21. Lost Sleeps

'How can you sleep? Even to sleep you need to be alive first and I have been dead for a long time...'

The heavy metal scratched against the cold hard floor as Jimin fought against their weight to stand up.

His tears filled eyes looked at the only person his life had depended upon all along. But his eyes held no emotions as he eyed the Omega down. Jimin couldn't fathom how everything had changed just in the matter of a month... What if he never had let him leave for Taegu? What if he had insisted to his in laws to stay how he was instead of learning how to act like a royal?

Because he was paying off now. His Alpha had fallen out of love and seeing other Omega. And not just seeing, he was going to marry her in just two days.

No he had to stop this!! He can't let his—

"You asked to meet for a last time. Granted you are... Were my mate so I will offer you that one favour before you stand in the court tomorrow for final hearing. Here I am. Tell me what's so important that you—"

"I'm pregnant."

Jimin let out a long sigh which he was holding for almost whole time. He needed to let this out. The reason he was waiting for his Alpha all that time while he was away, was this sweet news he had gotten when he fell ill during one morning. Seokjin, the kind Alpha healer had given him the confirmation that the Omega was expecting. He was desperately waiting for Alpha to return from Taegu, not knowing his Alpha would not come alone but bring a future full of misery for him.

He was so sure that the Alpha would be ecstatic with the news that he didn't measure the changing expressions of him. Jimin's eyes were closed shut because of a smile that was placed there automatically giving off such a good news despite the situation.

"Oh... So that was your plan?"

Jimin stilled. Looking at Jungkook with confusion.

"You were planning to run away with your love because you got knocked up by him... If you wouldn't have been caught, you were planning to run away forever to raise this child with him. But now that you've been caught, you're gonna claim that it's mine?"

"What the fuck are you saying!!! IT IS YOURS!!", Jimin growled. His eyes burning in anger couldn't stop the tears, he didn't even care about that.

"Yeah sure. I can't believe I always deceived my parents for a whore like you. They were right, Aera is right that you are always gonna stay true to your roots no matter how much you grow... We hardly spent any time together for last two months and you dare claiming this bastard child is mine?", Jungkook spat with distaste. And Jimin fell silent.

"How could you?", Jimin mumbled to himself. He had lost all the power to keep himself up. He lost the will to fight and say, 'how dare you forget I was with you during your rut two months back which explains why he is two months in pregnancy...  In fact, he never had been with anyone other than his Alpha. His Jungkook.'

But no all words fell silent as Jimin slowly closed his eyes to the unconsciousness.

The time he opened his eyes he was already sitting on the floor in the middle of the royal court. Everything went by in blur.

He saw some faces among the viewers but couldn't identify anyone. He saw some faces which he swore to never forget and those were Jungkook and Aera, who had a smug smile tugged on her lips without anyone's notice. A beta timidly stood besides her and the whole time he kept his head low, as if he was one of the perpetrators.

At least someone had regret and sympathy in their mind for him. Taemin was dragged out after his punishment was announced.

He was numb. Aside from his paining heart he couldn't take any notice of other things. Hell his back and lower abdomen was paining and Jimin was sure it was a call for some bad news. But he refused to take notice of it...

What bad could happen more?

"...After Taking notice of the events happened in the royal palace five days back,  I announce Omega Jimin shall be expelled from the royal grounds and town. And he is to be served as Kisaeng outside the town for the rest of his life... With this I announce the court is dismissed."

Once again Jimin lost the contact with outer world as he felt the wetness gathering under his thighs as the pain grew and his eyes started slipping into red before he shut them once again...




Jimin woke up with heaving and short breathed. He panted as if he had run a mile and tried to hold onto consciousness for a while.

Minho was startled awake as he saw Jimin panting and sweating buckets even in the fairly cold weather. He was by side in a second as he held Jimin tightly and started roaming his hand soothingly onto his back with practiced ease.

"It's okay, Jimin. Wake up... Can you hear me Minnie?", He tried holding him steady. 5-10 minutes were over by the time Jimin was fully awake. His eyes tired and tears still continued flowing over his cheeks. When he saw Minho was the one holding him and trying to calm him down, he immediately clutched the Alpha in an embrace and started crying hysterically.

Minho hated this. Even if it was just a nightmare, Minho hated this that he has watched Jimin having such nightmares every single day since past few years. All he could do is just watch, unable to do anything about it.

He was just thankful that Jimin at least had completed his sleep since the sun was already peeking on the horizon. For Kisaeng house it can considered as officially night time since Kisaengs are considered night workers. So even though it should've been calm by this time, a noise of footsteps coming towards their chamber was heard.

Minho perked up and looked at Jimin who separated from his embrace to stand up and open the door.

"Madame is calling you. A letter has arrived from the palace."

Jimin ran while Minho followed him towards the Madame's means Hwasa's private chamber. He almost barged in. There she stood with a royal handworked parch paper roll and with a serious expressions on her face.

That never could be a good news.

Infact, Jimin has stopped expecting that anything good can happen in his life... And just as he predicted, her expressions spoke. She looked up at Jimin and then moved her eyes towards Minho who looked quiet worried.

"His Majesty has sent orders to present you in the court."


Ayyo Beautiful Saramis!!

So finally, the story moves to the present!! Tell me what do you think about this chapter. No cheating, vote and comment!!!

