The Red Forest

Nora, Ren and Pyrrha sat in their dorm room waiting for their team leader Jaune to return. While waiting for him Nora passed the time by jumping on a bed while Ren checked over his pistols and Pyrrha looked out the window.

"How come Jaune gets home so late?" Asked Nora while jumping on the bed.

"He's become rather scarce since he's fraternizing with Carden." Said Ren as he cleans one of his pistols.

"That's weird. Doesn't he know we have a field trip tomorrow? We need our rest." Said Nora before flopping down on the bed.

"I'm sure our leader knows exactly what he's doing." Said an annoyed Pyrrha while looking out the window.

"Hmmm I guess so." Said a slightly saddened Nora.

As this was all happening Jaune was looking through the slightly open door until he was startled by someone saying his name.

"Hey Jaune." Ruby said happily but quietly.

Startled Jaune world around and saw it was just Ruby in her pajamas.

"Long time no see. Did you lock yourself out again?" Asked Ruby.

"Oh uh nope got it." Said Jaune while holding up his scroll.

"So where have you been lately?" Ruby asked.

"I uh... I messed up. I did something I shouldn't have and now Carden's got me on a leash and Pyrrha won't even talk to me. I'm starting to think coming to this school was a bad idea." Said Jaune before falling against the wall and sliding to the floor. "I'm a failure." said a dejected Jaune.

"Nope." Said Ruby.

"Nope?" Replied a confused Jaune.

"Nope. You're a leader now, Jaune, you're not allowed to be a failure." Stated Ruby.

"But what if I'm a failure at being a leader." Said Jaune.

"Nope." Said Ruby before sitting next to Jaune.

"You know you're not the easiest person to talk to about this kind of stuff." Said Jaune.

"Nope. Jaune maybe you were a failure when you were a kid you may have been a failure the first day we met but you can't be one now you know why?" Asked Ruby.

"Because...?" Said Jaune before trailing off.

"Because it's not just about you anymore. You got a team now, Jaune. We both do and if we fail then we'll just be bringing them down with us. We have to put our teammates first and ourselves second. Your team deserves a great leader Jaune and I think that can be you. Have a good night Jaune." Said Ruby before standing up and entering her dorm room.

Jaune stood back up from Ruby's motivational speech and was about to open his dorm room door but right as he was going to open it his scroll rang, indicating that someone had sent him a message. Opening the scroll up it was revealed to be Carden.

"Hey, it's your buddy Carden. I know you're probably busy with that dust project I gave you but I'm going to need you to go out and grab me a bag of rapier wasps and make sure they got some really big stingers. It's important so don't screw this up." Once the message finished a miserable Jaune closes his scroll and begins walking down the hallway.

Team RWBY woke up early in the morning as usual but this time was different. Everyone was excited for the field trip to the forever fall Forest. As her teammates got ready Ruby read up on the forever fall Forest.

"Hey rubes what are you reading there?" Asked Yang.

"Hmm oh nothing, just some things on the forever fall Forest." Replied Ruby.

"So since we got nothing to do maybe... you could... Explain what happened all those years you've been gone." Asked an extremely nervous Yang.

Ruby immediately put down the brochure she was reading and turned to face her sister.

"So what do you want to know?" Asked Ruby.

Yang was slightly surprised but decided to push ahead and figure out what happened to her sister all those years ago.

"So you already explained the school you went to on the first day, but who did you stay with?" Yang asked nervously.

"Oh his name is Imotekh, he's the mayor of a small town in vacuo. Him and Uncle Zahndrekh and Orikan taught me everything that I know." Said a reminiscing Ruby.

"A Uncle huh okay so what did they teach you?" Asked Yang.

"O all sorts of stuff. They taught me strategy and hand to hand combat and a little bit of tech stuff. All sorts of things." Said an excited Ruby.

"Wow! That's a lot of things rubes." Said a surprised Yang.

"Yeah it was." Said Ruby looking out of the window.

"Do you miss them?" Asked yang.

"A little bit." Replied Ruby.

"Did you... miss me and Dad?" Yang asked quietly.

Ruby looked over to Yang and noticed that she was on the verge of tears. She quickly stood up and walked over to her sister.

"Of course I did Yang. I missed you and Dad everyday." Said Ruby trying to comfort her sister.

"Then why didn't you try to contact us. Tell us that you were fine. Tell us that you were alive." Said a barely held together Yang.

