
A chapter dedicated to my smol bean child Nic. Enjoy

Scenario 1: walking through a forest you hear a twig snap. Looking towards the noise you see a young kid about seven years old. You walk up to him and see black cat ears and tail. You...

Scenario 2: your walking past an alleyway when you hear a mew. You see a little kitten and decide to take him home. You set the kitten down and went to get him milk. Walking back into the room with the kitten, you see a kid no older than seven with black cat ears and tail. You...

Scenario 3: adoption. You felt it was time for you to raise a kid. Looking at all the kids you see one that fits you best. A boy with black hair and beanie on. He seems no older than seven. You...

My Character:
Name: Nic
Age: 7
Gender: male
Species: neko
