Campaigning with Uncle Zahndrekh

The scene opens up with Ruby in one of her lessons about the complex inner workings of canoptiks.

"And as you can see here on the diagram the repulses are located here." Said the cryptek pointing at the diagram which showed a conoptek scarab.

"I see." said Ruby typing notes on a modified data slate.

"Good and that will be all for today." Said the cryptek.

Ruby quickly stopped typing and looked up at the cryptek confused why lessons were ending so early. "Shouldn't my lesson continue for at least three more hours?" Asked Ruby.

"You're getting out of lessons early today because of our Phareon needing you." Said the cryptek.

"I see." said Ruby, collecting her things and walking out of the room.

Ruby walks down the twisting and turning corridors of the tomb complex running into a few necrons here or there greeting each and every one of them and in some cases having light conversations but eventually she makes her way back to her room. Ruby spent some time in her room until a Lich Guard came to escort her to Imotekh, after a while of walking Ruby and the Lich Guard were in front of a closed room.

"Why is the door closed?'' asked a confused Ruby.

"The Phareon said something about it being a surprise." Explained the Lich Guard.

"So do I just go in or?" Asked an unsure Ruby.

The Lich Guard merely nodded his head. And with that Ruby opened the door and walked into a dark room until the lights suddenly turned on revealing Imotekh, Orikan, Zahndrekh, Obyron and Ruby's three bodyguards Honstek a cryptek, Nebeci a Lich Guard, and Senyla her other Lich Guard. And in the center of the room was a large black stone dining table with a small but highly decorated cake.

"What the? what's going on?" Asked a confused Ruby.

"Surprise little Rose." said Imotekh.

"Happy birthday." said Senyla.

"Wait what my birthday is next month though?" Said a confused Ruby.

"We won't be able to celebrate your birthday next month little Rose." Said Imotekh.

"Why is that?" Ruby asked, confused.

"I have decided to let you go on a campaign to sharpen your skills and to give you first hand combat experience." Said Imotekh.

"Oh... What?!?" Said a surprise and shocked Ruby.

"Yes I've been thinking about this for quite a few months and I've come to the decision that I will allow you to go on campaign with Nemesor Zahndrekh." Explained Imotekh.

"Oh I see so what planet will I be fighting on and who will I be fighting?" Ruby asked nervously.

"You'll be fighting on one of the frontier world's named Mot against a small ork Waaagh that made landfall." Explained Imotekh.

"I see well do we have numbers of the orks and the equipment alongside the planet's environments and how many legions will I have to command?" Asked Ruby entering analyst mode.

"I see your training is doing you well, but to answer your questions the amount of orks is unknown however we believe them to be around 5 billion and their equipment is unknown however they seem to favor heavily armed vehicles and the planet's environment ranges from deserts, Savannah's, planes, and vast Rocky outcrops and you will be given one legion while Nemesor Zahndrekh will be given the rest you are still learning after all my little Rose." Explained Imotekh.

"Good when do I leave?" Asked Ruby, excited for her first campaign.

"You will be leaving within 7 days, your highness." said Nemesor Zahndrekh, bowing to Ruby.

"There is no need to bow Nemesor Zahndrekh." Said a slightly embarrassed Ruby.

"But of course there is you are the daughter of the Phareon after all." Said Nemesor Zahndrekh.

Nemesor Zahndrekh maybe one of the greatest generals within the Sautekh Dynasty and the most loyal to Imotekh the Stormlord but he suffers a glitch from the great sleep he still believes that he is a necrontyr and that he is still Campaigning against the separatists during the necrontyr civil War before the war in heaven.

"Uhm, well with that explanation out of the way, why don't we celebrate your special day." Said Honstek trying to defuse the awkward situation.

"Indeed let us celebrate." Said Nemesor Zahndrekh cutting the cake and handing Ruby her piece.

With the awkward tension gone the party began in earnest Ruby ate her piece of cake and Nemesor Zahndrekh tried to eat his piece of cake however he was unable to, after that the group played several party games and watch various "magic tricks" Orikan performed but after a while the party began to slow down and eventually it ended.

The week went by with little to no action until the faded day came where Ruby would go on campaign. Ruby exited the colossal tomb complex to the surface of Mandragora where a sizable necron fleet awaited for her and Nemesor Zahndrekh. Ruby's departure was met with great fanfare from the necrons on Mandragora and across the Sautekh Dynasty. Upon entering the great tomb ships they blared to life and began to rise to the planet's orbit and in a flash they were gone using the necrons frictionless drives. The frictionless drive is a necron invention that stops all friction on a necron vessel. Originally these drive travel time lasted multiple years however recent developments have shortened that down to mere months instead of years.

