final authors note <3

Hey gang! This fanfic has been super fun to write, trust me it really has, but I seem to have lost all motivation to continue it! I know you probably could've seen this coming with the increasingly long breaks between chapters but today is really the day I'm stepping away from it.

Thanks to everyone who took the time to read my stupid, shitty, self indulgent fic!! I appreciate all of you and the comments you leave behind (I read them all)!!

Though I no longer want to write this shit, I still don't want to leave you on a cliff hanger with no closure whatsoever

SO I will be using this chapter to jot down a very very long summary of the plot all the way to the end, and I may even throw in some drawings I made at the end.


Anyway, here we go:

So Y/n and Roddy go downstairs and eat dinner, its mildly awkward at best. Susan is a mom and prys a little into their relationship which causes some inner conflict with Y/n because she herself doesn't know for sure what their relationship even is at the moment.

At the end of dinner Frank shows Y/n's dad his civil war photos and if you've seen the movies you know where this is going. On the camera there are tons of photos from the party. Rodrick gets in trouble, everyone is yelling, Y/n and her dad dip. Before she leaves she sees the pic of her kissing Rodrick's cheek.

On the car ride home Y/n and her dad have a heart to heart about how he used to go to parties and junk too and how he wasn't mad just disappointed yadda yadda you get it.

Later that night, after her dad leaves for work, Y/n sneaks over to Rodricks house with the help of Beck

I'm pretty sure I wrote this scene in a Google doc so I'm just gonna copy and paste it here.


Y/n sneaks out if her house to see if Rodricks okay after he gets busted for the party. She texts Beck and asks for a ride. On the ride over she's all 😨. "What if this is a bad idea? What if he's asleep? What if he sleeps in his underwear?!" To which Beck replies with something snarky like "You're only checking on him, him being naked will just be a bonus, " Y/n blushes yada yada yada. "Not helpful Beck! ". Beck gets serious "This isn't a bad idea. You're actually being really nice, I admire that, " Y/n is shocked that Beck has feelings. "Thanks, ". They pull up to the Heffley house. " If I don't text you in an hour just leave me, " and then Beck is like 😏 and then Y/n is like 😳😑 "Not like that!" And Becks like "whatever, go get em tiger, " So Y/n runs around the house and climbs up a tree or something to get to Rodrick's window. She peeks inside and Rodrick's room is a mess. Like furniture is flipped over and posters are ripped off the walls kinda mess. Its obvious that he had let out some teenage angst. She looks some more and sees Rodrick who is laying in bed on top of his covers, looking up at the ceiling. She also sees that he's wearing nothing but a t-shirt and boxers. Rodrick hasn't noticed her creeping outside his window yet so she's contemplating if she should even knock or not.

"What if he doesn't want to talk to me? What if he's still angry? I can't deal with angry people! Should I even be here? I mean, he's practically naked! I can't just barge into his room! Who do I think I am? But I can't just come here and chicken out! Remember what Beck said, This is a nice thing to do. I'm just being nice, " She means to say that in her head but doesn't realize she mumbled it just loud enough for Rodrick to hear. He glances over at the window to see Y/n lost in thought. She hasn't noticed it yet but Rodrick is giggling to himself as she struggles. Y/n almost knocks again but chickens out.

"UGH STUPID STUPID STUPID! JUST KNOCK ON THE WINDOW ITS NOT THAT HARD OH MY GOD!" She yells in her head. She turns away from the window to collect her thoughts.

"Okay, Y/n. You got this, what's the worst that could happen? Rodrick tells you to go away? You can deal with that! If he needs his space you can just go home! No harm done!" Suddenly she hears a knock from behind her. She jumps and turns around. Rodrick is standing at the window. He smiles and waves at her. She awkwardly waves back. He opens the window and pulls her in.

"What's up?" He whispers.

"I came here to check on you, I thought you might be upset, " she looks around. "And it looks like I was right, " Rodrick is embarrassed. Y/n is worried. She grabs his arms. "What happened?" He steps away and sits down on his bed. Y/n follows suit.

