a boy oh i'm sorry the boy was kinda short and had a mullet "its ok"

eventually i found my seat and as i was settling down the same boy that i bumped into is sitting across from me i looked at him and he gave me a smile i gave a smile in return i had the window seat and the view was quite nice. The man that was sitting next to me was having stomach problems he started gagging and ran the the bathroom. 

Someone saw my disgusted face because the boy that I bumped into said "excuse me miss would you like to switch seats with me"  um yes that would be great is there anyway i can repay you " actually yes i'm sure i'm going to be hungry when the plane lands" noodles? 

"That would be great". we switched seats which was good because i can't do vomit.

The plane landed and i went to go get my luggage as soon as I turned around i bumped into someone " you're quite clumsy" oh it's you again you better grab your bag if you want noodles i said with a little smile the boy is kind of cute if i say so myself he has this cute nerdy vibe.

I called for a cab it'll be here any minute "hey i'm not going to get in a car with some random stranger i don't even know your name"  Malisa  "that's quite a unique name my name is hongjoong"

he said with his hand out i then shook it the cab arrived at the noodle shop it was quiet so he broke the silence "so what brings you to korea" um i'm here for college i'm going to soul visual arts academy " oh what a coincidence i go there to i'm majoring in composing "oh that's great" so you write music "yes" I'd love to here is one day "hm yea maybe one day"

finally we finished our noodles and i asked the waiter for a cup of coffee we both went our separate ways i decided to walk around with my headphones on and admire the settings in front of me as i was walking i felt someone grab my arm and pulled me into him i look up and i see a man with raven hair and brown eyes with bunny liked teeth.