It merely took 3 months to get to Mot within those three months Ruby trained and strategized with Nemesor Zahndrekh, Vargard Obyron and other necron Lords. At the end of the three months the necron fleet was over Mot and began bombarding Ork claimed territory, after the bombardment the necron legions were deployed to the planet's surface alongside human and alien auxiliaries that came from conquered planets within the dynasty's territory. The human and alien auxiliaries equipment were slightly modified necron warrior Gauss weapons but other than that each individual auxiliary unit had their own individual equipment.

Upon entering the planet's orbit it was soon discovered that most cities were surrounded by huge hordes of Orks and vast quantities of vehicles including an absurd amount of anti-air weapons preventing the necron fleet from landing close to the cities forcing the necron fleet to land several miles away from the city. Upon landing the necron warriors and auxiliaries began creating a safe zone around the ships to begin construction of the HQ and by the end of the day a 12 mile radius surrounding the fleet was established.

"So what's the plan?" asked Ruby.

"It appears the separatist have prioritized population centers and have completely neglected our refineries and mines. We can use this to our advantage." Said Nemesor Zahndrekh looking at a map of the planet.

"Ork hypocrisy, more interested in fighting instead of going for strategic targets." said one of the necron Lords.

"This is problematic. We'll have to get the orks out of the cities for the civilian safety.'' said Ruby pondering on what actions they should take to remove the orks.

"The safest route will be to draw out the enemy but how?" Said Nemesor Zahndrekh, pondering on what to do.

"I might have a plan. Ork War bosses are proud and battle hungry monsters; we could use that to our advantage by "providing" a bigger fight." Said Ruby.

"I'm not sure the separatist will be interested in a bigger fight, however these separatists are more interested in fighting instead of strategic targets so it could work." Said Nemesor Zahndrekh.

We cut over to the front lines of the conflict where we see orks engaged in brutal close quarters combat. On the scarred and bloodied battlefield we see colossal ramshackled machines ranging from small walkers barely hold together to colossal tanks with barrels the size of small buildings and then we see the Orks 8 ft tall monsters wielding ram shackled weapons and armor charging at the defenders, The defenders had overwhelming firepower however the orcs did not care charging an endless waves regardless of how many other were gunned down by oncoming Gauss weapons ripping the Orks a part on a subatomic level, however the Orks did not care and continue to charge until they broke the front lines and entering into close quarters combat. A group of Orks welding crude weapons called chapas and stabbers charge at a group of necrons and human auxiliaries however to the Orks delight the human and necrons had melee weapons as well, the humans wielded khopeshes and the Necrons had axes attached to their Gauss Beamers the two sides quickly entered into combat with one Ork being decapitated by a human while another Ork brutally cut down two humans while a Necron raised their Gauss beamer and disintegrated another Ork.

The brutal close quarters combat continued until a colossal green bean appeared in the distance catching the attention of most of the orks save for the War Boss the ork in charge of the Waaagh.

"Boss, boss! look!" Said one of the Ork grunts pointing to the colossal beam.

"What is it you git?" Asked the Ork warboss until he saw the colossal beam in the distance. "Now that's going to be a proper fight there." Said the Ork War Boss excited for the new fight.

With that most of the Ork horde moved away from the cities moving towards the now rapidly diminishing beam. We then cut over to a Rocky plane where we see a Frontline camp with Ruby and Nemesor Zahndrekh looking over their plan one last time.

"Are you sure this is going to work?" asked Ruby.

"Most certainly the separatists will have no cover to protect themselves, and the protruding rock formations will hinder their armored support, making them easy targets." Said Nemesor Zahndrekh confident in his plan.

Ruby simply nodded her head and continued looking at the planning board until a human scout walked in.

"My Nemesor, we spotted the Orks several miles out from camp." Said the scout.

"Tenacious separatists but this does not hinder our plans." Said Nemesor Zahndrekh.