"Well, I'm grounded for a month, I can't drive anywhere but school, and, " He hangs his head. Y/n puts her hand on his back. "And I- I can't play in the show, " Y/n sees a tear fall on his lap. She gets all sad. She pulls him in for a side hug but instead he buries his head in her shoulder. Y/n freezes but soon accepts it and holds him closer. She feels her shirt soak with his tears. She comforts him and runs her fingers through his hair.

"I'm really sorry. None of this would've happened if I didn't throw that stupid party. " He mumbles into her shirt. "The party was shit anyway, I lost my first kiss to Heather Hills. Who, I'm sure i don't need I remind you, is a complete dickhead, "

"Been there, " Y/n grumbles.

"Yeah right, I bet that asshat from 8th grade has nothing on Heathers asshatery, " Rodrick smiles through tears into Y/ns shirt.

"Actually, " Y/n contemplated even finishing her sentence. But she decided to continue, he deserved to know. "That asshat from 8th grade...was..Heather, " Rodrick pulls away from her.

"Wait, " Rodrick is fucking rattled. "So, Heather is the dickweed who shredded your heart?"

"Uh, Yeah, didn't really need to go into that much detail...but yeah, " she sighs.

"What a fucking asshole, " He says bluntly.

"Yeah, " She smiles.

"So, Did you guys or something?"

"I thought we were but she was just using me to get with some creep, " She shutters. "Well actually, I don't know if that's true anymore, When you saw us in the hall hugging, she had just told me that she really did like me all along and that her parents made her dump me, I don't know if I believe her but its something I guess,"

"That's weird," Rodrick plants his head back on her shoulder, "Weird as hell,"


"Hey, this might be weird, but...can we hug?"

"Yeah, not weird to me, " she smiles. Rodrick full on sprawls into her lap and wraps his arms around her waist. This was definitely not what Y/n was expecting but she didn't complain, she just rubbed his back and tustled his hair.

While they cuddle-hug they hear another knock at the window. It's Beck. She's holding up her phone to show that its 1 am. Y/n rolls her eyes and gets up. She opens the window. "I thought I told you to leave me, "

"And let you lose your virginity before me? No way, " Beck teases. Y/n loses her mind. Rodrick is about to explode he's so flustered.

"What? I- You know I wasn't- I don't- I'm gonna kill you, " Y/n is literally ready to murder her.

"Yeah yeah, hurry it up, I wanna go to sleep, " Beck closes the window.

"Yeesh, " Y/n mutters. Rodrick is still bright red. Y/n gives him a hug. "Are you gonna be okay?" She puts her hand on his face. He gently grabs her wrist.

"I'll be fine, " he smiles. "Good luck at the talent show, " this takes Y/n by complete surprise. She's all ?!!?!?.

"The Fuck?! " she says without realizing. Rodrick is like 'huh??' "Sorry that was a reflex. There's no way we are playing without you, " she says angry (but in loving way)


"Of course really, you're the backbone. It wouldn't feel right without you, "

"I- uh...thanks, " He is goofily happy. He swaddles Y/n with one last hug. She melts into it. Rodrick freezes. "I- I just realized I've been in my boxers this whole time..." They're both like HHHHH.

"Yeah, this whole interaction was awkward for me from the start, " She giggles

"Sorry, " He blushes

"It's okay, I did kind of barge in here uninvited, " She thinks for a second. 'Time to say something stupid and flirty, ' "And seeing you in your underwear isn't the worst thing in the world, " She pulls out of the hug to see Rodrick with bright pink cheeks.

"I- uh, di- you- um...Bye, " he stammers

"Beck was right, this is fun, " Y/n mumbles to herself as she walks to the window. She looks over at Rodrick and smiles as she climbs out. "Bye, try to sleep well, and clean your room in the morning!"

Rodrick waves goodbye and flops back onto his bed. As he stares at the ceiling again he thinks about Y/n and what just happened.


Also I meant to include a scene where Y/n returns the baseball here and Rodrick is like "Oh yeah, I put that outside your house while we were fallen out so that you would talk to me because I missed you lol"

Anyway, Rodrick gets sent to his grandpas for the weekend, Y/n finds out about it and plans to sneak in and visit him. She does, not much to say about the how, just know she gets there idk man. She climbs up to the balcony of Rodricks Grandpas apartment and knocks gently. Rodrick was surprisingly already awake and answered quickly.

