
The society you live in outcast people who are different species. You know that it's not their fault that they were born that way. You however weren't born a different species. You were born normal. Well that's what you thought. You looked normal and acted normal but people would whisper about you on the streets or in your school. You ignore their whispers and continue on with your life. However things changed when you turned 18. Everything had started out normally. You woke up and did your normal routine. Later on in the day you strangely start feeling pain all over your body. You tell the group of friends that you need to go. You quickly rush off and head home. As you walk, the pain worsens but you manage to get home. You open the door to your home and pass out. As you pass out, you see your parents and a boy about your age run towards you. You wake up in your room with the boy leaning against the door. "Morning sleeping Beauty" He says in a snarky manner. You...

Name: Alec
Age: 19
Gender: Male
Sexuality: BI
Species: Werewolf