We then see the Ork horde rapidly approaching the camp, however the camp was prepared for the Ork assault, the necrons and the auxiliaries simply waited until the Orks were within weapons range. Upon noticing the camp the Orks shouted various war cries and charged while they're heavy vehicles revved their engines and charged as well. Seeing the oncoming Ork charge the order was given, most of the charging Orks were instantaneously disintegrated by oncoming Gauss fire and the lucky ones continued charging until they were cut down by necron Hyperphase swords. While all this was happening Ruby simply stood next to Nemesor Zahndrekh with their bodyguards. The plan was working out well so far until a colossal explosion created a massive hole in the front lines letting in the Orks into their rear lines.

"Well this complicates a few things." Said Ruby.

"Not necessarily their leader is leading the charge with his death, their morale will waiver and brake causing them to route, leaving them in smaller groups making them easier to deal with." Said Nemesor Zahndrekh pointing out the War Boss leading the charge.

"I see, kill the WarBoss and win the battle and then deal with the stragglers afterwards." Said Ruby.

"Good observation Ruby, now let's go deal with the separatist leader ourselves." Said Nemesor Zahndrekh.

"Wait what?! You expect us to fight that thing!?" Said Ruby surprised and shocked.

"But of course you were sent here to learn and what better way to learn than first-hand experience." Said Nemesor Zahndrekh.

Ruby and Zahndrekh quickly made their way to the Ork WarBoss, multiple Orks tried to attack them however they were quickly cut down by Vargard Obyron and Ruby's bodyguards. Within no time the group was in front of the Ork Warboss who was currently furious that a necron immortal he just defeated phased out leaving him no trophy to claim.

"Surrender separatist and you may be treated with honor and respect!" Said Nemesor Zahndrekh, stepping forward.

"Separo-what? I don't know what you called me tin boy but I'm WarBoss head splitter and I'm going to add your skull to my pointy stick." Said WarBoss head splitter gesturing to a trophy pole he had on his back.

"So you refuse to surrender separatist no matter I and the Phareon's daughter will deal with you." Said Nemesor Zahndrekh.

"A humie and a tin boy? Hahaha you think this little humie and you can beat me tin boy!?" Said WarBoss head splitter.

"Hey I can beat you even if you use that junk you call weapons." Said Ruby.

The Ork immediately stopped laughing and looked directly at Ruby visibly annoyed at what she said.

"You got spirit humie, Now let's stop yapping and get the fighting." Said WarBoss head splitter wielding a giant two-headed chopper and his heavy shooter.

"Obyron do not interfere unless the Phareon's daughter is in severe danger. We shall deal with this separatist ourselves." Said Nemesor Zahndrekh.

With that the fight between Ruby, Zahndrekh and the WarBoss began, the Ork WarBoss raised his heavy shooter up to fire at Ruby but before he could do anything Zahndrekh using his weapon cut off the Orks hand that held the heavy shooter, enraged that he lost his prized weapon the ork WarBoss turned to Nemesor Zahndrekh and attempted to attack him with his two-headed chopper but before he could do anything in a flash of red rose petals the orks head fell off its torso and with that the rest of the Ork WarBoss slumped to the ground defeated.

"Well done Ruby." Said Nemesor Zahndrekh.

"Thank you, though I honestly expected it to be a harder fight." Said Ruby.

To the shock of everyone the Ork WarBoss or what was left of him stood back up and attempted to attack Ruby with his weapon but before the Ork could even reach Ruby Vargard Obyron cut off the remaining arm that held the two-headed chopper while Nebeci and Senyla jumped in front of Ruby to protect her from the Ork attack and Honstek rose up from behind Ruby and Nebeci and Senyla. Using his immense knowledge he created a green orb and fired it at the War Boss instantaneously disintegrating his upper half. Seeing their WarBoss defeated, most of the Ork hard retreated.

"What just happened?!" Asked a shocked Ruby.

"It appears your highness that we just got first hand experience of how resilient Orks truly can be." Said Honstek.

After the battle the necron and auxiliary forces regrouped, after reconvening and resupplying the next few months were filled with minor battles and sieges of temporary Ork fortresses but by the end of those few months the Ork menace upon Mot was completely exterminated and with the orc threat eliminated the Reconstruction of mots infrastructure began.

It merely took 5 months for the infrastructure on mot to be fully rebuilt and several additions added as well such as an improved spaceport and an early warning system in high orbit. With mots infrastructure rebuilt Nemesor Zahndrekh deemed the campaign a success and with that the necron fleet packed up and returned back to Mandragora, The trip back home was filled with celebration and further training for Ruby.