They sneak off together to the garden and chat and hold hands and confess their feelings for one another and kiss and you would think I would've written THIS PART but no, I didnt for some reason.

Let me try to whip up something real quick for yall:


They walk through the garden, surrounded by large rose bushes and low hanging vines that frame the center structure beautifully.

"This place is surprisingly very pretty," Y/n says, looking up at the night sky through the trees. "Yknow..for a retirement home," She smiles. Rodrick can't help but stare at her. The way the moonlight filters through the cold night air and onto her skin. The reflection of the stars in her eyes. He thought she was beautiful, and she was.

"I never really noticed it, I've never had anyone to notice it with, " He said. It was all finally coming together for him. She brought out good things in him, appreciation, love, art, passion. She was his reason to get up in the morning and work on a song. He already knew he liked her, but now he knew, without a shadow of a doubt, that he loved her too.

"I wish I knew shit about flowers, maybe this would be more interesting than just staring at them," She plucked a dandelion and sat down on a bench, twirling the weed in her fingers.

"Heh, all the flowers and you pick a weed," Rodrick said sitting down next to her.

"Doesn't matter to me, still just as pretty," She smiled. Rodrick was kicking himself, wondering how it took him so long to realize how fantastic the girl in front of him was. "I wonder if I still remember how to make flower crowns with these. I used to do it all the time in kindergarten," She sat down to the ground and started collecting flowers.

"Try," He insisted, "If you make one I'll wear it," Y/n looked up at him and smiled.

"That's what I like about you Rodrick," She locked eyes with him. He started to blush. "You never question me when I do stupid, childish things like this, "

"I don't think it's stupid," He said with an ever so soft smile. Y/n was taken a back a little. She was used to belittling her own interests, even to herself, to build up a barrier around her and her happiness. Her philosophy was, 'If I made fun of it myself, then no one else could hurt my feelings'...but Rodrick made her completely disregard that. He didn't see the need for a barrier, He thought all her hobbies and interests were cool and worth exploring.

An "Oh," was all she could muster out. She had finally realized what her and Rodricks relationship was, or at least what she wanted it to be. She wanted to be with him, and do everything with him, forever.

"Could you teach me?" He asked. He sat down on the grass across from her.

"Uh yeah, sure," She smiled, a little pink in the cheeks. She handed him two flowers and showed him how to start a chain.
"Take these two and loop them around like this," She demonstrated for him. He tried to copy her exactly but ended up breaking one of the flowers.

"Whoops," He sheepishly held it up to her. She giggled a little and took his hands into her, showing him how to do it with less force. Both of them choosing not to acknowledge that this amount of touch was no where near necessary.

"And then, after that you just keep adding some and looping them over till you've got it where you want it," She, reluctantly, took her hands back.

They sat there, working on their crowns, talking about whatever dumb thing came to mind then and there. In turn, yearning more and more for the other person to give them a sign to confess.

One last finishing touch from Y/n and,

"Done," She said softly. She looked to admire her work. Her crown was pretty but nothing special, she added small green flowers as accents and larger pink ones as pure decor. She leaned forward to place the crown on Rodrick.

"Wait hold on," He stopped her. She was less than an inch away, they both blushed. "I wanna look at it first,"

"Uuuh, okay," She leaned back and handed him the crown. He took it in his hands and examined it closely. He smiled.

"It's cool," He said simply and put it on his head. Now Y/n was smiling.

"You look very pretty," She said

"Not as pretty as you but, I try," The words fell out of his mouth without thought. He didn't realize what he had said til he saw the look on Y/n's face. She was purely flustered. Not a thought in her brain except 'oh'. "Wh- Uuh, I mean, not-, well-, Uh,"

"You think I'm pretty?" She asked bashfully. Rodrick didn't know what to do, but he never did so he figured he should just go all in.

"Um, Yes, I do," He held in a breath and waited for her to say something. Except she didn't. She just leaned forward and put her lips to his.

He was caught completely off guard. He broke the kiss before it really even started and started coughing into his arm.

"Ah fuck, sorry, one sec," He stammered in between coughs. Y/n was alarmed to say the least.