"Yang -" Ruby said before Weiss and Blake walked out of the bathroom interrupting her and Yang's moment.

"Are we interrupting something?" Asked a confused and concerned Blake.

"No, no just getting some things straightened out." Replied Ruby.

Weiss and Blake could easily tell that Ruby was lying but before either of them could say anything the intercom buzzed to life.

"All first years please report to the bullhead landing docks for the forever fall forest." Said Glynda GoodWitch before turning off the intercom.

"Well looks like we gotta get going. Don't want to be late, come on." Said a somewhat nervous Ruby halfway out of the dorm room door.

Weiss and Blake looked at where Ruby was dumbfounded while Yang was now more determined to figure out what was going on with her sister. As Weiss, Blake, and Yang walked to the landing pads, they began talking amongst themselves about Ruby's strange behavior.

"I just don't understand. Why is she acting like this? She was nothing like this when we were kids." Said a frustrated Yang.

"What do you mean didn't you two live together your sisters after all?" Asked a confused Blake.

"Well, kind of. We live together until... Ruby ran away." Yang Said quietly.

"Well she lived a different life to you so she's bound to have a different personality then to what she had when she was a kid." Weiss said.

"I suppose but what about all those little weird things she does?" Asked Yang.

"You do have a point, Yang. Ruby does a lot of weird things and a lot of weird things happen around her. Like the first day of school and whenever I'm around her it feels like there's three other people with her." Said a concerned and confused Blake

"Guys, we'll figure this out later. Right now we have an important trip in front of us. We need to focus and after that we'll figure out what's going on with Ruby." Said Weiss.

Besides some grumbling from Yang, Blake, Weiss and Yang made their way to the bullhead landing docks and board of the bull head that was going to the forever fall forest. As the bullhead flew Yang noticed that Ruby wasn't sitting with them but was sitting alone looking at her scroll. Yang was going to walk over and see what Ruby was looking at but before she could the bullhead shook indicating that it was about to land. Yang immediately sat back down. After the bull had landed, Professor GoodWitch stood up and led the students out of the bullhead and into the forever fall forest.

"Yes students, The Forest of Forever fall is indeed beautiful but we are not here to sightsee. Professor Peach has asked all of you to collect samples from the trees deep inside of this Forest and I'm here to make sure none of you die while doing so. Each of you is to gather one jar's worth of red sap, however this Forest is full of the creatures of Grimm so be sure to stay by your teammates' sides we will rendezvous back here at 4:00 have fun." Professor GoodWitch explained.

"Come on buddy let's go. Said Carden, dragging away Jaune.

After regrouping with his cronies Carden forced Jaune to collect several jars worth of red sap. After Jaune was finished collecting the jars of sap he returned to Carden and his cronies.

"Hey great work Johnny boy now that wasn't too hard was it?" Carden said mockingly.

"I think I'm allergic to the stuff." Jaune said nasally.

"Great great so Jaune I bet you're asking yourself why my buddy Carden asked me to collect six jars of tree sap when there's only five of us." Said Carden.

"That is one of the many questions I have asked myself today. yes." Replied Jaune.

"Well come with me and you'll find out." Said Carden while smiling menacingly.

Carden took Jaune to a ridge that looked over a small portion of the forever fall forest where team RWBY and the other members of Jnpr were gathering sap.

"Carden what's going on?" Asked a nervous Jaune.

"Payback." Carden said flatly.

"Pyrrha? What are you?" Asked a confused Jaune before he was interrupted by Carden.

"That's the girl, red-haired, knows it all thinks she's so smart. All right boys last night old Jaune here managed to round up an entire box full of rapier wasps and now we're going to put them to work. Now according to one of the essays from last week these nasty things love sweets. I'm thinking it's time we teach her a thing or two." Said Carden before shoving a sap filled jar into Jaune's hands. "And you're going to do it." Said Carden.

"Do what?" Said a confused Jaune.

"Hit her with the sap. Either that or I'll have a chat with GoodWitch and you'll be on the first airship out of beacon." Threatened Carden.

Jaune looked at the jar of sap and looked to Pyrrha, he then raised his arm to throw but before he did anything he made up his mind.

"No." Jaune said sternly.

"What did you say?" Said an annoyed Carden.

"I said no." Jaune said before throwing the jar of sap at Carden's chest covering it in sap.

Carden looks down at his chest plate and looks back up at Jaune furiously. "Oh you've done it now." Said Carden before his goons grabbed Jaune. 
