17. Nothing Is Same🥀

"Where is Jimin?"

"His highness is going through the cookhouse to look at tomorrow's arrangements. He said he will be late to come to chambers since he has prepare for tomorrow's Journey.", The Chamberlain said with polite bow to the Prince. Or better say, King.

A lot of things had changed in the past few months. One of which was his coronation.

Approximately three months ago, his parents and the Busan's king and queen had departed to heaven after storm chased them during their overseas voyage. And Jungkook had to be crowned immediately to not leave the throne empty.

He saw less and less of his mate as if he himself didn't have the whole Kingdom to rule. But what he sincerely missed was spending time with his little mate. Be it making love or just simply sneaking out to the rooftop.

But now everything was going downwards. And he was not happy. For the first time he questioned himself that if he really had made mistake by choosing to mate him.

They both were so different. And their worlds were completely opposite just how his parents used to say. Were they going anywhere after going against his parents all the time?

He missed Jimin.

But he missed his parents the most...

"I will take some rest, and you should too Chamberlain Lee. We have to depart early in the morning.", Jungkook said with a sigh and departed in his chambers without any other word exchange.


Next Day:

"You look tired your highness..."

Jimin smiled at the maid whom he had become closer to in past few months. He scratched his nape where a beautiful red mating mark sat proudly. Jungkook had put it himself there after his first heat after marriage which they spent it together under the moonlight on the rooftop.

His Omega was distressed, which it has been for few days now. He was so busy the whole night preparing mandus and other stuff for his Alpha to take with him during his journey that he couldn't get any time to spend with him. And his poor Alpha had to spend time alone.

It's been days, they had some time alone for themselves and had any deep conversations. But he couldn't help it.

After King and Queen's passing, his Alpha had become so down. On top of it he heard people around palace muttering how it was me who brought the bad luck upon the Jeon family.

Until the very last, King and Queen never accepted him and never assumed him perfect for their son. If course, they came from different backgrounds. And Jimin didn't even know any royal etiquettes or courtesy mannerisms. Jungkook's own parents looked down on him for choosing someone like Jimin.

Thus, he took upon himself that he will prove himself as perfect mate and Queen for the Kingdom. So no one will question his mate or his choices. He won't let anyone look down on his Alpha.

Even if his parents were not here to see, Jimin will still learn to be a perfect Royal so that when he stands besides his Alpha, no one will have complaints against him.

"A little tired. My Omega is just stressing over since Alpha will be gone for few days... The scenting must be fading.", Jimin lied without making any eye contact with the said maid. Even though he never opened up to anyone, much less her, she knew when and what to say.

"Then take some rest your highness. You must be tired from all the duties.", She said calmly.

"I would, but I'm not sleepy. I might as well take a stroll than lying here... Alone.", He whispered the last word so that it was inaudible to the other.

"Okay then. Do you want me to do anything or maybe bring you something?", She asked and Jimin fell into a little train of thought. Suddenly his eyes lit up with an idea.

"Can you arrange for a sapling?"

The maid made a confused face.

"Sapling? Sure your highness. Which one do you want..."

"Apple tree. I want to plant an apple tree in the back garden. There none here...", He said with a frown though his scent indicated that he was happy at idea of planting one.

The maid smiled at the sweetened apple pheromones and bowed.

"I will arrange it right away..."

"Thanks Yeri...", Jimin smiled at her before looking out the window, anxiously waiting for his Alpha to return so that he could make up for all that time he had lost while working instead of spending with his mate...


Jungkook sighed while making way out of the court room.

The meeting with neighbouring Kingdom's King went well and few more political relations had been made. Now he was being escorted to the guest chambers reserved for him. And he couldn't wait to throw himself on the bed and get a whole lot of sleep.

He was scheduled to depart for Busan in coming next days. In these two days he would have some stroll around the town of Taegu and that might involve some chamomile tea at evening with the King of Taegu.

He couldn't wait to go back to Busan.

Hopefully Jimin would have some time for him then...

In his thoughts he couldn't sense the other person coming from the opposite direction and straight up collided with the other.

He almost lost his footing and could have hit the floor but fortunately didn't. He saved himself from falling and the other person as well by securely holding them up by their tiny waist.

The coy scent of Roses flooded his senses as he looked down at the beautiful female Omega who was already looking back at him with the same lusty stare...

At that time, Jungkook knew he was trapped....


Ayyo Beautiful Saramis!!

So shitz bout to go down I guess.

Those who aren't following me yet, make sure to follow. And if you don't comment or vote, the updates gonna take longer to be uploaded since your votes and comments are the only inspiration for me...

Also Merry Christmas!!!

Borahae 💜
