Chapter Seven: Finding the Flame

A year passed. . . Jaxier earned her place as a Markslet. Like all Markslet, she also earned a code name, which was "Healer." Since the Markslet stayed on the ship, she was placed in a room that had been vacant for four years.

A guy stood in the doorway, watching as Jaxier did her daily in room workout. Jaxier's normal outfit for this was a tank-top, dress pants and dress shoes. He was a team member of her assigned group, and went by the code name of "Speedster."

"Hey Bitch" He said to get Jaxier's attention.

"Oh hey Dumbass" Jaxier responded, as she stretched.

"Sergeant Reverend Smith wants us in the main hall." Speedster replied.

"Oh joy." Jaxier said, her words full of sarcasm. Speedster left as Jaxier buttoned up her uniform and tucked it and her undershirt into her dress pants. She fixed the smaller details then walked out of her room and to the main hall. The main hall was this large war room filled with maps, star charts and a holographic field. Inside the main hall, The rest of Jaxier's team, Robin, Gnoll, Xero, and, of course, Speedster.

"Of course you're the last one here." a tall, burly man grumbled, glaring at Jaxier. Jaxier didn't respond, and just allowed Sergeant Smith to say that. The man sighed. "I'm just going to get straight to the point here. Scanners have located a mena gem located in the far Gamma quadrant. Your task is to check it out and report back. Since this is your first reconnaissance mission, take extra precautions when handling this mission. Your ship is in hangar bay number forty-three. You are dismissed."

"Understood." Robin, the captain of the group, said before they left the main hall.

"So what's your excuse this time, Jax?" Gnoll asked teasingly. The group was walking towards the hangar, where all, or most, of the ships resided.

"Speedster over there decided to tell me while I was in the middle of working out." Jaxier responded before elbowing Speedster in the arm.

"Ow! What the f-" Robin turned and gave all three of us death glares.

"If you three don't shut up, I'm going to-"

"Everest! Calm down." Xero had taken Robin's hand in hers and held it. Robin just took a deep breath, turned back around and continued towards the hangar.

"Sorry, she's not in the best mood this morning." Xero whispered to us before going and catching up to Robin. Gnoll, Jaxier and Speedster stayed quiet for the rest of the walk. The ship they were granted was a mere cargo ship, meaning it should be easy to slip past enemy security checks.


"This is ship Gamma Echo Mike-2217 preparing for departure." I hear Robin say, she's in the cockpit of the ship whilst me, Gnoll and Speedster waited in the cargo hold. My thoughts drift out into the endless void around us as we leave the main ship, or 'The Monarch Terminal' as Sergeant Reverend Smith calls it. At random, I start to think about Eura. I wondered why she would just stop showing up like that. I don't know what to think, the last time we spoke was after my parents decided to check on me, unannounced, I'll add.

Ever since then, I haven't seen her 'physically.' I stare out the porthole window at the side of the ship, as we light jump. I hear Robin and Xero climbing down the ladder up to the cockpit, they must have set the ship to autopilot.

"We'll be at the given coordinates in two hours." Robin said, before she headed back up to the cockpit. The ship goes quiet, nothing but the light hum of the engine can be heard. I wonder what Eura was doing at this moment...

"Hey, Davis, are you ok?" Xero's question breaks me out of my thoughts.

"Yes, I'm good... I just have a lot on my mind right now" I respond.

"Yeah, she's too busy thinking about her nonexistent girlfriend." Speedster said, obviously joking. I pick up a small rock that happened to be on the floor and throw it at him. It landed right in the middle of his forehead.

"I am not! And she's not my girlfriend and yes she's real." I say, Gnoll was over in the corner, laughing.

"I promised her I'd find her. Yet I don't know where she actually is! It's so frustrating!" I added.

After two hours of waiting, Robin calls down from the cockpit, "Um, guys, you might want to come see this." Her voice was so nervous and unsteady that Xero was the first one to climb the ladder, followed by me, then Gnoll and then Speedster. I immediately cover my mouth with my hand.

In front of our ship, is a smaller ship, commonly known as a Delta Alpha cruiser ship...
