Chapter Four: Things to Come

A few months passed, nothing at the edge of this vast expanse of void changed, other than my thought process and my "normal routine" for the day. Courtesy of Mericia, I haven't been able to check up on Jax If I wanted to. Got to love being trapped at the edge of space with no one to communicate with, other than a ghost-like being. Peering out the window at the emptiness before me, my gaze fixed on the passing Hyvo wolf pack. Now according to the history of this universe, Hyvo wolves are known to act out the future, but you never knew when that event took place.

I knew this, and yet it surprised me when one wolf strayed from the pack and trotted right up to the window. The brightness of the wolf's silvery gray hue nearly caused me to cover my eyes. The wolf placed its paw on the glass. I did the same, I placed my hand on the glass opposite of its paw. As I observed the wolf's features, I noticed the color of its eyes. They were a coffee brown, like Jaxier's. This had me wondering what was to come.

A sound, like the call of a whale, erupted out of another Hyvo wolf, calling to the one at my window. The wolf's paw dropped from the glass, and it sprinted back to its pack. Leaving me alone with the ghost, again. I hear the cabinet open with a click and turn to see my wristband lying on my bed.

"Thanks. . . for allowing me to use it again." I say to the invisible ghost in this heap of metal.


Jaxier and her troop were over by the flight simulator located in hangar bay Twelve-Nineteen. Jaxier couldn't help but wonder where Eura actually was, she wasn't allowed to talk about Eura either way. When she tried to bring her up, in any way shape or form, the troop coach or Sergeant Hallow would turn her away. Jaxier was up next on the flight simulator, this simulator was a part of their flight training.

The simulator focused on teaching the cadets what to expect and to prepare them for their actual flight test out in space. The two top scorers on the simulator, for this troop, was Jaxier and a younger guy named Iriph Usa.

"Good Luck, Davis. Try and beat my score" Iriph said he was challenging her. Jaxier just shrugged as Iriph got off and she stepped up. Jaxier took a deep breath and began the simulator. The simulator started out simple, having Jaxier turn certain ways or blasting meteorites. Next it had her make sharper turns and chasing down enemy ships. When her time was up, her total score was 2,548, which was five hundred more points than Iriph.

"You were saying?" Jaxier said, getting off the simulator and walking over to Iriph, whose jaw was on the floor.

"Great job, sweetie," A female voice said. Jaxier stiffened, that was the voice of her mother, and her father was probably not too far behind. She turned and saw them. The memories of her childhood and teen years flashed in her mind as she started to fidget and twitch ever so slightly.

"M-mother, what brings you here to the academy?" Jaxier asked in the most greeting tone possible. Her posture shifted almost into an attention stance.

"Oh we just wanted to check up on you, making sure you're doing everything as instructed." If someone could read in between the lines when another is speaking, like Jaxier, they'd know that the statement was more of a threat than a caring statement. Iriph looked from Jaxier to her mother and back again and went to inform the troop coach of the situation.

"You are succeeding, correct?" Her father asked, his voice deep and ever so on edge. Jaxier opened her mouth to speak when Sergeant Hallow stepped in.

"Mr. and Mrs. Davis, wonderful to see you two here. Jaxier is doing amazingly well. Acing all her tests and exams." The Sergeant placed a hand on Jaxier's shoulder. Jaxier just stood at attention as her parents eyed her skeptically.

"Alright, we will be leaving now, and will be back in two months to check up on her again." Mrs. Davis said with a nod. Jaxier's parents turned around and left. Once they had completely left, Jaxier's mind began to race and so did her heart beat.

"Jaxier, go back to your dorm, I believe you've had enough stress for today." Sergeant Hallow's voice was calm, and easily cut through Jaxier's thoughts.

"Yes sir." Jaxier responded, as the sergeant let go of her shoulder. Then she walked back to her dorm. She stopped at Eura's cadet photo, looked at it for a brief moment then continued to and into her dorm.
