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Pov: Y/N's diary

I just yelled at Rodrick...and called him an idiot...TO HIS FACE. I feel horrible. My heart is beating so fast it feels like it's going to pop. I'm lightheaded. I don't think I can even look at Rodrick ever again.

He probably hates me now. He'll probably kick me out of the band. This is horrible. I have to apologize immediately. He's probably super mad though. I should wait until after school. I don't think I have the courage too. Ugh, this is so confusing.

I'm so stupid! How could I do this? Do I not have a brain?! This all because of Heather, Why does she have to be like this? If she were a nice straight girl this would be different. But nooo, she's got to be a lying backstabbing hot jerk who thinks she can just plow through me and my friends. What's next is she gonna go for Ben too!?

She thinks that just because she's hot she can do whatever she wants. While the rest of us get real jobs she's gonna be getting paid 1200 bucks an hour opening cases on Deal or No Deal.

I can't believe I used to like her.

Pov: Narrator

The bell rang and the halls were filled with rushing teens trying to get to class. Y/N put up her diary and ran to biology. The rest of her classes were blurred by worry, anger, and sadness. She knew she would have to make things right with Rodrick but she didn't know how.

The final bell rang and Y/N went to her locker. She subconsciously grabbed her things slowly because she didn't want to see Rodrick in the hall.

She walked to the parking lot and she saw Rodrick in the hall (shocker) they made eye contact but before he could walk over to her, she had already bolted to the busses.

'What am I doing I'm so stupid I can't say sorry if I never see him again, ' She thought to herself. She got on the bus anyway. She hated the bus, it always smelled like week-old sweat and cheap perfume. Normally she would be in Rodrick's van which just smelled like normal sweat. For some reason that was better to her.

She got off at her house and walked inside to see her dad at the table doing paperwork.

"Hey, Dad, what's up?" She asked trying to pretend like everything was okay.


"I'm just doing some stuff for work, finances, and things, " He said casually. He then looked up in confusion. "Was there no book club today?"

"Yeah, Manny got sick so Mrs.Heffley had to cancel, " Y/N said trying desperately to get to her room.

"Aw, that's too bad. I hope he gets better before the talent show next Friday. I know kids usually go crazy for that kind of thing, " He didn't understand the impact his words had on Y/N at the time. She started to panic.

"Yeah, me too. I have to go do some...Homework, " Y/N ran upstairs and locked herself in her room. She had completely forgotten about the show.

Pov: Y/N's Diary

I can't believe I used to like her. The signs were so obvious that she was just using me to climb up the social ladder. Dudes dig Bi girls I guess. I wouldn't know anything about that. I'm not out so I guess I don't get to reap the benefits yet.

I really hope Rodrick isn't actually considering going after her. I don't want him to end up like me. I had to move schools, but she followed me here. Her existence is like torture for me and it will 100x worse of she ends up with Rodrick.

She'll be over my shoulder 24/7 and shell probably act like she doesn't even know me. She's been doing that since we moved. I really hope me and Rodrick can figure this out before that happens.

I don't even know what to say to him. I was so harsh, I let my emotions take me over. I really need to make up with him so that the band can play at the talent show. What if they replace me?! Oh god, I can't do this. I have to talk to Rodrick as soon as possible.

Pov: Narrator

It's been 3 days since Y/N and Rodrick talked. She kept telling herself that she would finally make up with him, but always shied away when she got close. The talent show was in two weeks and she wasn't any closer to getting her best friend back.

She came downstairs and got ready for school early. She couldn't sleep last night or the previous nights for that matter. When she walked to the kitchen her dad wasn't already at work like usual.

"Hey dad, What's up?" Y/N asked carefully. "Is everything okay?"

"Yeah, they changed my schedule, I'm going to work nights for two weeks, " he said with a smile, "I'm glad you're up early because I've been meaning to ask you about something, "

Y/N was instantly filled with fear. There were a million things this could be. She sat down at the table in the seat across from him.

"What do you want to talk about? " she asked nervously.

"I was looking at your credit card bill from a while ago and I saw a rather large purchase from an instrument store. So I called to check make sure no one stole your information. You bought a bass? And kept it a secret for 3 YEARS!" He asked dumbfounded. "Why did you feel the need to keep this from me? And how did you keep this from me?!"

Y/N sat there silently trying to think of a convincing lie.

"Don't bother lying to me, " he said. Y/N looked up in shock "I can see it on your face. If you tell me the complete truth I won't be mad, I promise, "

Y/N knew that was bullshit but she gave in anyway.

"Dad..." she flinched "I'm in a band, "

"That's great, it's good to show your creativity and express yourself, " He said cheerfully "You didn't need to hide that from me sweetie. I would love to hear you play, I didn't even know you wanted to play bass let alone could. Who else is in your band?"

Y/N cowered under the table. She knew if she told him the truth she would never be able to leave the house for a month. The room went silent for a minute.

"Who else?" Her dad said confused. Y/N stayed quiet "Who else is in your band Y/N!?"

"I think you already know, " she whispered.

"Oh no, " Her dad stood up and started pacing around the room. "You can't be serious! HIM ?"