"Are you okay?" She put a hand on his shoulder, "I'm sorry, I shouldntve done that, it was stupid-,"

"No no no no no," He cut her off. "I liked it, I was just holding my breath and I started to die a little," He laughed at himself. Y/n started to laugh a little too. They were both blushing like mad. "Uh,, would you maybe wanna try that again?"

Y/n didn't respond with words but rather actions. She gently cupped his face and pulled him in while leaning closer. He moved his hands to her torso and slid her onto his lap. Y/n, once again, put her lips to Rodrick's and this time he was able to kiss her back.

As they moved in sync Y/n felt like all of her problems were melting away in his arms. That was until a new problem arised. She was so happy she couldn't stop smiling. This made Rodrick smile too and they had to stop for a second time. Now they were just two dorks grinning at eachother, giggling.

Nevertheless the kiss was still nice. It was sweet and simple, and that's all it needed to be. That's all they wanted it to be. Just a tender display of the purest affection.

"I really like you," Y/n put her forehead to his.

"I really like you too," He smiled. He gave her a quick kiss. "But we should probably leave, there's an old lady who comes out jogging in the middle of the night like a psychopath and if she catches us she'll definitely tell someone," They laughed.

"I don't wanna," She slumped her head into his shoulder. He slumped his head into hers.

"Me neither," He mumbled, "But we gotta, so get off me or all stand up and let you fall,"

"UUUGH, fine," She got off and stood up. She held out a hand to help Rodrick up too. She smiled at him and kissed him on the cheek as he stood up. Hand in hand they walked back to the apartments.

"I just realized I still have flowers in my hair," He said as he plucked a dandelion from the crown on his head.

"So you do," She laughed. He took the flower and tucked it behind her ear.

"Everything looks better on you anyway," He smiled. Her cheeks turned bright red.

They reached Rodrick's Grandpa's apartment balcony.

"Well...see you later I guess," Y/n said, staring at her unofficial boyfriend. Neither of them really wanted to leave. They wished the moon would stay up forever.

"Uh yeah, I guess so," He awkwardly rubbed the back of his neck. He didn't know how to get back up to his room and he didn't want Y/n to watch him fall.

"You don't know how to get back up do you?"

It was as if she could read his mind.

"Absolutely not," He laughed at himself.

"Well, good luck figuring it out," She gave him a peck on the lips and snuck to the front of the building where Beck was waiting for her in her car.


Okay was that good?


Cool anyway, after that Beck and Ben are like "holy shit aaaa" and ask them a million questions. To which they get maybe 3 answers at best.

Then time skip to the talent show bc what tf would I even write ab? there's a two week gap in the movie and I am not trying to fill that shit.

Y/n sits next to Rodrick and holds his hand and cute stuff and then they see Bill and they're like "yo wtf?" and they check it out and find out that Bill was going on as Loded Diper and recruited some dorks to replace the other members.

Greg does the talent show thing with Rowley and then Rodrick gets to play and Y/n gets really jazzed because her dad is in the crowd and he'll get to see her play for the first time. They play, they win the talent show, they go back up on stage to celebrate and Rodrick does a little pick up and spin thing with Y/n and kisses her. Then he's like "oh shit her dad just watched me do that fuck fuck shit fuck aaaaa" But her dad literally doesnt care.

and yeah happy ending woo-hoo!


now for my art and junk >:)

(none of these designs are canon to the story)


middle school Y/n

this is a couple months after meeting Rodrick, he helps convince her to dye her hair.

7th grade Heather Hills and Y/n

these bitches gay, good for them good for them

Rodrick and Y/n

this is a drawing I did literally two minutes after writing that scene from above


first draft of Y/n's design

Adult Y/n concept

sorry I made her so hot, its out of my control

Cat scene

I feel like it should be made known that I myself am not a ginger, I just thought it would fit her

Hair scruffle


And that's it!

Thank you so much for getting this far with my very frustrating update schedule! Every single one of you is greatly appreciated, and im not just saying that, I see you guys add this book to your reading lists and vote on chapters and stuff and its awesome, thank you so much!!!

I was thinking about writing an epiloge where loded diper gets famous and opens for the mcr reunion show (sorry Thursday) So I may one day surprise you with that but chances are slim.

AAA TYSM!!! I can't bring myself to end this but I know I have to.

